View Full Version : Climbing Cage ...

10-29-2012, 08:02 PM
My Hamster "Pinky" Will Climb Up Her Cage and Drop Over and Over as Soon As she Sees Me or Even Hears Me, Could This Mean She Recognizes Me and Wants to come out and play or Is She Just asking for attention or maybe im causing her discomfort in some way ??..

10-30-2012, 03:29 AM
It could be either, however to me it sounds like attention seeking for wanting to come out and play. How 'tame' is she?

10-30-2012, 03:33 AM
i have a very tame and friendly hamster that climbs, then chews, then drops the bars of his cage when he knows i am there. he wants to come out. i'm trying to teach him that this behaviour doesn't guarantee out of cage time, but it's pretty tough as i'm scared he'll hurt himself!

if you search this section of the forum for the thread 'what is this about?' you'll see a lot of tips/ideas from other members.

my ham is currently in my bedroom and he has learnt that my alarm equals ME and is climbing to come out as soon as he hears the alarm! lol...

10-31-2012, 04:16 PM
Thank you guys for the help. Guess she just wants to come out and play. Shes not agressive at all even licks my palm every now and then, she just so cute :)