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Old 04-23-2014, 03:09 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: East Sussex
Posts: 80
Default A Friend's Difficult Decision

Hi All, I am writing this on behalf of my housemate, Lucy. She is a member of Hamster Central but too sad to write this memorial herself. She is also very much doubting her decision to say goodbye to her little friend and in need of assurance that it was the right thing to do.

For a few months, Poppy, a two and a half year old syrian female, had been developing a strange hard lump in her tummy. It didn't seem to be concerning her much and she was just as active as she had always been (very hyperactive!!). She was eating normally and everything seemed fine except that the lump was growing steadily bigger. In the last week, the growth of the lump seemed to accelerate and Pops no longer ran on her saucer or moved about so much, her bottom was so heavy she couldn't pull herself up and over things very easily although she always gave it a go.

Yesterday afternoon it was decided that we should take Poppy to the vet as the lump was now bigger than a golf ball and she looked incredibly uncomfortable. He said it could either be a tumor or pyometra. If it was pyometra then there was the option of surgery but as she was over two years old the risk of her not waking up from the anesthesia was high. Another option was just to leave it until other symptoms appeared as the lump would continue to grow bigger until it squashed poor Pops' insides and she wouldn't be able to eat or poo and may end up in severe pain. Or the third option was euthanasia, whilst she was still relatively comfortable and with all of her functions.

Lucy decided that she didn't want to wait until Poppy had deteriorated so much that euthanasia was the only option, potential surgery would be stressful and with a high risk rate, especially as the vet wasn't entirely sure what the lump was- so the awful and incredibly sad decision was made to say goodbye to Pops in the nicest and swiftest way.

We were both there throughout and never left her side, and when we got her home again she was buried in a new shiny flowerpot underneath some sweet peas where she will always be remembered.

She was a beautiful hamster, very cheeky and always on the go, and will be very much missed.

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