View Full Version : Taming process-Help! (Teddy Bear-Syrian)

09-04-2012, 07:41 PM
Okay, first I'll introduce my pet. She is indeed a female and her name is Puppy.
I got her from Petco and she was nice and friendly and VERY energetic. She was running on her wheel and when the Petco assistant petted her, she rolled around and looked all lovable. I pet her a bit and she was just perfect. They put her in the box and boy, she was scratching and trying to get out and peed a little at the corner of the box. It was a short ride, less than 5 minutes really.

I put her in the cage immediately.
I made a DIY bin cage. It's a little small because I thought I didn't think she would be this big. She's actually bigger than most hamsters and she's already 4 months old.
Well anyways, I put a bedding of shredded T-Shirts, and I put some toys.
She loved everything and kept exploring. I put my hand in and she sniffed it but she tried to escape like all normal hamsters.
Then.....something horrible happened.
I feel so guilty....
She tried to escape and I didn't know what to do and I grabbed her and she felt really skinny and she was about to attack me? I'm not sure so I just dropped her out of instinct.
It wasn't a great fall, and she was on the pile of T-shirts but I did felt worried and checked her but after that, she started chattering her teeth at me.
I was shocked. I guess that lost her total trust in me.
Now, she doesn't go even NEAR my hand and she keeps "digging" the corner of the cage and sleeps near her poop........she keeps running on her wheel for hours and I heard she can get a heart attack from that and so, I brought it out for an hour but she soon got really depressed so I put it back in.
She eats normally but she doesn't drink that much. She likes to usually in eat corners now and yeah.
So, the second day, my mom kept nagging me that I can't take of her and that I suck at this and that I should just hold it already with some gloves.
She actually forced me to, and I can't ignore her...or go against her or she'll be mad at me so when she went shopping, I got a pair of gloves and put my hand in first, she started tugging on them and biting a lot then she stopped and I tried to grab her (I know, a stupid mistake, don't know what I was thinking) and I did, luckily, she didn't chatter her teeth this time!
I put her in the hamster ball, but it was too small so I put her in the bin.
Anyways, I think this taming process-
Taming a New Hamster - Harvey Hams (http://harveyhams.weebly.com/taming-a-new-hamster.html)
won't work. I tried it, and she hates going somewhere and me holding her up.
she'll even jump off.

So what do you think is the best taming process for me and Puppy?
I'm actually quite afraid of her biting me now, like how she is afraid of me holding her.

I'm going to get her a second bin and connect it, (if my persistent mom lets me, she says one cage will do because in Petco they did it....UGh....I just hate her at times like this)and I'm actually going to put a pot or box where there's natural soil and grass because it seems like she loves digging and she loves her litter box but she always digs the sand off xD

I am really sorry, this is my first time, I thought it will be easy but it looks like I wasn't ready, but I'm still not giving up.
Puppy is really important to me. She is my first pet that I own by myself.
I'm thinking about using REAL bedding instead of shredded t-shirts but I'm going to used that at her house.

She also doesn't use her chew toys much which also worries me...

I'm really sorry this is long...I'm just confused.
I'm also sorry if there's a lot of typos.....
Just sorry......
I tried to post up some pictures but my phone just won't connect to my computer and my internet really sucks. Ugh....this isn't the best day for me.
Btw, I only had Puppy for only 2 days.
I heard if you put a clean sock of yours inside the bin, she'll get used to it.
Is that true? and can Puppy wait a week for me to get her new bedding and bigger bin?

Sorry, lots of questions >___<

The Hamster's family
09-05-2012, 08:06 AM
Okay, first I'll introduce my pet. She is indeed a female and her name is Puppy.
I got her from Petco and she was nice and friendly and VERY energetic. She was running on her wheel and when the Petco assistant petted her, she rolled around and looked all lovable. I pet her a bit and she was just perfect. They put her in the box and boy, she was scratching and trying to get out and peed a little at the corner of the box. It was a short ride, less than 5 minutes really.

I put her in the cage immediately.
I made a DIY bin cage. It's a little small because I thought I didn't think she would be this big. She's actually bigger than most hamsters and she's already 4 months old.
Well anyways, I put a bedding of shredded T-Shirts, and I put some toys.
She loved everything and kept exploring. I put my hand in and she sniffed it but she tried to escape like all normal hamsters.
Then.....something horrible happened.
I feel so guilty....
She tried to escape and I didn't know what to do and I grabbed her and she felt really skinny and she was about to attack me? I'm not sure so I just dropped her out of instinct.
It wasn't a great fall, and she was on the pile of T-shirts but I did felt worried and checked her but after that, she started chattering her teeth at me.
I was shocked. I guess that lost her total trust in me.
Now, she doesn't go even NEAR my hand and she keeps "digging" the corner of the cage and sleeps near her poop........she keeps running on her wheel for hours and I heard she can get a heart attack from that and so, I brought it out for an hour but she soon got really depressed so I put it back in.
She eats normally but she doesn't drink that much. She likes to usually in eat corners now and yeah.
So, the second day, my mom kept nagging me that I can't take of her and that I suck at this and that I should just hold it already with some gloves.
She actually forced me to, and I can't ignore her...or go against her or she'll be mad at me so when she went shopping, I got a pair of gloves and put my hand in first, she started tugging on them and biting a lot then she stopped and I tried to grab her (I know, a stupid mistake, don't know what I was thinking) and I did, luckily, she didn't chatter her teeth this time!
I put her in the hamster ball, but it was too small so I put her in the bin.
Anyways, I think this taming process-
Taming a New Hamster - Harvey Hams (http://harveyhams.weebly.com/taming-a-new-hamster.html)
won't work. I tried it, and she hates going somewhere and me holding her up.
she'll even jump off.

So what do you think is the best taming process for me and Puppy?
I'm actually quite afraid of her biting me now, like how she is afraid of me holding her.

I'm going to get her a second bin and connect it, (if my persistent mom lets me, she says one cage will do because in Petco they did it....UGh....I just hate her at times like this)and I'm actually going to put a pot or box where there's natural soil and grass because it seems like she loves digging and she loves her litter box but she always digs the sand off xD

I am really sorry, this is my first time, I thought it will be easy but it looks like I wasn't ready, but I'm still not giving up.
Puppy is really important to me. She is my first pet that I own by myself.
I'm thinking about using REAL bedding instead of shredded t-shirts but I'm going to used that at her house.

She also doesn't use her chew toys much which also worries me...

I'm really sorry this is long...I'm just confused.
I'm also sorry if there's a lot of typos.....
Just sorry......
I tried to post up some pictures but my phone just won't connect to my computer and my internet really sucks. Ugh....this isn't the best day for me.
Btw, I only had Puppy for only 2 days.
I heard if you put a clean sock of yours inside the bin, she'll get used to it.
Is that true? and can Puppy wait a week for me to get her new bedding and bigger bin?

Sorry, lots of questions >___<

Give her some time !! With the 3 hamsters that we got, we gave them like 3 days alone in their cage without touching them !! Then we would use our voice to talk to them for 5 more days. THEN you put your hand inside the cage !!! Take your time and take it easy !! You'll make it, just like we all did !! ;) You got what it takes, just need patience !!

09-05-2012, 08:18 AM
Patience is definitely the word. Go back to the very beginning. Let her settle for a few days. Talk to her lots but don't attempt to touch her. Then offer her little treats through the bars. Keep doing this until she's happy. My Popcorn is territorial and is not keen on being picked up so I use a container. He's happy with that. When she's out, stroke her and offer her treats. You should find after a time she will let you pick her up. Pick her up for just a second and put her done. Work on her confidence. If she gets frightened just go back a step. My Dusty took a year to tame as he was so scared. Popcorn just a couple of months. Conan was tame right away. Good Luck. xxx

09-05-2012, 10:49 AM
First thing I can say is really don't stress yourself out with this and don't let your Mum force you to interact and rush things along, because at the end of the day your this is your pet and your new hamster will need patience and consideration to trust you, so just take it at your hamsters pace, however fast or slow that turns out to be.

I'd leave your hamster to settle in and get used to her surroundings for a good few days, try not to interact with her much at all for a while and let her get used to her new home. If you want to talk gently to her, do that, as she'll have to get used to the sound of your voice eventually.

Once you believe she's settled in, begin to introduce your smell to her by either putting a piece of tissue that has your smell on it into her cage, or leaving your hand nearby while she's up and playing. However, some hamsters are very territorial about their cages and will become slightly annoyed or frustrated if you invade their space, this may have something to do with the teeth chattering. If you notice that this persists whilst trying this out, it would be advisable to find a small box to get her in and taking her out of her cage to interact.

The bath (no water obviously) is one of the best places to tame a territorial hamster. It sounds a little weird, but it's just to ensure that you're in territory that is yours so she'll feel no need to get angry and she also can't escape easily.

Try and get her to walk over your hands, sniff your fingers and just generally get used to your smell and walking on you. She might eventually start using you as a climbing frame anyway! What I do with my hamster is when he's coming out of his gym ball, I put my hand out as a walk-way for him. Sometimes he's jumps right over me but lately he's learnt that I'm safe and he can walk across my palm. Then move on to picking her up by her middle and placing her down again quickly. She'll soon learn that being picked up isn't a problem. Then you can move on to stroking and petting her once she thinks you pose no threat.

And I don't know about clean socks, but if you put a small item of your clothing in their it is said to get them used to your smell (like the tissue idea I mentioned.)

And I'm sure she can wait a week for new bedding and such at a push, but still it's nice to get clean and suitable bedding and what not sooner so she's comfortable. Cleaning cages for new pets can be kind of stressful too.

I know I'm ranting on, but lastly don't apologize! I've had two hamsters before in my younger years, and I'm an absolute nervous wreck with my new hamster, Sherlock, and I'm five years older than when I had my last hamster! But since he's very skittish for a while I felt out of my depth like you might. But honestly, give your hamster some time and calm yourself down, I'm sure you'll be a good owner and be able to tame Puppy in no time at all, just have a little confidence and patience. I absolutely love her name as well, by the way.

Good luck to you both! :)

09-05-2012, 07:10 PM
Thank you guys! I couldn't sleep all day yesterday thinking "Why isn't the moderators putting this up?!" and then I see it the next day all relieved.
Puppy is actually doing pretty well, I think some of the problems occurred because i gave her NO privacy since I didn't put a hiding place for her....a place for her to cover up...I totally forgot so I got a box and cut out a little door and since she likes digging, I put some aspen bedding seeing if she likes it but she LOOVES it. I'm totally changing my bedding to that but leaving some of my old stupid bedding.
I'm probably going to clean her cage at Saturday or Sunday.
I'm going to convince my mom to get another bin cage because I want to put so much new stuff like I want to put a pot with soil and grass because she looooves digging.
She also loves the toilet rolls. It's so cute how she goes in the small one instead of the big one and since she has the little hideout box, she doesn't run as crazy now which make me glad but it looks like she gained a bit weight and already rusty in running the wheel xD

Give her some time !! With the 3 hamsters that we got, we gave them like 3 days alone in their cage without touching them !! Then we would use our voice to talk to them for 5 more days. THEN you put your hand inside the cage !!! Take your time and take it easy !! You'll make it, just like we all did !! You got what it takes, just need patience !!
Yeah, I've been talking to her a lot, I even gave her a spinach stem and took it from me! It was very exciting development for me. She's not as territorial, she might be a little since I'm still a stranger but I put my hand in and she doesn't do anything but....sorry....I actually pet her a few times because my mom keeps telling me too!! I told her I can't because I'm not supposed to but she thinks she knows all that.....ugh....makes me so mad >:( But ohwell, it doesn't seem bothered by it xD

Patience is definitely the word. Go back to the very beginning. Let her settle for a few days. Talk to her lots but don't attempt to touch her. Then offer her little treats through the bars. Keep doing this until she's happy. My Popcorn is territorial and is not keen on being picked up so I use a container. He's happy with that. When she's out, stroke her and offer her treats. You should find after a time she will let you pick her up. Pick her up for just a second and put her done. Work on her confidence. If she gets frightened just go back a step. My Dusty took a year to tame as he was so scared. Popcorn just a couple of months. Conan was tame right away. Good Luck. xxx
Puppy is not territorial, only a little since I'm a stranger that just took her away from her "home" xD She doesn't mind if I touch her, she just does what she usually does and she did get one thing from my hand! Made me so happy! Since that never happened....she won't take sunflower seeds or anything else though....maybe she was full...but I don't know, makes me a little sad):

First thing I can say is really don't stress yourself out with this and don't let your Mum force you to interact and rush things along, because at the end of the day your this is your pet and your new hamster will need patience and consideration to trust you, so just take it at your hamsters pace, however fast or slow that turns out to be.

Ehhh.....my mom is really strict. I don't want to be all stereotypical but...she's asian and you know, I can't stand up to her since it's rude and I'll get yelled at and she'll threaten me to take her away from me but she just really cares about Puppy too. She babytalks it a lot xD

I know I'm ranting on, but lastly don't apologize! I've had two hamsters before in my younger years, and I'm an absolute nervous wreck with my new hamster, Sherlock, and I'm five years older than when I had my last hamster! But since he's very skittish for a while I felt out of my depth like you might. But honestly, give your hamster some time and calm yourself down, I'm sure you'll be a good owner and be able to tame Puppy in no time at all, just have a little confidence and patience. I absolutely love her name as well, by the way.
I'll try to be confident...but patience, I'll probably have that when I need to. I love your technique the most on how to tame :D
I was just so confused on how to tame her that I mixed everything up and everything went haywire but she absolutely hates me carrying her in a box or something like that. She's scared of heights and boxes xD
Her being in a Petco box is a trauma now for her D:
and thank you! Everyone kept saying her name, Puppy, was a stupid name and gave me weird looks. I felt a bit self-conscience and done by it but I just started to make a joke out of it and now this last comment actually made me boost my confidence up(:

Thanks everyone!
Yeah, I just learned the multi-quoting thing and so amazed by it xD
well see you next time maybe :D

09-05-2012, 07:12 PM
Thank you guys! I couldn't sleep all day yesterday thinking "Why isn't the moderators putting this up?!" and then I see it the next day all relieved.
Puppy is actually doing pretty well, I think some of the problems occurred because i gave her NO privacy since I didn't put a hiding place for her....a place for her to cover up...I totally forgot so I got a box and cut out a little door and since she likes digging, I put some aspen bedding seeing if she likes it but she LOOVES it. I'm totally changing my bedding to that but leaving some of my old stupid bedding.
I'm probably going to clean her cage at Saturday or Sunday.
I'm going to convince my mom to get another bin cage because I want to put so much new stuff like I want to put a pot with soil and grass because she looooves digging.
She also loves the toilet rolls. It's so cute how she goes in the small one instead of the big one and since she has the little hideout box, she doesn't run as crazy now which make me glad but it looks like she gained a bit weight and already rusty in running the wheel xD

Give her some time !! With the 3 hamsters that we got, we gave them like 3 days alone in their cage without touching them !! Then we would use our voice to talk to them for 5 more days. THEN you put your hand inside the cage !!! Take your time and take it easy !! You'll make it, just like we all did !! You got what it takes, just need patience !!
Yeah, I've been talking to her a lot, I even gave her a spinach stem and took it from me! It was very exciting development for me. She's not as territorial, she might be a little since I'm still a stranger but I put my hand in and she doesn't do anything but....sorry....I actually pet her a few times because my mom keeps telling me too!! I told her I can't because I'm not supposed to but she thinks she knows all that.....ugh....makes me so mad >:( But ohwell, it doesn't seem bothered by it xD

Patience is definitely the word. Go back to the very beginning. Let her settle for a few days. Talk to her lots but don't attempt to touch her. Then offer her little treats through the bars. Keep doing this until she's happy. My Popcorn is territorial and is not keen on being picked up so I use a container. He's happy with that. When she's out, stroke her and offer her treats. You should find after a time she will let you pick her up. Pick her up for just a second and put her done. Work on her confidence. If she gets frightened just go back a step. My Dusty took a year to tame as he was so scared. Popcorn just a couple of months. Conan was tame right away. Good Luck. xxx
Puppy is not territorial, only a little since I'm a stranger that just took her away from her "home" xD She doesn't mind if I touch her, she just does what she usually does and she did get one thing from my hand! Made me so happy! Since that never happened....she won't take sunflower seeds or anything else though....maybe she was full...but I don't know, makes me a little sad):

First thing I can say is really don't stress yourself out with this and don't let your Mum force you to interact and rush things along, because at the end of the day your this is your pet and your new hamster will need patience and consideration to trust you, so just take it at your hamsters pace, however fast or slow that turns out to be.

Ehhh.....my mom is really strict. I don't want to be all stereotypical but...she's asian and you know, I can't stand up to her since it's rude and I'll get yelled at and she'll threaten me to take her away from me but she just really cares about Puppy too. She babytalks it a lot xD

I know I'm ranting on, but lastly don't apologize! I've had two hamsters before in my younger years, and I'm an absolute nervous wreck with my new hamster, Sherlock, and I'm five years older than when I had my last hamster! But since he's very skittish for a while I felt out of my depth like you might. But honestly, give your hamster some time and calm yourself down, I'm sure you'll be a good owner and be able to tame Puppy in no time at all, just have a little confidence and patience. I absolutely love her name as well, by the way.
I'll try to be confident...but patience, I'll probably have that when I need to. I love your technique the most on how to tame :D
I was just so confused on how to tame her that I mixed everything up and everything went haywire but she absolutely hates me carrying her in a box or something like that. She's scared of heights and boxes xD
Her being in a Petco box is a trauma now for her D:
and thank you! Everyone kept saying her name, Puppy, was a stupid name and gave me weird looks. I felt a bit self-conscience and done by it but I just started to make a joke out of it and now this last comment actually made me boost my confidence up(:

Thanks everyone!
Yeah, I just learned the multi-quoting thing and so amazed by it xD
well you'll see me another time maybe since I'll be posting up pictures of Puppy :D