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Old 09-30-2021, 03:23 AM   #1
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Default Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

Hi all, I am new to this forum.

I had a hamster called Daf-daf (nickname from daffodil) and she was the most beautiful, stunning little thing. I loved her and still do love her with all my heart.

She was one year old which is not old for a Syrian hamster, and I’m just so confused as to why she died as it was so sudden.

We went to get her out in the evening, as we normally do. And my partner said she had two greyish lumps on her sides, at first I didn’t believe him, but as I felt more he was right. She was still moving around fine and eating, so I just put her back in her home.

The next morning I checked on her and she was weaker, but could still walk in and out of her home. We gave her some carrot because at this point we wondered if maybe she was constipated as there wasn’t many poos in the home. We ordered some natural antibiotics and some hamster multivits to arrive the next day. We didn’t phone the vet because she was okay just lethargic.

By the afternoon when it was too late to go to the vets, I checked on her again and she was so bad. She couldn’t stand, her stomach was massive, she was so cold, when she did walk she’s instantly collapse and just go to sleep.

We got her a hot water bottle and warmed her up, she perked up a bit so we still had hope she’d make it to the next day in order to see a vet or try the medicine.

Then she just plummeted, it was so horrible to see her that weak. You’d think she was dead how she lay she was barely breathing. My partner and I just cuddled her and gave her lots of kisses until she died.

I just am so confused why. I hadn’t questioned it before, but I wondered if she was constipated because I presumed the black dots in her cage were poos but there were just hidden seeds, and some small poos. I look back and I think she was more tired than usual that week and her appetite had gone down.

I worry as for her birthday a couple weeks ago, I got her a kapok pod since it’s got bedding, good chew toy and has seeds in. I’m wondering if that constipated her but it was two weeks ago? She’s also had soft bedding her entire life with no issues.

I read online about tumours, and I did get her from pets at home so I wonder if there was a genetic disposition I didn’t know about.

I really miss her, I just can’t believe her sweet little cheeky face is gone.

R.I.P my little angel ❤️🐹
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Old 10-01-2021, 04:16 AM   #2
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

I'm so sorry for your loss.
I'm afraid that regardless of what the pack says those pods are not safe for hamsters. The fibres do not digest and can indeed block up the bowel and cause the symptoms you have seen. Some hamsters don't eat it but others will try and ingest the fabric.
It wasn't necessarily this though and could well have been a problem inside such as a tumour, cyst or a womb infection.
It's very hard to fix and of these things in such small and delicate little creatures.
I hope your memories bring you joy though as she sounds to have enjoyed a lovely happy and loved life x
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Old 10-01-2021, 01:23 PM   #3
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

I am so sorry you’ve lost your little girl and that her decline was so quick. As Souffle says, it could have been anything. Any abdominal swelling is almost always serious though - usually it occurs in old age as a result of tumour or organ failure (fluid). But they can get tumours younger. Female hamsters can also get pyometra (womb infection) which can be difficult to cure and is usually an emergency. But fluffy type bedding is also a cause of blockages leading to death. There are a number of petitions trying to have it banned from sale. The kapok, even though natural, is just as bad for it. Plain white toilet paper torn into strips is the safest.

It’s hard when we don’t know why our little hamster has passed and it could be so many things. Sometimes, yes there is a genetic predisposition. Syrians are normally so healthy as well that vet visits are rarely needed until they get old age symptoms and conditions so it catches us unaware if they go downhill quickly.

I am glad your hamster had you there giving comfort at the end. You could have an autopsy but it would be expensive and while it may give answers, it may not either.

For the future, any sign of lumps or swelling at that age needs a vet visit (although sometimes they don’t get there in time) - with an exotic vet. They know a lot more about hamsters. A lot of vets don’t know much about hamsters.

There is an article somewhere showing a vet operating on a hamster with a blockage snd removing a lot of fluffy bedding - pulled out through the rear end. Which was the cause. They will eat all kinds of silly things as well - chocolate is poisonous to them too. Marbles, Lego - you name it. They need to be watched.

I hope you find another little hamster friend. I found it helps to have another one. It doesn’t replace the one you loved but is a different personality and a new friend.

And do come on here and ask any questions you want - we’ve all had various experiences, some owners are very experienced (and experienced breeders like Souffle) and it’s a friendly place. Plus we’re all into hamsters!

Last edited by Pebbles82; 10-01-2021 at 01:33 PM.
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Old 10-01-2021, 01:41 PM   #4
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

Oh I am so sorry for your loss.
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Old 10-01-2021, 04:05 PM   #5
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

Thank you for all your kind responses ❤️

I have buried her now, wrapped in a warm cloth. I’ve also taken apart and cleaned out her cage which was not easy as her bed and bridges etc. I’d built personalised for her.

I had mentioned the same to my partner while she was ill about the exotic vet but the issue was the closest one is in London which is over an hour away. I just really thought in my head she was just resting to recover.

As silly as it sounds I dismissed the lumps only because she was due on that day. I could always tell when her periods were and I thought she was just bloating.

I’m just so angry at myself, but at the same time the night we found the lumps was too late to go vets and if we went the next day her condition was so bad I feel the vet would’ve just put her to sleep anyway.

In a way I’m happy if that is true because the journey might’ve killed her, or she would’ve passed away at the vets. Not that anything is wrong with that just it’s peaceful in a way knowing she passed away in the comfort of her home with people who loved her.

I just pray she wasn’t in pain but something just tells me she was.

What I hate the most is we’ve had such a terrible year, and from the stress my partner and I have had our fair share of words exchanged. But I always knew 9pm she’d be up and she’d make me smile and she helped me through all of it. Next month we’re hoping all the issues arisen from the year can be resolved and finally not worry all the time anymore. I just wanted her to be there for that.

I do love her and no other hamster will ever replace her, but I may get another hamster in the future. I’ve decided though not to until all is resolved at least, and not until I’m not grieving her quite so much. No more kapok bedding and I’m considering getting from a breeder rather than a pet shop because I don’t want this pain again.

The closest one is tuftyfluff hamsters I think they’re called? I’ve messaged on Facebook as I can’t find an email but fingers crossed they still breed 🤞

Thank you all again ❤️
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Old 10-01-2021, 04:23 PM   #6
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

Here are some pictures of her 🐹❤️
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Old 10-01-2021, 05:25 PM   #7
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

She was lovely and looks happy. She was lucky to have a loving home. So it sounds like you went with your instincts and they were right. That she may not have made it to the vets. At least she passed at home with you.

I think Tuftyfluffs are still breeding as usual. From what others have said, she can be slow to reply.

I grieved terribly after our first syrian died - he was very much a loved family pet and part of the family. But none of us really got over it until we had another little Syrian baby hamster - and it made us laugh again. He was a different colour and a completely different personality and I wished I had done it sooner. It can help to get a different species (eg a roborovski), or a Syrian of a different sex and/or colouring.

You could also look at adoption. It is surprising how many people advertise a hamster only a few weeks old because a child has got bored. There are also hamster rescues with plenty of young ones. Although they probably came from a pet shop originally, I always think if they've survived being rescued then they are tough ones! Our first hamster was a pet shop hamster (not PAH) and lived to 2 years 8 months. We've had two pedigrees and one rescue. The rescue lived to just over 2 years and passed in his sleep. So some is just luck. We had an adopted robo from being a baby (they are supposed to live longer) and he became ill at 18 months.

They are such rewarding little things - they give us so much that I just felt truly grateful when they passed - they leave a hole in your heart but that can be filled by another fur baby who needs a loving owner. It is surprising how different their personalities are too.

The hardest part is cleaning out the cage. Putting things away out of sight can help for a while and also it helps after a little memorial or burial. To help move on. I also think a change of scene helps a lot - a week-end away or day out.

Play well over the Rainbow Bridge Daf Daf. She's free from pain now. You must miss her but she is running free now.
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Old 10-02-2021, 01:27 AM   #8
Ria P
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

I am very sorry for your loss but also glad that you have joined this forum.

The people here helped me so much when i got my first hamster in 2019 whithout doing any proper research.
When he died at 22 months, my OH and i were devastated and again, people here helped me so much to come to terms with my grief of losing this little hamster who played such an important part in this household.

We never get over the death of a beloved hamster but we learn to live with it and after a while we start to focus more on their happy memories.

We all learn as we go which is part of life and we learn not to make the same mistakes again.
You won't be using kapock or fluffy bedding again which may not have been the cause of your hamster's illness and i learnt not to underestimate a hamster's ability to open a door after one of ours escaped and was luckily found alive and well.

Your hamster was loved and cared for but there are many out there who are waiting for someone like you to come along and give them a happy life.
I rescue and rehome sometimes so know how very rewarding it is to take in a scared little hamster baby who had a rough start in life and then watch them blossom given love and proper care.

You will know when the time is right for you to get another hamster but sometimes they make this decision for us. A sad little furry face on Gumtree and i'm off to put a smile on this little face.
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Old 10-02-2021, 07:11 AM   #9
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

Yes sometimes you just know looking at one don’t you Ria? After our first Syrian died I looked in our local pet shop a couple of weeks later snd there was a lovely little girl in there who really needed a home - but it was too soon for me - I found it painful to see another hamster at that time. A couple of weeks later I was searching for one keenly and couldn’t find any.
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Old 10-02-2021, 10:42 AM   #10
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Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

The reason I want to wait personally is because when I was around ten, I had a Russian dwarf, and again she was a lovely hamster. Very lucky.

She lived until after two years old which I know is good for that species, but I was distraught as she passed away whilst in another persons care while I was on holiday.

My mum offered me a new hamster, and I thought it would cheer me up, so I got two male robovski hamsters.

It’s not that I hated them at all, I just always felt guilty as I felt it was almost replaced my old hamster which wasn’t true. And it didn’t help despite being siblings they always fought so I had to separate them.

It’s just the first couple of weeks were hard to care for them after just losing my previous hamster, and that first couple of weeks ruined the foundation of the remaining relationship.

In the end I did connect to them somewhat but I never felt as attached as my previous hamster. And I always knew that was unfair on them also. They did have good lives still, and I handled them a lot. I just always felt guilt when I handled them.

That’s why I don’t want to rush into a new hamster as I have made this mistake before and regretted it. Any hamster I get I want to be ready and give it the fullest life possible.
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hamster, home, poos, constipated, didn’t

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