View Full Version : Robo squeaking when washing

11-07-2012, 04:33 PM
A while ago I noticed a squeaking/clicking noise coming from kiwi.

Lately he's been relaxed enough to stay out and about and I've now seen the squeaking for myself. It's when he washes!

Is this anything to worry about? He's perfectly healthy looking otherwise and his behaviour is normal.

11-08-2012, 05:14 AM
If it helps, this video (not mine) shows the noise!

When the ham washes his face, that's the noise I hear from kiwi...

Hamster Sneezing?? - YouTube (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ipuwZG_lUrc&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DipuwZG_lUrc)

11-08-2012, 05:37 AM
I am at work so don't have sound on my computer, but my girls make several different clicking and squeaking noises! I don't even know how they do it!!!! I'd say if there's nothing else wrong you shouldn't worry about it. I try to recognize the different clicks and squeaks to see if I can figure out what they mean! Carley is infamous for her diva squeak when she is annoyed at another ham and especially at me for interrupting her wheel time ;)

11-08-2012, 12:32 PM
From the video, it looks like kiwi might be hiccuping? He's such a cutie!

My robos do the same soft squeaking while washing, usually after they ate and ran amok for a bit, so I think it's normal and nothing to worry about. Sometimes they can be pretty talkative and randomly soft squeak while going about their business.

11-12-2012, 05:13 AM
lol that's not kiwi in the vid :)

he doesn't appear ill at all, just makes that noise when washing it seems! thanks for the input guys!

11-12-2012, 12:47 PM
lol that's not kiwi in the vid :)

Oh haha oops! That's what happens when I don't read carefully.

11-12-2012, 01:03 PM
Aw, mine often have a little chat to themselves while having a wash, or sitting, I think it's adorable :D