View Full Version : Out of cage time

08-05-2012, 02:12 PM
We try to give Boo Bear an hour's out of cage time each night but some nights he just won't get up!! If we left him he would probably get up around midnight. Both myself and my OH have to be up early for work so this is too late for us. We try and wake him between half 9 and 10 so he can come out and play for a bit before we go to bed. We just take the lid of his cage and talk to him and rustle his bedding. Sometimes he'll get right up, sometimes we have to temp him out with food and sometimes (like tonight) he just won't get up! I feel bad going to bed without getting him out but I don't want to force him if he doesn't want to get up, I think that's mean. Do you think it's ok if he doesn't get out every night? Last night he was out for an hour but he just won't get up tonight. He stuck his head out his bed when I called him and then went back in! He's in a ZZ2 so his cage is big enough, I just feel guilty if he doesn't get out every day. Am I worrying over nothing?

08-05-2012, 02:15 PM
Its fine. Most of ours don't get out every day - if they wanted to they would but they really don't want to.

08-05-2012, 02:15 PM
I don't get Squeak out every night. Sometimes I go to get her and she runs away. Other nights she doesn't want to go back in her cage. It all depends on her. She does have lots of space inside her cage, but it's up to her in the end.

08-05-2012, 02:18 PM
Tedd also likes to sleep and I need to go to sleep soon as in work at 7:45 but I've been waiting for him to hopefully wake up but I don't think he will! Unfortunately because of his love of sleep he's unable to come out every night but I try to make sure he comes out every other night. I also think it's a bit mean to make him get up so I try and wait for him to wake up as think he won't enjoy his time out of his cage if he's still sleepy xx

08-05-2012, 02:18 PM
It's fine :) Luna only comes out when she wants, being a very busy active little madam that's usually every night, a few times a night but sometimes she doesn't fancy coming out.

Also, because of our strange body clocks my OH and I are sometimes asleep when she would usually come out so she doesn't get to come out on those nights.

08-05-2012, 02:26 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys, I feel better knowing it's not only Boo Bear who doesn't come out every night. :)

Do you think his body clock will change as he gets older or will he always be a late riser? (Honey used to get up herself between 8 and 9)

08-05-2012, 02:50 PM
Luna's hasn't really changed since we've had her. He might get up earlier in the winter months (dusk being earlier) though.

08-05-2012, 03:52 PM
Its fine, Sometimes mine don't get out everyday.

My robo's aren't out very much, mainly because they aren't very tame and well Loki had a brief 10 minutes of not fearing me and is now back to stay away from me. So I don't like to stress him with out of cage time. I am aware I need to start letting Thor out more since he seems to love it, Loki does seem to enjoy it however just not the bit which involves me and not if i'm sitting on the floor.

I will try my best to give mine 15 in their balls when i can't get them out for a big play time, I feel so bad when days go by and they haven't been out (its happening a lot lately since they have decided around 3am is a good time to become active), especially when i'm trying to sleep at around 2am and I can hear hammy trying to get out, however i can't stay up til 3/4am playing with them (just now i could but I don't want to get them into a habit of it being okay).

08-05-2012, 03:56 PM
Its fine, Sometimes mine don't get out everyday.

My robo's aren't out very much, mainly because they aren't very tame and well Loki had a brief 10 minutes of not fearing me and is now back to stay away from me. So I don't like to stress him with out of cage time. I am aware I need to start letting Thor out more since he seems to love it, Loki does seem to enjoy it however just not the bit which involves me and not if i'm sitting on the floor.

I will try my best to give mine 15 in their balls when i can't get them out for a big play time, I feel so bad when days go by and they haven't been out (its happening a lot lately since they have decided around 3am is a good time to become active), especially when i'm trying to sleep at around 2am and I can hear hammy trying to get out, however i can't stay up til 3/4am playing with them (just now i could but I don't want to get them into a habit of it being okay).

08-06-2012, 01:19 AM
thanks for this post, i've been wondering the same re my little wonton.

it's a slightly different story as i suspect he might have diabetes (waiting on the sticks) but some nights i wait forever for him to emerge from his bed! i've woken him up before but feel guilty. so, like most people here, i wait for him to emerge himself unless necessary. it's kind of upto him. i handle him near his cage so that he doesn't get too stressed.

emi (my very active ham) is out at around 10pm most nights and she's out all night from that point. i go to see her a few times a night and let her climb out of the cage to me, at her own will.

i've also noticed that my hams seem very sensitive to light. if the lights are on, they stay in bed. we usually keep the lights dimmed in the living room and this seems to get them out earlier.

08-07-2012, 05:23 AM
Daisy cannot wait to come out for play time where as Buttons just enjoys sitting in her wheel looking out. I do have buttons out every day for a run in the ball aswell as cuddles