View Full Version : Back to chewing ...

08-18-2012, 06:04 PM
Belle has decided to go back to chewing the bars - since she's been in the Alexander she hasn't chewed the bars - until now ... Why would she do this?

08-18-2012, 10:27 PM
This is what I am afraid of with Squeak. I took the iMac Fantasy from her leaving her with two bin cages, and caught her bar chewing last night. I might leave her with the burrowing box and the Alexander (when it arrives). Il try her without it first to see how she goes, since Squeak bar chewed terrible in the iMac fantasy alone and was ok with it plus the two bin cages.

Peanut my rescue hasn't started bar chewing, which is one good thing.

08-18-2012, 10:56 PM
My hamster had the same problem, if you go to pets at home, they have a special spray that worked wonders for my, it's called something like 'chew repelent' or something like that, I would reccommend it! :)

08-18-2012, 10:59 PM
I find mine do this when they are bored (tired of running) or attention seeking. Cheeto was a hardcore bar chewer when she first came home with me but she stopped when I got her a flying saucer. She will still do it occasionally as her way of saying LETTTT MEEEE OUTTTTT.

Jasmine still does it more frequently, but it's also an attention thing because as soon as I speak to her or come near the cage she stops.

Maybe Belle wants a new toy? Or just some more mummy time?

08-19-2012, 12:17 AM
Tedd has also taken to chewing recently, and hes in a zoozone! Generally he does it as a 'look I'm awake come and get me out!" but then he also does it in his ball! Hell roll himself into a corner and then chew furiously on the little gaps....it always makes me think he doesn't like being in his ball. He is still a little too nervous to be properly handled yet though! Although he is pretty tame and will walk onto mine and my bf's hand when we place it in the cage he is still nervous about actually being picked up! I'm hoping when he is more confident that will help as hel have time in his ball and cuddle time! He may just be a chewer though....although he refuses point blank to chew his wooden toys! Maybe he just hates plastic lol!

08-19-2012, 01:08 AM
Tedd has also taken to chewing recently, and hes in a zoozone! Generally he does it as a 'look I'm awake come and get me out!" but then he also does it in his ball! Hell roll himself into a corner and then chew furiously on the little gaps....it always makes me think he doesn't like being in his ball. He is still a little too nervous to be properly handled yet though! Although he is pretty tame and will walk onto mine and my bf's hand when we place it in the cage he is still nervous about actually being picked up! I'm hoping when he is more confident that will help as hel have time in his ball and cuddle time! He may just be a chewer though....although he refuses point blank to chew his wooden toys! Maybe he just hates plastic lol!

Fudge stopped bar chewing when I got her a bigger wheel but she does the same with her ball and it's definitely big enough. I thought she hated it but she goes in there by herself :confused:

08-19-2012, 01:18 AM
lol thats what I always think! Tedd also happily gets in his ball and refuses to come out for ages no matter how long hes been in there! Even if hes just been sitting chewing it for most of the times hes been out! Hes getting a new wheel today hopefully so wel see if that changes anything!

08-19-2012, 02:57 AM
A bigger wheel helped me with Achilles. I upgraded him to an 11inch Karlie wheel and since then he only bar chews once in a while, and that is just for a tiny bit as a letttt meeee ouuuuut!! :D I read on another thread that adding a wooden peg to the bars can help with this though as apparently they can knock it up and down to make a noise! Im going to try adding one in. Another thing I've found that helps is changing the toys in his cage around.

08-19-2012, 03:10 AM
haha well I've just got back from the pet shop and bought him a large standard wheel and will be cleaning him out today so will rearrange some stuff.....slthough hes not long been in the zoozone lol

08-19-2012, 04:39 AM
I've ordered a 12 inch wheel for her (she currently has an 8.5 inch wheel). I have changed her toys around and she's got plenty of wooden toys to chew on ...

08-19-2012, 05:57 AM
Flower rarely chews on wood toys, but she loves cardboard and chews the bejeesus out of it! We are always considering whether a food box will go in the cage and play bins or into the recycling can.

08-19-2012, 09:36 PM
Like Stockannette said, mine don't chew the wood "toys" much either. But Roxy loves her applewood sticks, Jazzy likes toilet paper tubes, and Cheeto has developed an affinity for popsicle sticks.

08-24-2012, 03:51 PM
I'd hoped her new bigger wheel would help, but she's STILL chewing on the bars. She hasn't done it at all since being in the Alexander so I've no idea why she has started again! Could she have something wrong with her and she's trying to tell me??

08-26-2012, 01:48 AM
The chew stoppa spray is what we have for our Pepsi :D