View Full Version : i hardly ever see Rocket :(

06-23-2012, 04:40 PM
im not sure if hes because hes male, new or whatever but i hardly ever see him, he is coming along nicely with the taming however i only see him out for about 10 mins around 12pm (i know strange time for a hamster to wake up lol) and 15 mins a day in the evening, then he stays in bed until we go to bed which is when hes out all night running in his wheel and being mischievous, i have had him about 2 weeks so could he still be settling or just lazy

06-23-2012, 04:54 PM
From my experience I'd say he's still settling.
It took my syrian Gimli months to get into what I'd class as a normal sleeping routine (which is waking around 10pm and a few times during the day).
I think it also came with his confidence, sounds daft but as he got tamer his waking got better and better, whereas before he was skittish and tended to sleep/stay in his bed.
Try waking him a bit earlier with treats, it may get him used to getting up earlier :)

06-23-2012, 04:59 PM
well he does get up as soon as i fill his bowl food, so might try this a bit sooner :) see if i can change his wake up time lol

06-23-2012, 04:59 PM
I think it could be he's still just settling in. However my hybrid seems to love just staying in his bed he was just like that. He seems to be out a lot more now, I've never caught him running on his wheel really (not more than 10s) but I could hear a wheel going the other day and It didn't sound like it came from the others so i've assumed it was him and decided if i disturbed him to peer over i'd just see a hamster sitting there staring at me.

02-18-2013, 02:24 PM
can you believe after writing this i still never see him, lazy thing LOL

02-18-2013, 03:46 PM
Lazy bones! Peaches used to wait 'til I went to bed to get up but he changed his behaviour when we got a second syrian. Their cages were in the same room, a fair distance, but they seemed to synchronise their habits and peaches started to get up earlier. I think he felt more comfortable not being the only hamster in the house. They also seemed to chat to each other, both 'chipping' when they got up. Not that i'm suggesting you have to get another pet though!

02-19-2013, 03:36 AM
Yep that's rocket lol me and partner go to bed around 12ish and the second the light goes off you hear him in his wheel LOL
I so wish I could get another ham but our little dinky place is far to small :(

02-19-2013, 05:25 AM
Try this...around 10:30 just turn off the lights and be still. See if you can draw him out with the quiet. Then turn on a dim light and see if he wants to interact.

02-19-2013, 06:28 AM
Maybe try a red light, I remember reading that they can't see it hence it'll be like its dark to them.

02-19-2013, 10:37 AM
I so wish I could get another ham but our little dinky place is far to small :(

Awwww. I've been there (not to your house you understand, I'm not stalking you! :)). One day perhaps... a less dinky place, more hams, perhaps a menagerie of pets? If we ever get a bigger place I can see it turning into a zoo.

Maybe try a red light, I remember reading that they can't see it hence it'll be like its dark to them.
That's interesting, I think I've heard about this. Our little ones now do come up earlier but I may give it a go anyway.

02-19-2013, 10:40 AM
Jacksons exactly the same. Last week or so especially, I don't think he's even come out of his nest during the night, as his wheel/saucer haven't been used. He comes out daily when I fill his food bowl up, but those 5mins are it for interactions! And I've had him 4 months now.