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Old 05-27-2017, 10:29 AM   #131
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Oh no dreamtree, sorry to hear about the horrible weather - I guess that means a different thing in the US than here in England, huh? Glad that you and lovely Eros are fine, though. It sounds as though he was very patient and well behaved about the whole thing!

Such cuteness in your photos! You can have many rounds of applaise from me I still can’t get over how much you seem to love mealworms. I keep trying Mushu on them and they keep being left at the bottom of his bowl lol.

Such perfect posing. You are such a handsome boy, your servant is very lucky!
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Old 05-27-2017, 01:03 PM   #132
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Lol love the pics Dreamtree Eros is quite the stunt-ham!

Eros, you are more than welcome to keep your creepy crawlies to yourself, very kind of you to offer though

Bossed around by Artie, Spartacus, Snapdragon, Feliks, Veikko & Delphia.
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Old 05-27-2017, 06:31 PM   #133
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Psst! Psssssst!!!! Is the coast clear yet? I want to tell the story of our great adventure. I had better hurry and do my little jiggling and hopping on this keyboard before Mum gets back and I have to pretend to be sleeping like a snug bug in the rug and all that stuff. Mum tied a B-O-W with the "U.S. flag" ribbon and put some oow-SO-sparkly, starry things in it. (Are those sparklies representing F-I-R-E-W-O-R-K-S because Mum said that she can't take us to see any because it won't be safe for us to go with her to see the show.) Then, she let my furry fan Snickers pose with her brand new, patriotic tiara that Mum made for her. Snickers loved it. She sure showed all of her appreciation for her gorgeous, fuzzy tiara and began popcorning (that's hopping in pure piggy happiness) and making these silly noises that she believes is her rendition of Sara Brightman's "Fleurs Du Mal". Being the true prima donna opera singer that she is, I thought Snickers was glorious but needs slightly more practice with the last few high notes of the stunning song.

Here is Snickers Brightman posing for the grand finale of her opera singing debut. What a true star Snickers is - she is even sporting a glistening, blue star on her head to prove it!

Then, it was my turn to enjoy some fun in my very own red, white, and blue tunneling extravaganza. Mum made the bow perfectly so I could tunnel up and down, left and right - all the way through the B-O-W! It was like one of those twisty slides except it was a little extra work since I didn't have the G-R-A-V-I-T-Y (impressive word, right? - didn't know I knew that one, did you?) to slide my way down it. It sure was the perfect day, and the night isn't even finished yet!!!! Wow - I sure love, LoVE, LOOOOOVE those holidays!

Here I go popping up to the upper level.

Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or have I spotted a ROSE! I think it was tossed to the wrong "Fluffy" since I have never seen roses tossed at a Toby Keith's concert after the song "I'm Proud to Be an American"? If I'm not mistaken, I believe the two-leggeds wave their hands with a lit lighter in them to show true appreciation. I think this one belongs to the operatic Princess Snicky-Puff, but I sure don't mind munching on it if I can!

Now for the bottom tier. Wow, this sure is F-U-N (with a double N for FUNNY)! I love going faster, and FasTer, and FASTER, and F-A-S-T-E-R!!!!!! Just as these three famous and beloved speedsters said: "Arriiiba!! Arriiiba!! Andale!! Yeeehaaaa!!" (Looney Tune's Speedy Gonzalis), "I'm a precision instrument of speed and aerodynamics." (Disney Cars's Lightning McQueen), and "I'm Eros Allen, and I'm the fastest hammy alive!" (D.C.'s Barry Allen - a.k.a. Flash).

Peekaboo! I see U, too!!!!

Don't you just lOvE my S-L-I-N-K-Y look. I can stretch myself out for added drama, you know! I think it makes me look much grander since I don't wish to accentuate my height or length with the adornments as Snickers does. (Mum thinks I might also eat the shiny head gear, too! Who am I kidding, I probably would if ever given the chance to - I haven't eaten S-T-A-R yet!) Anyway, I couldn't help myself - Mum was shaking the 7 oz (198.4 g) container of mealworms! Yum, YUm, YUM for my good, little (and sometimes BIG I might as well add) Tum-tum!!!

After that nice long excursion into patrioticland, I was ready for a long, nice nappy. I went through my elaborate tunnel of stringy bedding, through my self-dragged toilet paper tubing, and into my cozy nest. Forget about dreaming of gooey sugarplums (whatever that may be), I was dreaming of nestling into that mealworm container and joining in all the activities of another fun-filled day of remembrance. Here's a wink for you and a happy grin to seal the deal!

From our happy home to yours - Happy Memorial Day weekend!

P.S. Mushu and BP: Take my advice and don't not try a mealworm because they are absolutely SCRUMPTULICOUS!!!! They are yummy with a slight bit of crumbly. So... Bon appetit and chug-a-lug one down for me, PLEEEEASE! Hee-HeE-HEEEEE! Honestly, just give it a chance, and you won't be sorry one teeny, wheeny bit - PROMISE!!! Well, BP, if you aren't interested I guess I won't blame you because Mum isn't gobbling any down in the near future either.

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 05-27-2017 at 07:18 PM.
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Old 05-27-2017, 07:16 PM   #134
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Happy Memorial Day weekend to you Eros!

The photos of Eros in the American bow are adorable I love her sleeping in the last photo
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Old 05-27-2017, 10:49 PM   #135
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Thank you, Drago! I hope that your Memorial Day weekend is marvelous, too!!! Be safe and have tons of fun! The last photo of Eros sleeping was one of my favorite ones of her during this photo shoot. It really looks like she has a HUGE grin on her face; I wonder what she is dreaming of. Only if we could truly know what is in their minds when they smile so contently.

For all those Snickers's fans out there, here are two extra pics of her, as well. Call me an extra proud Mum, but I couldn't help myself. I always end up including a few pics of my other furry sweetie in Eros's thread. She is so dear to my heart, and I love sharing her picks with all of you, too! I hope you don't mind.

Thought you may like this closeup of my piggy.

Here is my majestic girl looking like a little, furrier version of the Statue of Liberty. You sure look gorgeous and proud!

May we always remember the ones that gave the greatest sacrifice of all. You may be gone but never truly forgotten. Thanks to all of the heroic and selfless men and women who gave their lives while serving in the armed forces in order to make this world a much safer and better place. As Arthur Ashe stated, "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.".

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 05-27-2017 at 10:57 PM.
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Old 05-28-2017, 03:01 AM   #136
Thin Lizzy
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Happy Memorial Day dreamtree.
What an overload of gorgeousness Snickers & Eros pics.
I let out a big Aww at the last pic of Eros sleeping, totally melted my heart at 'Sleeping Beauty'.
Mom To Gorgeous Noah
Over The Rainbow Bridge - Master Harvey 2 years & 5 months, Twinkle 'The Diva' 1 year & 8 months, Archie 2 years & 3 months & Xena 2 years & 9 months. Forever loved by T-Liz.
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Old 05-28-2017, 11:10 AM   #137
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Very cute pictures of your fur babies! Happy Memorial Day to you from across the pond Eros looks so sweet and innocent sleeping there. I will pass on your message about the mealworms to Mushu... But I am not sure he will take much notice of it!
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Old 05-28-2017, 01:26 PM   #138
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Your photos are gorgeous, looks like alot of fun with this photo shoot with Eros & Snickers! Great way to celebrate Memorial weekend 1st class hammy style & piggie style!!
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Old 05-28-2017, 05:43 PM   #139
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Hope your three-day holiday weekend goes splendidly! Thanks a bunch, Thin Lizzy, AprilPearl, and Cinnamon Bear! I love your sweet compliments to myself and Snickies!!! Don't worry, I will be sure to let her know that you approve of her gloriousness! Thin Lizzy, thanks for thinking I look like Princess Aurora (a.k.a "Sleeping Beauty"), but I was certainly feeling the "Sleeping Silly" vibe going on during nap time yesterday. I had so many plans for a night of hilarity, and I wasn't even yet aware that Mum would come in for her own special act, too!

It all started today at about 3-ish in the morning, I put on an extra delightful show for Mum's entertainment. Here's some background info. for the story. Like the pampering two-legged that she is, she is always quite generous with laying out a few extra whole "select-a-size" paper towel sheets in my cage. I, of course, like to keep accumulating them into my own personal stash for all of those extra special opportunities to create a little extra fun. She loves to watch me drag one along side of (and trailing slightly behind) me all around my cage. She then giggles as I periodically hop up into the air so the sheet waves up and down like a P-A-R-A-C-H-U-T-E, and I'm the paratrooper. Ahum, AHUM! Sorry about me interrupting myself with the extras. Well, back to the story at hand. Like I said, Snickers and I thought that Mum was fast asleep in the other room but, low-and-behold, she most certainly was not. She entered into the room to check if everyone was alright (she does silly things like that) and, when she turned to me, I was shoveling and stuffing my cheek pouches with one un-shredded sheet of paper towel after another. One, TwO, THRee, fOUR, Five, Six, SEVeN, EIGHT, N-I-N-E!!!! A TOTAL of 9 completely un-shredded, whole sheets of PAPER TOWELS!!! Of course, Mum just stood there with her mouth wide open, her eyes as large as saucers, and then she began to laugh out loud with the loudest chuckles ever. She laughed so hard that her eyes began to water, and tears rolled down her cheek pouches. She instantly grabbed Black THINGY (camera is its name, remember?) who was sitting on the tiny table next to my castle home. She put the strap around her neck, picked me up, held me directly in front of her face, and stared at me with such awe and amusement. She tried to take a picture of me, but her C-A-M-E-R-A thingy froze - so no luck there! She said that I looked like a hammerhead shark where my cheek pouches together were longer in length than my entire body from tip of my twitching nose to the end of my cutesy tail when I am not hunched over. I must have looked like quite a hilarious sight because even my eyes were squished to make more room for my cheekies, and my ears had to flip back to give my eyes and forehead a little extra space for my pouches to hold all of my paper towel treasures. After she nodded her head from side to side staring at me, she placed me back into my cage to do a few adjustments to C-A-M-E-R-A. Then, she swiftly picked me up again and tried to take another pic. This time, I just turned my head and used my hands to pull one sheet out at a time from my pouches. It was a seemingly, never-ending process. 10, NINE, EiGHt, SeVen, SIX, FivE, FOur, thREE, TwO, O-N-E, zerO!!!! I was a magician pulling out numerous, brightly-colored, tied handkerchiefs out of my cheek pouches. Of course C-A-M-E-R-A didn't work for that photo opportunity either. Too bad, Mumsy!!! So, Mum patted me on my head and laughed and cried some more. "You silly, SILLY girl, Eros!" she said as she grinned from ear to ear. They (the two-leggeds) say us hammies are silly; we don't even laugh until those water drippies come pouring out of our eyeballs! I wish that she could have taken a picture of me and my magician act, and I could have taken a photo of Mum doing her W-A-T-E-R-F-A-L-L impersonation. I think it would have made both furries and two-leggeds alike applaud us both since we must have been quite an amusing pair of silliness galore. By the way, Mum has now decided that she will keep black thingy in its newly-acquired, permanent home - the tiny table next to my cozy abode - just to be sure she can catch all of her fur-babies' Kodak moments (or at least try to . "WhaHAHA-HeeHEEHAH!!!!" I guess my last laugh sounded quite silly and similar to the chanting of Nemo's fish tank friends in Disney's "Finding Nemo".). Oh, no!!! I think I have gone a little bit too far in imitate the scaly, water-dwellers that share our forever home. Mum has a tankful of swimming characters (each with their own unique name and collectively referred to as Atlantis. (Mum says these non-furry-scalies are assorted corydoras catfish.) They don't come out of the homes so we don't have a chance to socialize much when Mum isn't looking. However, I have heard them make "Bloop. . . BLOOPY. . . Bloop!" sounds as they swim in zigzag directions up and down and left and right in their glass house. Oh, well - I suppose they can't understand hammy or piggie or even two-legged, either? To each his/her own special language, I guess. Luckily for me though, I am quite fluent in hammy, piggie, AND two-legged. My brilliant IQ is setting records, I know!!!

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 05-28-2017 at 06:38 PM.
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Old 05-28-2017, 06:12 PM   #140
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

I can hardly believe how many paper towels Eros managed to fit in her pouches! I would have laughed too!! It’s a pity you didn’t manage to get any photos, but Eros is probably glad she was saved the indignity maybe she will do it again for you another time.
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