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Old 03-30-2017, 08:56 PM  
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

Hi, its Dreamtree! It was the cutest thing to see Eros scurrying back to his food bowl with two cheek pouches full to the max with all of his hidden treasures. He ran to his bowl, looked around suspiciously, and sneakily placed each chosen piece back into its proper place which now is his bowl again. Then, he grabbed each piece out again, nibbled it some, and returned the remaining leftovers back into his bowl. When I handed him a new alligator, he nibbled it some, ran around his cage tossing it up into the air, catching it mid-flight, and then placed it in his food bowl for later. Can he actually read my mind, or is my mind playing silly games with me? Wow, he truly is the silliest, most outlandish cutie ever! I can't get over how funny he can truly be. I guess he thinks he is training for the solo frisbee Olympics!
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