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  1. Hamster won't run on wheel?
  2. She keeps biting me! Please help!
  3. keeps trying to get out!
  4. Potty training Syrians
  5. Beginner with hoarding question..
  6. Felix is knocking roof of his house
  7. Hoarding?
  8. Very sleepy hamster
  9. Has anyone got a hamster that Pings on the bars of their cage?
  10. Is he too old to tame?
  11. i hardly ever see Rocket :(
  12. Syrian - Fear/Aggression?
  13. Noodles didn't wake up... still sleeping.
  14. Light and Dark?
  15. felix dreaming
  16. Sleep?
  17. Teddy Bear Excaped
  18. female syrian getting aggressive and tryig to bite
  19. bathtub taming attempt fail
  20. tired syrian
  21. Is this normal?
  22. Syrians vs dwarves: chewers
  23. Understanding what he wants
  24. untamable/skittish hammy
  25. Weird place to sleep?
  26. chewits getting tamer by the day!
  27. Weeing on wooden platform
  28. Am I cleaning his bed/potty area too much?
  29. Not sure if this belongs hear but....
  30. Looking after OH's Mum's Dog.....
  31. Felix climbing the stairs
  32. Changing sleeping location
  33. ninja hamster!
  34. Waterbottle spout gnawing... AAAGH!
  35. Introducing new hamster
  36. Trouble is a bit *too* enthused about playtime!
  37. Can You Discourage Bedding in Exercise Ball?
  38. How active is your 2 year old?
  39. Syrian doesn't want to be tamed?
  40. Biting a specific person
  41. New hamster doesn't know what his wheel's for!
  42. Burrowing
  43. Freaking out - what's going on?
  44. I love you rice stick
  45. what does this mean.. not seen it before
  46. Need a hamster whisperer
  47. Confused - I don't know what to make of it :(
  48. New robo...Im inpatient :)
  49. carmine's tantrums
  50. new cage stress
  51. bringing in a new hamster, cage location?
  52. Tubes
  53. Not seen for...
  54. Let's freak mommy out!
  55. different behavior ...
  56. What is wrong with Bella?
  57. Crazy Blankie
  58. my hamster is being yucky- need help please
  59. When you decide to seperate?
  60. She's so funny!
  61. Galaxy Bit Me =(
  62. toilet behaviour
  63. Litterbox Train an Older Hamster?
  64. Breakthrough
  65. Is pepsi in heat??
  66. Question about Chit-chit-chit noise
  67. Bar gnawing
  68. My new arrival is here... help!
  69. leap of faith ?
  70. Felix started sleeping during night
  71. Probably nothing but...
  72. biting water bottle
  73. sleeping belly up
  74. Do hams not like too much light
  75. How can I make my Syrian STOP WEEING in her wheel!
  76. Hamster gestures
  77. Mammoth bite!
  78. Floyd just scared me half to death!
  79. Can you potty train hamsters?
  80. Vicious Hamster :(
  81. huh? jumping.
  82. Does Harlie not like houses ??
  83. Felix drinking more
  84. Pippin Just Gave Me a Heart Attack!
  85. Alfie's potty training himself!
  86. Thumb nibbling?
  87. Out of cage time
  88. Help on Depressed Hamster, and also a Rather Crazy Idea??!!
  89. Felix gave me a fright
  90. Robo/Syrian in there balls @ same time ?
  91. scratching and nails questions
  92. Hamster Noise
  93. Funny noise after gnawing bars
  94. Omg!!
  95. Taming Mr. Untamable
  96. Is she in shock?? superslow hamster
  97. Feel like giving up :(
  98. Shifting places to sleep?
  99. Newbie hamster using wheel too much?
  100. Activities
  101. please help i have a question
  102. she doesn’t want to come out anymore!
  103. Are they playfighting?
  104. Any tips on taming hyper hammy
  105. gone backwards with taming.. help!
  106. making a woodshavings mountain
  107. Hamster blocking water
  108. I made a playpen but he tries to escape..
  109. Back to chewing ...
  110. Best taming method
  111. Storing food in wheel?
  112. Hamster only wants to sleep
  113. baby russian dwarf runt. should he be moved?
  114. Our new hamster Poppy
  115. Dwarf hamster: suddenly still and staring?!
  116. Chinese Dwarf Hamsters - chewing!!!!
  117. What in the world is this noise?
  118. depressed dad?
  119. Struggling to tame a Syrian!
  120. Tunnel Question
  121. Harley has a death wish!
  122. Repetative behaviour. Is he bored or stressed? Please help
  123. Taming question..
  124. Territorial Phoebe..
  125. My hamsters are fighting what can I do :(
  126. Taming Sherlock
  127. attention seeking... or just a diva pulling a strop?
  128. Bath taming and bar chewing...
  129. had a fright :(
  130. Taming process-Help! (Teddy Bear-Syrian)
  131. Does she dislike her new cage?
  132. Twirl Digging
  133. depressed hamster from cagemate death???
  134. Taming
  135. Nawwww :')
  136. over grooming
  137. Teeth chattering
  138. Started chewing plastic?!
  139. Bar Chewing
  140. spatial awareness?
  141. Squawking
  142. Need advice with toilet training my Syrian
  143. Wood chewing
  144. New Syrian - few questions/concerns!
  145. Little Menace
  146. Chinese dwarf advice please!
  147. Eww xD
  148. Hamster greetings :')
  149. Cleaning Day Tantrums
  150. Neat hams!!
  151. Owie! That hurt Zoro!
  152. Hamster runs a lot and rarely stays still
  153. Stare down.
  154. What is this about?
  155. Dig, Pee, Wipe, Clean...?
  156. i worry shes sad & her teeth!!
  157. Hamster locking himself in bed...
  158. Chinese still skittish?
  159. Weeing missing the cage.
  160. Hand taming?
  161. Leeloo's behaviour change and this mornings fright, please advise?
  162. New Hammy Concerns, Probably Paranoia
  163. Builders gloves taming method
  164. Poppy Playtime
  165. Toilet roll for bedding..
  166. Felix in bed all the time
  167. Scared ... or playing?
  168. Hamster biting and behaviour
  169. Chewing the wheel
  170. Taming: am I doing something wrong?
  171. Big problems with taming
  172. Self Mutilation?
  173. Sunnie- Psychological Issues???
  174. Does your hamster like hanging toys?
  175. Random freakout?
  176. Smidge is pouching her bedding?!
  177. Is this normal?
  178. scared hamster
  179. Oh, my best food? I keep that in the toilet now.
  180. Sisters Living Together
  181. Noises
  182. Issue with my new hammie, she's scared of me!
  183. really worried
  184. Blocking tubes?!
  185. Weeing in the tube
  186. Smidge doesn't come out to play as often lately :(
  187. What noises are normal noises?
  188. Who says the relationship isn't requited with hamsters?
  189. Need help ASAP missing baby
  190. chinese hams?
  191. Cheeto is Squeaking?
  192. Hamsters wee
  193. Oh my sunnie, what did you do?!?!?!
  194. Nipping, why?
  195. I can't find Cloud :/
  196. something odd?
  197. Felix sitting in nest most of night
  198. change in routine?
  199. My new hamster won't drink :(
  200. Training your hamster to wake up early
  201. Worried about felix
  202. How long to wait?
  203. Felix acting differently
  204. Male behaviours.
  205. Bar chewing is out of hand!
  206. Do hams get cold in winter
  207. Felix still acting weird
  208. New hamster taming / jumping off bed
  209. Update on Koco
  210. I am not edible!
  211. Sunnie chewed through ANOTHER ball...
  212. Why are they squeaking?
  213. Silly Holly!!
  214. Making strange noises
  215. Pouching carefresh?
  216. Wispa Biting
  217. Starting training
  218. Regularly Moving nests/burrows-good natural behaviour?
  219. Torpor
  220. Desperate to escape?
  221. Poppy chewing her way out...
  222. do hams get less tame if you dont take them out
  223. Climbing Cage ...
  224. Recent behaviour change
  225. Few questions about taming a dwarf
  226. Your silly, Holly...
  227. Concerned about boredom :(
  228. Tipped Over Her House
  229. Fighting?
  230. Non stop chewing..
  231. Eating substrate
  232. Treats through the bars
  233. Wooden wheel?
  234. Peeing,pooping,sleeping,hoarding all in the same place.
  235. Hamster chewing corner toilet! :S
  236. A little advice please guys...
  237. Odd noise?
  238. poop and piddle!!!
  239. Confidence issues with my syrian
  240. Koco last update
  241. Robo squeaking when washing
  242. Cowering and grooming a lot
  243. New Hamster :)
  244. Stuffing tissue in her cheeks??
  245. Play fighting or getting bullied?
  246. Worried about my hamster :(
  247. Re cuddles
  248. Toilet Training
  249. Going backwards?
  250. Taming an old hamster again...