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Old 04-19-2018, 09:45 AM   #1
Newborn Pup
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Default Fairly new Owner and firsttimer having a bit of Anxiety, help would be appreciated

Hello Me and my Hamster Murmel here

So, about 2 months ago I got a long haired Syrian hamster from a breeder in the country where I live (Germany). I set up his cage and he loved and is still loving it. Just, there are a few mistakes I made when handling him, and I just want to know if I can still correct them.

First I let myself get pressured by my surroundings to try and put the little guy into the outside area after only 6 days. For example, through my mother telling me that she hadn‘t gotten me the boards if I wasn‘t going to use them and that I should use them already. In the end, it was still my decision and my mistake though, I am not pushing the responsibility away, that was me.
On day 4 he had already started eating out of my hand, and on day 6 I had set up the area, not seriously thinking about it, however suddenly Murmel jumped on my hand and he freaked me out. In the end it was a lot of stress for the both of us and I realized immediately that I had done a mistake. However, Murmel was, and still is, very patient with me and ran back to me the moment I put him back in the cage eating the „I am sorry“- Shrimps treats out of my hand.

I left him alone for the next 2 days, however a family emergency led to me having to take him with me to my hometown not too long after. He took it surprisingly well, he was not stressed at all when I put him in the cage my mother had set up at home to my instructions.
However my parents were.. difficult. I had told them since we didn‘t have the means to put him up on a table yet if they should approach him they should kneel down so he wouldn‘t have gigantic shadows looming over him right after the travel.
They didn‘t listen to me and made quite the fuss, tried to make me drop him out of the box into the cage (which I didn‘t do don‘t worry). They also raised their voices, it was horrible for me with a certain level of Anxiety and after everything going wrong on the travel home.
And it must‘ve been for my friend as well, because after that my hamster didn‘t come out with electric lights on and only when it was just me inside my room. If my parents were inside he just didn‘t come out at all. However, due to the emergency I spoke of (I don‘t want to talk abou it), I couldn‘t spend a lot of time with him as I was very tired in the evening and he had started to only come out around 1/ 2 am. I couldn‘t really continue taming him for 4 weeks. And once again I let myself get pressured into putting him into a bin outside area my mother had built him by my father (he can get violent and loud when he‘s drunk, I thought that it would be stress freer for Murmel if I did what he asked. Still my mistake, I need to become a better guardian I know). But turned out it wasn‘t escape proof, and I had to spend the next 2 hours trying to get him to go into his corc tunnel I used as a hamster taxi, while I had constantly people walking in and scaring my hamster as I had just managed to calm him. My father didn‘t pay attention once even, and our dog got in for a few seconds which really broke a fuse and I kicked both out, my father pretty harshly. I am still angry thinking back on it. Especially at myself for letting myself get pressured like that.
In the end I did manage to get him into the tunnel and safely put him back. But that scared me a lot as well, and freaked me out so much I didn‘t have the courage to pick him up, do anything but give him treats up till now.

three days ago he seemed to want to go out for the first time again since day 6 so I put him into my entrance area of my apartment by hamster taxi. I had university the next morning, but I didn‘t mind. My apartment is also an old building so just putting him inside my room is a nono sadly, I don‘t want him to get hurt on sharp edges which are EVERYWHERE. However, when I wanted to use the taxi again after 40 Minutes, he didn‘t want to go in it, he managed to decide he wanted to be carried back in the largest bag around. Meaning he did wait for me to pick him up and carry him back, just in a gigantic rich and royals bag. If I tried scooping him out he was inside a second later again. So finally I thought maybe I could put him in by hand the short distance. No. I did manage to -somehow- in the end put the bag inside the cage and he got out, but it was the first time I have ever seen him clearly agitated. Up until now he was only ever mildly irritated by me making the mistakes before I talked about, it was the first time he was stress running.

Now, I was very scared of him falling ill because, as it is getting summer, and while it was still about 18°C warm when it happened, the next day it was suddenly 25°C outside (it was supposed to be only up to 20°C this week from the weather report. The thing is: My room does NOT have an AC, and I had been searching for a fitting ceramic house for weeks, also while being home, but had not found anything. I finally found one 3 days ago on the internet, and it arrived today, however in the meantime I had to manage somehow.
What I did and still do: I put sand in the fridge for a short period of time, I put it inside a ceramic teacup and placed it near his house during the day, together with his water and fresh carrots and cucumber. I also rushed over to the pet shop the next day, got more sand, a loam house from the fish section as a bridge until the ceramic house arrived which had the appropriate size, healthy treats and also more hay. Lastly I also got a Celsius thermometer to keep an eye on the temperature inside the cage. I have also used cooled water bottles, cool towels over the cage (not too cold), ice cubes (secured) on top etc. just so it will stay bearable for my little buddy. I have also aired when it got cooler so he could be comfortable a natural way throughout the night.
However, I was worried that it would not be enough to keep him healthy after that stress, up till now he seems fine though, obviously he is sleepy right now, but his fur is shiny and soft, and he did come out at one time and he was looking fine then, his ears twitching and him curiously sniffing around. I will keep an eye on him though.

I want to start taming him again though,get him used to my hand after this weekend. Slowly of course, and I found a methode that is sure to not stress him too much I have seen from a veteran hamster owner. Mine is approx 4 months old. Is this still possible? Can I still correct the mistakes made before?
He is not scared of me, at least I don‘t think, he does eat treats out of my hand and my voice calms him down when he is agitated by something. For example if he suddenly wakes up agitated in the middle of the day and I talk to him, he falls back asleep fairly quickly. When I spot clean his cage, he came running yesterday and rummaged around my hands, smelled them, put his paws on them, then sat everywhere he was entirely in the way. He just won‘t run over them. And while he was outside in the entrance area that is hamsterproof he did run around me no problem, he smelled my legs and clothes. So I think I might still have a chance.
My friends say I worry too much constantly, but I just can‘t turn it off, but I guess that‘s what‘s gonna make me grow as an owner and never make the same mistakes again. However, I wonder if he is too old now to be able to ever fully trust my hands. What do you think? Do you have any more tips to help cool him, too by the way? He is at the coolest place in the apartment and a Granite stone tile is coming along soon.

I know I was clumpsy up until this point, I can guess it must‘ve been frustrating to read this, but I don‘t want him to stay my first and last hamster. So I am trying to become the best hamster parent I can be, also for future hamsters. He has given me so much and improved my own life so much in only this amount of time. He has been so sweet, curious, so caring and patient. I want to give something back. And I am just scared it‘s too late? I might be panicking, but he is very dear to me, so there is nothing I can do about that from time to time…
Thanks for everything in advance and for the patience of reading this.

Last edited by Fluffagrams; 04-20-2018 at 03:02 AM. Reason: removed real name
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Old 04-22-2018, 09:01 AM   #2
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Default Re: Fairly new Owner and firsttimer having a bit of Anxiety, help would be appreciate

Firstly, don't be so hard on yourself you are trying your best to give your ham the best life as possible and that is all that matters. Any hamster can be tamed with time at any stage in their life so there is nothing to worry about 4 months is still young for a hamster. I use the bath method to tame my hamsters - a dry bath with fleece at the bottom is a good way to let your hamster sniff you and build trust with you. Your bond with your ham does seem to be really good anyway. To keep my hams cool I put Ice in their water bottles and I put a frozen bottle of water in the cage. I also like to give them fruit and veg that has been in the freezer. I know there is a thread somewhere about keeping hamsters cool in the warmer months so have a look around and I'm sure you will find it. I am sure he won't become ill at 25 degrees C but if you are worried just keep an eye out for slower behaviour and excessive drinking.
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Old 04-22-2018, 09:15 AM   #3
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: Fairly new Owner and firsttimer having a bit of Anxiety, help would be appreciate

Hello there I was also an anxious hamster parent when we got our last Syrian! Try not to worry. We all make mistakes and worry we have freaked our hamsters out, but they soon forgive you xxx It sounds like you have a lovely bond and trust with your hamster who sounds a real character!

Taming is quite individual and some very tame hamsters will still not enjoy being held very much or for long. They like to be off exploring. The important thing is that he trusts you and knows your voice and scent and can be handled without "pinging" (ie wriggling out of your hands, leaping 2 feet and landing and hurting himself).

I would focus on some stability and routine with him now. Let him enjoy his cage without changing anything much or cleaning out very often. Try and feed him at the same time every day. Maybe leave him for 2 or 3 days now and then start getting him out for a bit of handling/out of cage time every day or two. I don't think every day is necessary as sometimes they just want some space and to be left alone for a day to enjoy hamstering in their home/cage.

For keeping cool then yes putting something ceramic or terracotta in the fridge is a good idea. Something like a terracotta plant pot or plant pot base is fine if you don't have anything ceramic to hand.

I think your hamster has had some adventures! He may have been a bit scared or freaked on occasion but he has survived and sounds happy and healthy and knows you.

I think they are fascinating little creatures and can be in tune with you and the atmosphere around them. Yes they can pick up on negativity and stress but also they can pick up on love and care as well.
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Old 04-22-2018, 09:48 AM   #4
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Default Re: Fairly new Owner and firsttimer having a bit of Anxiety, help would be appreciate

First off, I am truly sorry that you and your Murmel had to go through all this lately. I hope that things will become easier over time. Hugs to you.

Hamsters are very resilient animals and often bounce back from things while we, as loving hamster parents, are still worrying over them. I agree with what SimonandSyril and Serendipity have said. It is never too late to tame your darling and you can create a fully wonderful, loving bond with Murmel at any time. It looks like the two of you already have a lovely bond building at the moment and it can continue to thrive and become even stronger over time. I would give Murmel a couple of days to recuperate from all the events of the past few days and restart your taming sessions with consistency and patience after that. During the waiting period, continue to calmly talk to your little one and use the tissue trick, too. When the time is right and you both feel it time to take him out of the cage again, I would suggest doing so in the tub with a towel on the base of it so it is more comfortable and blocks the drain in order to ensure there is no chance of Murmel escaping. Take each step slowly and make the increments small and build up the length of time as he feels more comfortable with the process.

As far as keeping Murmel cooler during the warm months, I would suggest you checking out the thread Sticky: Keeping your hamster cool (Multi-page thread 1, 2, and 3) by Leedsgurl in the Hamster Chat section of HC . It has plenty of wonderful suggestions that I believe will be very beneficial to you and your little darling.

I will be wishing you and your cutie pie the very best and know you will have great times together. Have fun and know in your heart that you are the best hamparent possible for you little one and Murmel knows it, too.

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Old 04-28-2018, 10:06 AM   #5
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Default Re: Fairly new Owner and firsttimer having a bit of Anxiety, help would be appreciate

First off, thanks to you all for your lovely replies and hugs back to you @dreamtree1234! I know I haven't replied quickly, but thank you for taking your time!

I will test out all of the suggestions you made and actually have already put some of those into action, such as routine and giving him some sense of security. thank you immensely for that! You really did boost my confidence and made me less scared, and I think we'll both pick up on that change of mood, so thank you! I have also read into the thread you sent @dreamtree1234
it was quite helpful, and just about 4 days ago the ceramic house for Murmel arrived. He has tried to find alternative paths to the giant door he could have easily went through the first time he explored, and I had to help him out once or twice, but now he's good with the hideout, he is a fast learner. Also I put a granite stone underneath the hideout which he loves to lie on from time to time.

To give a little update on his taming, I think that'd be nice seeing how you took your time to reply: I did wait 3 days before I started up taming sessions again, and just left him alone while sometimes talking in a silent voice if he seemed tense. That helped quite a bit I think, because he was running around his cage 2 days later like normal again. I waited another day before I tried putting him in a bigger box a few days ago, filling it with some of his bedding and a towel, and just tried out if he would climb onto my hand on his own if I offered it to him. By now every time I take him to the box (been about the 3rd time now) he really enjoys waddling on my hand and letting him be put back into the box, then repeating the step over and over and over... and over. He just doesn't get sick of it at all.
I have also started putting him in the outside area again the day before yesterday and he has been starting to climb over my lap and up my shirt just a bit. So you were right, I was able to win back his trust. And when we had to visit the vet yesterday (no worries, it wasn't anything serious, just a tiny bruise he got somehow), he let me handle him pretty well. He did try to climb away up my arm from the vet though, I don't think he likes vets all that much.
He is very picky with watery vegetables which is also one thing that worried me, but we have found some veggies he likes now, mainly carrots still though, and treats such as baby food without sugar that is hamster safe and he enjoys immensely. Now we just need to get him interested in anything to REALLY chew on. He does have a very strong character and he is CRAZY. Sometimes i have the feeling he does specific things when I am watching because he KNOWS that I don't really approve. But that's why I love him, and we are starting to fit really well together, he has helped a lot with my anxiety and I think we're both tumbling towards a good way to live together. Currently, I am trying to plan a bin cage extension to his current cage where he will be able to burrow as much as he likes. I mean his cage isn't small or anything and he is more of a climber, but it's a fun project and will give him more space to explore without supervision all the time, so we'll see how that goes haha.

Really thank you for all the support and I wish you all the best as well! You are amazing, hugs to you!

Last edited by Murmel; 04-28-2018 at 10:27 AM.
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Old 04-28-2018, 10:57 AM   #6
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Default Re: Fairly new Owner and firsttimer having a bit of Anxiety, help would be appreciate

So glad to hear things seem to be improving, it does just take time and like humans, each hammy has their own little personality and quirks
Feel free to ask me about rat advice too
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put, hamster, didn‘t, cage, time, back, day, inside, hand, don‘t, area, stress, days, scared, mistakes, murmel, treats, end, house, make, father, suddenly, lot, home, room

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