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Old 06-08-2017, 06:35 AM   #21
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

AprilPearl, I know that this time will be so extremely painful for you, and you will be flooded with so many strong emotions and questions that may remain unanswered. This is all very natural, and it takes time to heal a broken heart. I definitely understand that you may need to be away from HC while you give yourself time to heal since each of us have to go through the mourning process in our own special way, but I want you to always remember that we are all here for you and your mum. I most definitely consider you my friend, and I will miss both you and Mushu very, very much. Beloved Mushu's picture of him eating his sweet corn is truly precious, and I agree that he would have wanted us all to remember him that way. Take great care of yourself, AprilPearl, and know that you will ALWAYS have tons of friends and people who truly care for you and your family at HC. You and your mum are definitely in my prayers, and I am sending you both tons of hugs. We love you, Mushu.

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
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Old 06-08-2017, 07:00 AM   #22
La loca de los hamsters
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

Tomorrow morning I was having breakfast and as I usually do I started to read HC. The moment I read this thread title I was shocked, I couldn't believe it, I had to read the post two times to completely understand that it was true. It's always hard to lose a loved one, but it's even harder when it's so soon. So I can't possibly imagine how are you feeling.

Unfortunately, things happens, and sometimes there's no one to blame, like this time, it's not your mother's fault, and it's not your fault, this was meant to be and probably there's nothing that you could have done to save him.

Seek comfort thinking that he probably didn't suffer, that it was a quick death while he was doing something that he loved, and that you provided him the best life that he could have wished for, and that he was dearly loved by you, your mom, and a lot of HC members. He will remain forever in our memories, and that way a piece of him will survive forever, and that's thank to you and your love for him.

I'm sure that he was very proud of his mom and that he would wanted you to be happy.

Take the time that you need to grieve, and if you decide to come back, we will be here waiting for you. Anyway, it was really nice meeting you and Mushu.
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Old 06-08-2017, 07:20 AM   #23
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

It will take time to sink in and get over the shock. I think it helps once you've had a little funeral. Charlie is in our back garden in his own little flowerbed and there are currently primroses and geraniums growing from it, and one of these to mark his grave.

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It helps accept they have gone. Or local vets offer an individual cremation service and you can have the ashes in a pot and bury the pot and mark the grave that way.

It's hard to think about but it helps you accept he had a wonderful little life that was tragically cut short and he is now at the rainbow bridge.

In time I am sure you will welcome another little furry friend - you might want to think about a hamster from a breeder where the genetics are known. It is only four months since our beloved Charlie died, and yet now we love our new little fur baby - and he's a different character and personality xxx

All I would say is let it all out. Cry, punch a pillow, write it down. I had to bottle it up for a while when we had people in the house and I felt much worse later.
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Old 06-08-2017, 10:40 AM   #24
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

I buried both Woodstock and then Flower in large pots with a plant in to remeber them by. Hope you find a suitable resting place for Mushu.
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Old 06-08-2017, 11:19 AM   #25
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

Oh April Pearl I could not believe this. Sorry to be late but I have been at work.
Mushu was such a beautiful boy. Quite exceptional with his beautiful coat and lovely character. You created a thread for him that had so many followers and contributors. He touched the hearts of so many of us here across all the generations.
I am absolutely certain that neither you nor your mother did anything wrong. Soufflé's experience is the best. Please accept that and do not blame yourself. I have lost so many pets over my life and comforted my daughter through the loss of hers ( She is a few years older than you). Yes it is hard. But if you are an animal lover and you are clearly a very caring owner, then sadly this will happen many times. It does not get easier but it is better that our lives are enriched by these little fellows than not let them enter our hearts.
My daughters 4 hamsters (owned as an adult) are buried in a pot with a Rose bush. We take care of it as she lives in a flat. One day it will go with her to a permanent home.
Create a memorial for Mushu to honour him and comfort you. His thread on HC is one for all of us.
Grieve for him and don't feel guilty. *Big hug * from London.
Rest inPeace beautiful boy and play happily with those from HC who have gone before. Look back across the bridge and send your Mum a kiss on a rainbow.
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Old 06-08-2017, 11:46 AM   #26
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

I have quite honestly been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love for Mushu and support and comfort for me that I have received here. I cried most of today, but your messages have prevented me completely going to pieces. When I created this thread, I wholly expected to be taken to account for his death by you all - not because I think you are horrible people, but because I was so convinced that is what I deserved. I couldn't ask for a nicer group of friends to help me through this, and I sincerely hope that I haven't seemed to be attention grabbing.

Many of you have suggested some sort of memorial. Part of me likes that idea, but then there's this other half of me which is saying "No! If you memorialise him you will make it true that he's really gone!". But, I think a nice flowering shrub or tree would be a beautiful emblem of his vitality. We have buried him now, which I thought would give me closure but it was so hard to believe that little body was him because it just... Wasn't. So, it still doesn't feel as though he's gone.

As Serendipity has said, the next hamster I get will be from a breeder. I cant help but think that whatever happened to Mushu could have been a result of poor breeding, and I do not want to contribute to a business which leads other hamsters to die in such a horrific way.

This is going to sound horrible. And I hate myself for even thinking it. I feel as though I am betraying Mushu's memory by admitting that, well, I might want another hamster. I know he/she could never replace Mushu and I wouldn't want that anyway. I've always waited months - or even years, between pets previously, but Mushu died so young. I feel as though I have "unfinished business" that I didn't get to see through with him. And, I think that having somebody to care for and love would help me to get through this. I don't want to go into specifics but I was ill for a long time and I still am living with complications from that. Mushu helped me see a light in the darkness but now he is gone and things seem even darker than before I got him. I needed him.

The SHC is having a show on the 17th of June and there will be hamsters for sale there. I am seriously considering going along, just for a look and possibly bringing a little furry friend home with me. Am I a horrible person for even contemplating the idea?

Also, if I did go to the show and find a hamster I liked, would I be able to reserve him/her for a few hours? My mum has to work that morning and obviously I wouldn't want to be taking the hamster home on public transport as I can't drive. And, would I need to take some sort of carry case with me?
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Old 06-08-2017, 12:02 PM   #27
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

i understand what you said about his body not being him. It!s more the personality and love between you both and especially the happy times you spent together that was Mushu.

Time heals. A new hamster won't replace Mushu Adopting adopting another hamster will be good. You can give one a good life, just as you did with Mushu. Sometimes I have got a new hamster soon after one passed other times I waited a long time.

You will know when you are able to get another. One day you will see a hamster and know it is the right time and hamster for you.

I took awhile to find my latest hamster, but as soon as I saw her I knew.
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Old 06-08-2017, 12:04 PM   #28
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

This forum is definitely like one huge family You by no means seemed attention grabbing.It's very reasonable to feel as you've felt with any loss,especially such a terrible one.Sometimes,you can be your own worst enemy,and this ultimately leads to a lot of self hatred and in the end just makes it harder to let yourself heal(even though a full healing is impossible since the pain of a loss will remain).

You're definitely not a bad person.There's nothing wrong with wanting another furry friend,nor does it mean you're betraying Mushu in any way.Each and every creature is unique,and so there's no replacing anyone.In terms of timing,you just know when it is the right time and if it happens to be the right time sooner than expected that isn't necessarily bad.As long as you're comfortable with that decision and you know you can handle it,there's no reason why you shouldn't do so.
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Old 06-08-2017, 12:11 PM   #29
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

AP, I went to the Andover show 2 years ago. It is a great little show. Not overwhelming at all. Fluffagrams will be there and I expect Vectis will go too. Breeders bring their babies along and will notify the show secretary in advance. I believe you can email and ask if there will be little ones for sale. For example if Tristar are bringing any from Bath - wow!
Yes you will need a carry case to bring the little one home. So if it is equipped with substrate, cucumber and a little food - perhaps some white toilet tissue with your scent on it torn into strips, then s/he will settle down inside quite happily. After all they will have come from home and not be in their old home tank.
Leave a post on the thread Fluffagrams has started on the show and I am sure she will give you all the correct information. Good luck. I am not certain if I can go this year. Anyway poor old Mocho is not in show condition any more.
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Old 06-08-2017, 12:16 PM   #30
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Default Re: RIP Mushu

Originally Posted by AprilPearl View Post
Also, if I did go to the show and find a hamster I liked, would I be able to reserve him/her for a few hours? My mum has to work that morning and obviously I wouldn't want to be taking the hamster home on public transport as I can't drive. And, would I need to take some sort of carry case with me?
April pearl when you are ready your heart will know. Each hamster makes your heart grow bigger and when they pass there is room for them in there but also room for a new little one to share the love they once had.
If a little one calls to you at the show then you can buy it on the day and the breeder will provide a box (usually a large ice cream tub) or you can take your own and you can put your hamster in 'welfare' which is behind the show secretary and they will be looked after till your mum comes to collect you both. Maybe you can even enter in pets You will know when you see them what to do and there is nothing wrong with deciding to wait till the next time if you don't feel ready x
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