View Full Version : untamable/skittish hammy

07-04-2012, 10:37 AM
So I've had my rescue/adoptee (chinese) for two/three months now, and I feel like I've made absolutely no improvement with him in terms of taming/bonding.

I scoop him out of his cage while he is trying to burrow away from me, and then he can be handled for a few mins before I let him free roam on the rug in the living room (supervised of course). He can't be handled for more than a few mins, because he nips and gets agitated but he does enjoy free roaming (he hates his ball).
I kind of got used to him as a look but don't touch hammy, but now I can't even watch him. He only gets up when all the lights are out/extremely dim so I never see him, and when he is up all he does is go on his wheel.
He is known as the miserable little bugger in my household, and I've only felt really good about him once. I left him with my parents for a week, and after getting him out once they deemed him impossible - this made me feel good because at least I can get him out and play with him for a little bit.

I'm at my wits end with him, he doesn't seem to want any human contact at all. I'm thinking of removing his house and cardboard car so that he can't hide away all the time and will have to build an open nest, but I don't know if that'd be a little cruel - he'd then only have his wheel and tubes. How do I get him to be more confident/less skittish and get used to me more, or do you think I should just leave him as he is?
It's the light thing that bothers me - only getting up in darkness means I can't even watch him - and it also means that to get him out I have to disturb him, which I don't like doing.

07-04-2012, 10:40 AM
To watch him you could try using a lamp with a red light bulb.

I wouldn't presume to give tips on training as I haven't made very impressive progress with Storm yet!

07-09-2012, 05:30 AM
I know its really frustrating but I think you should just hang in there and keep trying!
try singing and/or talking so that he can get used to your voice.
also try feeding him some treats (veggies etc.) and keep your hand there while he eats.

Just keep at it :) but also remember to give him a few breaks as well ;)

07-10-2012, 04:19 AM
My Dusty took over a year to tame. I never thought we'd get there. He was frightened of his own shadow. Its just patience and more patience. Don't force him just let him do whatever he feels comfortable with. Now he's a real sweetie. He's loving and friendly. I even get the odd kiss now.

Cookie Monster
07-10-2012, 04:58 AM
Do keep going! I have a 6 month old Syrian, Stan, who has always HATED being touched, even stroked. He wouldn't tolerate being picked up and went all ninja hamster when you tried. He's always had to come in and out of his box via his ball, but I've persisted. In the last week or so he's conceeded to walking on to my hands from my lap. I'm not sure he'll ever be cuddly, but it is progress :-)

07-10-2012, 05:13 AM
And I have JoJo (Johanna). I don't think she will ever be a pick-up, tame hammie. She wakes up at 10:45 PM every night and runs all around her cages and in her wheel. If you talk to her, she just keeps running. She may touch your hand as she goes by, but no stopping. Around midnight, I can scoop her up in a coffee mug and take her out the free run in the living room, and she runs constantly there. When I think she might be exhausted or thirsty, I coax her into the cup and take her back home. She continues to run the rest of the night. I put her food in several places around the cages and she stops for a bite to eat occasionally.
I give her a rag to sleep on that I have worn so she has my scent. She takes it in her little house. She is fat and healthy, looks beautiful. A little Campbell dwarf, but I think a real throw-back to the wild.

07-10-2012, 12:57 PM
I've had my Chinese, Mi-Lan, for three months and it's the same thing. She's quite shy and I think she had a traumatic start in life as she was up for adoption due to fighting with her cage mate. She has a scar on her forehead to prove it poor girl.

She loves her house (safety) and her wheel. Once she gets up, she spends hours on the wheel, alternating between running and sitting quietly. I talk to her every night and give her some vegetables and it has taken ages for her not to dash back into her house the moment she hears a noise. But, slowly, she's getting more confident. I've been able to hand feed her and, bit of a break-through, stroke her a few times recently.

Today she came out for some mealworms during the day - that's a first! I'll persevere and, hopefully, at some point, will be able to pick her up. She's never tried to bite so that's a positive.

So, I'd echo the other replies. Just keep talking to him and hopefully he will start to respond. Good luck!

07-10-2012, 01:40 PM
fudge took about 4 months lol he was scared of everything! i let im come out of his ball on my lap and fed him treats there.didnt touch him for awhile then as he got more relaxed i gently got my hand nearer and let him sniff me/walk over me.when i felt he was ready i stroked his back. each one is different though

07-10-2012, 02:46 PM
Glad I am not the only one failing at taming thier hamsters. I swear mine have gotten worse instead of better. Blankie has started attacking me if I try to pet him. Teddy Bear all he does is try to run away. We are starting tub training and it isnt helping. But like everyone says dont give up. I am not.