View Full Version : Nipping, why?

10-14-2012, 12:59 AM
I have had my ww for a month now, and this past week she has started nipping when I hold her. It doesnt hurt but is a bit of a shock and although I am ok with it, if anyone else in my family tried to pick her up and she nipped, i am worried that they would drop her. All it is is her scraping her teeth aainst your skin so it is only like a small scratch although this morning when she was up and i picked her up it was a bit harder. I really want to know how I can get her out of this habit, I am going away on a school trip for a few days in a couple of weeks so my family will have to look after the hams. And also it is not due to the smell of food on my hands as I wash them before I handle her.
Thanks for any help!

10-14-2012, 02:43 AM
Have you done a thorough health check? It could be a sign of pain or discomfort