View Full Version : depressed hamster from cagemate death???

09-05-2012, 06:54 PM
I moved my hamster into her new cage ( hacked billy ikea shelf) and for the first few days, she was the most active i have ever seen her, except the week before i moved her into her new cage her cage mate teddy died, and she didnt eat as much, or excercise as much... but once i put her in she still wasnt eating much, ( 1 tbsp would last her 2 days) before when i got them food, she used to come rushing to the bowl, now she just sniffs it and goes to sleep, thats all she does, i stayed up late at least until 2 and she doesnt come out to excercise anymore, for the past few days, she drinks a lot more, and she never ever peed outside of her cage before, but when she is on fabric ( my clothes,bed, but not my skin, she pees)... i was wondering if she was depressed or what? Earlier this week whenever i move things in her cage she comes out and sees what is going on, then ran in her wheel, now she doesnt even bother.... she is 2 months old since i got her from the petstore, also her cagemate died from a stroke

09-05-2012, 07:30 PM
Some hams just lose interest in things quickly. Gem never ate much of her food mix. Has she lost interest in you? She may be lonely, but now is a great time to build a relationship with her! I am assuming she is a dwarf, and if so, none of my dwarves really like "playing"... they like to run on their wheels and roam about their cage (or follow each other around lol). Other than that, they mostly sit around and groom or sleep lol. I guess my only advice is to try and supplement her food with some veggies or parts of her mix that she actually does like and to spend some quality time with her :)

09-05-2012, 07:32 PM
Oh, and Gemma would pee on me all the time, but my 5 other girls never have peed on me! I think it depends on the ham. I wouldn't worry about that too much, but I would watch out for it. :)

09-06-2012, 02:06 AM
I had a cat who was treated for depression so yes, animals can get depressed. You can buy little cuddle toy for her to take to bed. Maybe that would help. After saying that my Dusty set about his and threw it out. As Gemma says lots of cuddling and sleeping on you. I think your body warmth is comforting. xxx

09-06-2012, 02:20 AM
She will be missing her cagemate but this usually passes given time and understanding. It can take a couple of weeks. The settling in to a new cage also takes time for her to find her way around and set up things to her liking. She also needs to set up a routine and get scent the cage to be her place. Don't clean the cage out for a good while so it gets to feel and smell like home. With it being very large she may appear less active but she likely is at night. If you are worried about her health then have her checked by the vet.
I hope she is OK.