View Full Version : Help on Depressed Hamster, and also a Rather Crazy Idea??!!

08-06-2012, 01:44 AM
My little dwarf (he displays all the WW characteristics, but I did get him from a pet shop, and so he could be hybrid) seems to be getting depressed. And I need to cheer him up! Thats the short story :) If you want, I can explain more below.

When I first had him, I had two brothers, and the larger started bullying Bumble. I left them two extra days to check it wasn't a petty squabble, but the larger was chasing Bumble round the cage, and biting his tummy, and Bumble was getting thinner because he wasn't allowed to eat in peace. So I seperated them, and rehomed the larger dwarf with a friend (where's he's very happy!) and kept little tiny Bumble.

Without his bully brother, Bumble had the place to himself, and started enjoying life! I bought the Burgess Dwarf Hamster mix, which he loved, and he put weight on to become a little chubster WW (look-alike anyway).

However, over the past 6mths seems to have been getting depressed. He doesn't bother using his wheel anymore, where he used to love it, and stays in bed quite a lot! He gets up quite late, usually after we've gone to bed, its almost as if he's having a lie-in every day! And 'potters' round his cage, but not interested in his wheel. Is it just my imagaination, or could he be lonely for other hamsters?

I'm very keen on hamsters, and have been a member on here for a while, and learnt good tips off everyone. He has a nice cage, with a 'habitat' feel to it, with megazorb to dig in, lots of wooden toys, an extra level with sand in, and he gets various millet, cress, 'Woodlands' dried flower, grass, seeds mixes etc to forage for round his cage.

I get him out every other day, and get my syrian out on the other days. The problem is that while my excitable syrian is waiting at the bars to come out, and really enjoys it when she does, my dwarfie doesn't seem bothered.

What do you think? Does he miss his brother? Is there something I am doing wrong? You might say I need to make a special effort with him, and get him out every day if its not enough every other, in which case I will. Or any ideas would be gratefully appreciated! I try and change his cage round so its fresh for him, and I'm sure someone on here will know what I should do.

08-06-2012, 01:55 AM
*Originally I asked for advice about something else, but am editing as it is a seperate thing, and I should put it in the right topic folder*

08-06-2012, 02:04 AM

I have a hybrid (looks mostly WW too) that displays similar behaviour. He is only 12 months old though. Before considering depression, have you considered:

- Diabetes?
- Old age?

He may just be slowing down or he may be suffering with diabetes. You could test his urine with sticks (mentioned in the forum). I'm not experienced in introducing, so can't advise there. I hope he (and my Wonton) perk up!

08-06-2012, 02:19 AM
Hi Jesselle, I'm sorry for your little wonton. Did you find out what is causing it for your lil ham? Thats a good idea, I hadn't thought that he could just be getting older.

I guess we'll both be watching this thread for possible suggestions what we can do to help out lil furries! :)

08-06-2012, 02:31 AM
Hugs for u & bumble!

Arraminta x

08-06-2012, 02:42 AM
I'm currently waiting to test him for diabetes... I rescued him and he arrived in a cage FULL of raisins :( he's not had one since but I do worry he is diabetic being a hybrid and having a sugary diet during his first 6 months.

I'm going to try a different wheel as I'm wondering whether his silent spinner is too fast and scary for him!

08-06-2012, 03:14 AM
I'm going to try a different wheel as I'm wondering whether his silent spinner is too fast and scary for him!

I was wondering the same as you, about changing the wheel to see if it perks him up. He used to have both a silent spinner, and a spinning saucer, and loved his spinning saucer, so I took the other out. (Think I sold it - pants!!) Now I'm wondering if I should buy him a 'proper' wheel in case he's just gone off his saucer??

08-06-2012, 04:34 AM
Honestly, I think you're making a big mistake.

We've had a hamster who was depressed alone - she was never happy alone from the day we got her. If he started off happy to be separated I highly doubt he'd be unhappy over it now. I'd check for diabetes, cage type, cage size and anything else you can think of.
We've had unhappy hams and have tried everything we can think of to make them happy. Alternatively maybe its not depressed and has just changed its sleeping pattern - our Muffin "doesn't bother using his wheel" when we can be aware of it, "and stays in bed quite a lot! He gets up quite late" guaranteed after we've gone to bed every day and we usually only see him in the morning if I've got an early start at work, when he is up he "'potters' round his cage, but not interested in his wheel" but he's actually a happy hamster. He just digs a deep nest so rarely hears us and usually uses his wheel during the night - when we're fast asleep.
Not trying to say there's not something making your ham unhappy, just showing how those behaviours don't guarantee that theres a problem.

Whatever you do do not buy another hamster and try to introduce them unless you can definetly keep another alone too. Theres a very high chance they'll fall out (male and female social hamster pairs can fall out too) and then you get an extra hamster again - if you rehomed the ex-cagemate then unless things have changed you clearly can't keep the new ham if it needs to live alone, in which case its unfair to get it.

08-06-2012, 04:56 AM
Could he genuinely just be depressed? I ask as I had a cat who just didn't seem 'right'. She didn't play anymore and ate just because she needed to. There was no sparkle in her eyes. The vet said she was depressed and yes, it does happen to animals.

08-06-2012, 06:35 AM
Oh dear, I do hope your hams (you and jesselle's) are okay. Ive never heard of a ham being depressed but i do beleive some animals can show emotions like that! Sorry to hear about your cat lynternette!!

08-06-2012, 08:50 AM
Maybe its normal behaviour then? I don't know. He just does seem as motivated as my other hams have been. I keep feeling like I ought to do something to try and get him back on his wheel again.