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Old 03-28-2017, 10:06 AM   #31
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Wow, I am so happy that my two-legged mum is now busy doing other things. Yippee! It is finally time for me to do my dance along the computer keyboard and send all of my wonderful friends a new update. I can hardly stand keeping all of this excitement to myself.

When the moonbeams shined through my mum's blinds, I knew it was time for our nightly "happy time". I peeked my cute face out of my nest and realized that she was right there as usual staring at me with love and anticipation.

As usual, I did my typical evening three yawns and a few great stretches with my left paw totally extended. "Mum absolutely loves that, and I get many extra 'Awe, how CUTE!'".

Then, I ran to my favorite perching spot - the "Rainbow-colored Bridge of Happiness".

This time Mum surprised me by scooping me up and bringing me to the fluffy floor - "Mum calls it carpet". She sat on the "carpet", and I ran all around and even used her legs as my bridge to her heart. (Ha! As if I truly needed to use a bridge to her heart. I know that she is totally head-over-heals with me. She has been from the very first moment.) I could tell that she was quite thrilled by all of my excitement. I hope that we will now continue this as another one of our special outings. I really, truly LOVE running on her and making her giggle with joy. Sorry, no pics here.

Guess, what? She also gave me another one of my Whimzee alligator friends to play with. To make things all the sweeter, it was even GREEEEEEN!!!! Yippee and HeHa!!! I feel my powerful abilities coming on all the stronger now. I love, LOVE, L-O-V-E green!!!! She even tried to capture the image of me eating my green little friend, but I darted away too quickly for her to use that black thingy again, or did I? Oh, no! I think my two-legged mum took a pic of me so I am caught in the act.


How did she do it? Did she eat some of my green friend for a snack, too? Is green her power color? Oh, no, it can't be because she sure seems fond of those shades of purple. Thank goodness, I think that my greenie friend is safely all mine to enjoy. I was almost scared for a moment just thinking about sharing. Just kidding!

Well, after a long outing playing on Mum and a lot of stroking, I thought it was time for a nice snooze for the moment. I brought my sleepy blankie - Mum calls it "tissue" for short - and carried it to one of my special corners. I didn't want to get into my nest just yet because the night was still quite young. After all, who knows what kind of mischief I can get myself into, right? Hee-HEEE!!!

Oh, well, that is my tales of last night's great adventures. I sure do wish that you could have all been there to join in all of the fun. Ta-ta for now until next time.

Oh, no! Snicker's you can't come out of your cage to play on my special keyboard. It's just not fair to enter a picture of you here in this thread. You are a guinea pig after all. Don't you realize that Mum put a couple pics of you in her Intro thread when we all became members of this wonderful online family of "HAMSTER lovers"? Oh, alright - I guess I can share my thread with you for the moment. Just don't make this a habit alright? Hurry up so we can all get back to our homes before Mum gets back, O.K.?

Snicker's with a Hershey's Timothy hay treat.

Snicker's preparing for her audition as Princess Odette from the "Swan Princess".

Well, this is Eros again. Don't worry Snickers will not be adding any more pics here on this thread since it is devoted to me. I love her totally, but this isn't her thread.

I got to definitely skedaddle since I hear Mum coming into the vacinity, and I certainly don't want to be caught in the act again. Take care, two-leggeds and all of my furry comrades out there in the great huge world. Luv and plenty of kisses to you all! Be sure to catch them, O.K.?

Last edited by leedsgurl; 03-28-2017 at 11:23 AM.
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Old 03-28-2017, 12:49 PM   #32
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Thanks, SKB. Yes, we definitely had the greatest time taking the photos. I am not sure who loved it more, in fact. He loved climbing on all of the props, going through the "obstacle course", and adoring the treats (of course!). I love having the opportunity to capture these precious moments with him. He makes me beam with happiness just thinking about how silly and full of energy he is.
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Old 03-29-2017, 07:24 PM   #33
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Hey, everyone! It is me, Eros! Hope all is going well with you.

Today, I decided to do something totally new. Whenever my two-legged mum gives me a treat or food in my bowl, I will run up to it and grab the yummy stash as quickly as I can. Then, I hightail it to my fluffy nest to hide and eat it later. Mum doesn't seem to be too excited about this fun game because she never tries to disturb my nest if possible. Silly her! - She actually worries that it will make things harder to know when my hideout needs refilling. I think it is a wonderful new game to play, but Mum wants me to leave the leftovers in the bowl so she can refill it whenever it is getting slightly low. I guess she doesn't truly understand the rules of the game yet.

Oh, no! I have to go because Mum is coming, and I have to pretend that I am in my comfy bin home again. This is our little secret that I am running around on her black keyboard again, O.K.? Hope to be back again soon. Hee-HEE!!!!
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Old 03-29-2017, 07:41 PM   #34
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Hi! This is Eros's mommie. I am just wondering if you have any tips that may encourage Eros to stop shoving EVERY single bit of his food (and even his Whimzee alligator) into his cheek pouches and hiding it in his nest? I know that it is typical and expected for hammies to hide their stash, but is there any way for me to encourage him to leave some in his bowl, too? I know I am probably being silly, but I just worry that this may not be the best idea for him to hide absolutely everything since it makes it harder to know when it needs to be restocked. This is especially concerning when or if I ever need for him to be left with a hamstersitter. I know that it is also extremely discouraged to mess with his nesting area if at all possible in order to prevent any stress or mistrust. I would totally love and appreciate hearing any of your suggestions on this matter. Thanks so much!

I know that he is not doing this in order to prevent coming out and spending time in the open. He loves to interact with me and isn't usually scared easily. There also isn't any other changes in his behavior except for this newest development.
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Old 03-30-2017, 08:43 PM   #35
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Realizing Mum wasn't looking, I sneaked half of my wonderful horde of yummies back to my food bowl today. You couldn't even imagine what a surprise it was to Mum. She has been continually placing more and more goodies in my bowl only for me to remove them instantly and place them in my nest. I sure had a pile of stuff back there in my cozy hammy-made home. Who says only beavers have all the fun! They don't have anything on us! I couldn't wait another minute to return some so I could play a joke on Mum. However, to my astonishment - IT'S NOT EVEN APRIL FOOL'S DAY YET!!! I guess the prank is on me, then. Oh, well! I still have a wee bit longer than a day to make necessary preparations for the big joke on the 1st if my hammy predictions are correct. I suppose that we can't always be right since even the Groundhogs mess it up at times on Groundhog's Day, and they even have a national holiday named after them. Wish me luck!
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Old 03-30-2017, 08:56 PM   #36
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Hi, its Dreamtree! It was the cutest thing to see Eros scurrying back to his food bowl with two cheek pouches full to the max with all of his hidden treasures. He ran to his bowl, looked around suspiciously, and sneakily placed each chosen piece back into its proper place which now is his bowl again. Then, he grabbed each piece out again, nibbled it some, and returned the remaining leftovers back into his bowl. When I handed him a new alligator, he nibbled it some, ran around his cage tossing it up into the air, catching it mid-flight, and then placed it in his food bowl for later. Can he actually read my mind, or is my mind playing silly games with me? Wow, he truly is the silliest, most outlandish cutie ever! I can't get over how funny he can truly be. I guess he thinks he is training for the solo frisbee Olympics!
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Old 03-31-2017, 12:30 AM   #37
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

He is sooo cute! Lovely photos! His antics are very funny. And snickers is lovely too.

If he's not stashing fresh food you shouldn't be too worried. If you don't know how much food he needs, just give him two or three spoons each day, and next time you clean his nest, if the hoard is too big, just reduce the amount of food you're giving him. With time you'll learn to adjust the quantity. Their mix doesn't spoil easily, so it's not bad for them to have a big hoard for a while (well, it's hard to control what they're eating that way, and if they're having a balance diet, but it's just temporary so it's not so bad).

EDIT: Well, good to hear that the problem is solved
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Old 03-31-2017, 03:52 AM   #38
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Aww lovely pics of Eros Dreamtree and great to read all about his adventures I love to see pics of Snickers too as she's so very pretty

Bossed around by Artie, Spartacus, Snapdragon, Feliks, Veikko & Delphia.
Boris, Pasha, Jaska & Max playing at the rainbow bridge, forever loved.
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Old 03-31-2017, 04:33 AM   #39
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Thanks, Hamsterita and BorisPasha! I love sharing all the adventures and pics because I find it quite hilarious. I am so pleased that you do as well.

Hamsterita, thanks for the good advice. So far the horded stash doesn't consists of fresh foods. Thank goodness! If Eros restarts this, I will be sure to follow your suggestions which are much appreciated.

BorisPasha, thanks for the lovely comment about Snickers. She is such a huge part of our loving family, and we couldn't help but make her feel like a part of this, too.
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Old 04-01-2017, 04:47 AM   #40
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Hi Dreamtree,
Love the Pics of Eros and reading about his antics, as for pouching Pip does the same pouches everything and then scoots off to her cave to eat in peace and quiet unless it is a special thing such as burger cheese, cheese straws, pastry sweet or savory fresh baby spinach which she stops everything for and nibbles immediately .
I find that they find their own way of doing things, Pip doesn't stash fresh foods she always eats them. Though I have seen her running in her wheel with a large piece of cucumber in her mouth????
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