View Full Version : Hamster runs a lot and rarely stays still

09-20-2012, 02:14 AM
When we first got our hamster he was very timid and would jump at everything, after a few months he became really comfortable with us. When we got him out of his cage and put him on the bed, he would walk up to us curl up next to us and sleep. It was only after an extra half an hour that we would put him in his ball for exercise.

Now he is 8 months old and has developed his scent glands and just runs like crazy the moment he is out of the cage. We put him on the bed and he just runs to the end and looks for ways to get off. We go to hold him but he constantly tries to get free and never stays still anymore.

So, I was wondering if this is just a phase he is going through and if he will calm down, or will this be his standard behaviour? It would be great if we could chill out with him and hold him but at the moment it's just impossible, he only ever stops for food. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

09-20-2012, 04:53 AM
Our Pepsi is an incedibly active girl. She loves to run and will usually only every stay still when we have her out if she is eating, or sometimes when she is in heat.

Different hamsters have different tempraments and it might be that your ham is just an active little fluff!!

Is he a syrian??

09-20-2012, 05:13 AM
Is he a Syrian?
It might be that he's not excercising enough in his cage because he's out grown his wheel. Small Syrians need an 8" wheel, but many need larger so their back is flat whilst they're running and they are not caused any discomfort.
Some syrians just don't sit still :P but as he used to, there may be a reason for it.

09-20-2012, 05:26 AM
All of mine are pretty bonkers when out for play, they were calmer as babies as they tire easily so would at times sleep on us. Sadly this phase doesnt last long.

I think its normal for them to be active, syrians are very curious little things. Maybe you could place lots of toys on the bed for him to explore.

09-20-2012, 05:33 AM
Er... This is fairly normal. Our Scamp rarely ever remembers what this "staying still" thing is.
Just handle him while he's moving.

09-20-2012, 06:10 AM
Thanks for the replies, I meant to say in the original post that he is a Syrian.

i could look at his wheel I guess (I'm at work now) and also the toys on the bed is a good idea. It's just nice to have a bit of chill out time with him like when he was a bit younger, or at least get him to sit on our hands for a few minutes without him desperately trying to explore

09-20-2012, 06:55 AM
There's a line about instead of playing with you, hamsters play on you lol and I think for a lot of hams that's pretty accurate, especially if their playtime is shortly after they've woken up for the night

09-20-2012, 07:17 AM
HammieandMerlin... that is so true!! Bundles of fluff they may be but they're certainly zoomy little fluffs when they want to be!!

09-20-2012, 07:26 AM
So true lmao and cute

09-20-2012, 12:47 PM
It's just nice to have a bit of chill out time with him like when he was a bit younger, or at least get him to sit on our hands for a few minutes without him desperately trying to explore

Very few hamsters will relax and cuddle once they've grown up. You could teach him to explore on you though. A great example is our Scamp who loves to play in sleeves, she loves to explore elsewhere but she's happy to explore and play on us too - she's taken it so far that she often dislikes wandering much too far from us because she knows we'll keep her safe :)