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Old 04-23-2014, 03:09 AM   #1
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Default A Friend's Difficult Decision

Hi All, I am writing this on behalf of my housemate, Lucy. She is a member of Hamster Central but too sad to write this memorial herself. She is also very much doubting her decision to say goodbye to her little friend and in need of assurance that it was the right thing to do.

For a few months, Poppy, a two and a half year old syrian female, had been developing a strange hard lump in her tummy. It didn't seem to be concerning her much and she was just as active as she had always been (very hyperactive!!). She was eating normally and everything seemed fine except that the lump was growing steadily bigger. In the last week, the growth of the lump seemed to accelerate and Pops no longer ran on her saucer or moved about so much, her bottom was so heavy she couldn't pull herself up and over things very easily although she always gave it a go.

Yesterday afternoon it was decided that we should take Poppy to the vet as the lump was now bigger than a golf ball and she looked incredibly uncomfortable. He said it could either be a tumor or pyometra. If it was pyometra then there was the option of surgery but as she was over two years old the risk of her not waking up from the anesthesia was high. Another option was just to leave it until other symptoms appeared as the lump would continue to grow bigger until it squashed poor Pops' insides and she wouldn't be able to eat or poo and may end up in severe pain. Or the third option was euthanasia, whilst she was still relatively comfortable and with all of her functions.

Lucy decided that she didn't want to wait until Poppy had deteriorated so much that euthanasia was the only option, potential surgery would be stressful and with a high risk rate, especially as the vet wasn't entirely sure what the lump was- so the awful and incredibly sad decision was made to say goodbye to Pops in the nicest and swiftest way.

We were both there throughout and never left her side, and when we got her home again she was buried in a new shiny flowerpot underneath some sweet peas where she will always be remembered.

She was a beautiful hamster, very cheeky and always on the go, and will be very much missed.

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Old 04-23-2014, 04:12 AM   #2
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Default Re: A Friend's Difficult Decision

I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. It's such a difficult decision to make but it definitely sounds like the right one. It's clear Poppy was very loved and had a great life
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Old 04-23-2014, 04:49 AM   #3
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Default Re: A Friend's Difficult Decision

I went through a similar issue with my Syrian hamster Axel very recently. He was 35 months old when I made the decision to have him PTS.

He had what I believe was an adrenal tumour - he expanded on either side of his tummy until he was shaped like a light bulb. I let him go on for as long as he seemed comfortable and active - which was around 7/8 months, far longer than I anticipated. However when he began struggling to drink out of his bowl, use his potty properly or sleep in a comfortable position I knew it was time. The day I took him was heartbreaking as that afternoon he was sitting in his nest eating on a nut as if nothing was wrong. He looked quite content, but I knew he was on the road to serious decline. He was always a very trusting hamster and I doubt he had any clue he was going to have his life ended when I took him to the vet.

Almost everybody has regrets and guilt when they agree to euthanasia. I've experienced them too, but keep reminding myself that I made the decision for his benefit. His tumours would likely do exactly what the vet described would happen to Poppy - squash his insides and potentially lead to an agonising death. He didn't deserve that and I wasn't going to allow that to happen because of my own selfish desire to want him to stay with me. Putting an animal to sleep is, for a genuinely caring owner, one of the hardest decisions that can ever be made. Whether it's a hamster, a dog or any other animal you are effectively making the decision to end their life and that is a heavy burden to bear.

I'm convinced it was the right thing to do for Axel, though, and I'm sure it was the right thing for Poppy, too. We have the chance to give animals a mercy which for some reason is not extended to humans - the chance to relieve pain and suffering, and the chance to prevent a deterioration to a miserable quality of life. It's the responsible thing to do, but also the hardest because most of us have a strong belief that ending a life is wrong under any circumstance. Convincing yourself otherwise is very difficult and it's why even when euthanasia is 100% the correct decision we still doubt and question ourselves. How can we not when we're told it isn't fit for humans and courts of law prevent people from ending their own lives?

I hope Lucy is able to come to terms with the decision and make peace with it. There's no doubt she did the right thing for Poppy, and in time I'm sure she will come to understand that too. It just takes time.
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Old 04-23-2014, 06:00 AM   #4
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Default Re: A Friend's Difficult Decision

It's always extremely sad and hard to say goodbye to a pet. I had to make those difficult decisions with my previous two hamsters; one had a prolapse, and the other... we just don't know. But I knew it was kinder for us to let them go peacefully without pain. Your friend definitely made the right decision, and it was a hard, tough decision that only she could make. Poppy is no longer in pain.

All the best, and hugs from Canada. xx

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Old 04-23-2014, 06:30 AM   #5
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Default Re: A Friend's Difficult Decision

I am so sorry to hear about Poppy

For what it's worth, I made the same decision for my little Snowflake back in January. She had 2 mammary tumours but one was growing at a very quick pace . It started to affect her hind leg and she stopped using her flying saucer and found it very difficult to clamber about and climb her cage (her most favourite thing in the world!) I took her to be put to sleep before she got to the point where she was really struggling (would probably have only been a few more days given the rate of growth).

Many years ago, I was told that it was better to let them go a few days early than a day too late. That has always stuck with me and is something I try to bear in mind when one of my pets is nearing the end.
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Old 04-23-2014, 04:59 PM   #6
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Default Re: A Friend's Difficult Decision

That was such a hard decision to make. I'm sorry that you and Lucy had to say goodbye to Poppy.

I agree with JBH316 that it's better to say goodbye a few days early than a day too late. There is nothing worse than wanting to help a little friend on his or her way in the middle of the night when you can't get to the vet. I had a situation like that with my gerbil Squeaky and I stayed up all night holding her in my hands to comfort her until we could get her to the vet in the morning. It was heart breaking. I've definitely learnt a lot from that experience and I've tried to do better with my other pets
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Old 04-25-2014, 03:44 AM   #7
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Play well at the bridge Poppy x You were much loved x
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