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Old 10-01-2021, 04:05 PM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 409
Default Re: Syrian hamster died one year old with bloated tummy

Thank you for all your kind responses ❤️

I have buried her now, wrapped in a warm cloth. I’ve also taken apart and cleaned out her cage which was not easy as her bed and bridges etc. I’d built personalised for her.

I had mentioned the same to my partner while she was ill about the exotic vet but the issue was the closest one is in London which is over an hour away. I just really thought in my head she was just resting to recover.

As silly as it sounds I dismissed the lumps only because she was due on that day. I could always tell when her periods were and I thought she was just bloating.

I’m just so angry at myself, but at the same time the night we found the lumps was too late to go vets and if we went the next day her condition was so bad I feel the vet would’ve just put her to sleep anyway.

In a way I’m happy if that is true because the journey might’ve killed her, or she would’ve passed away at the vets. Not that anything is wrong with that just it’s peaceful in a way knowing she passed away in the comfort of her home with people who loved her.

I just pray she wasn’t in pain but something just tells me she was.

What I hate the most is we’ve had such a terrible year, and from the stress my partner and I have had our fair share of words exchanged. But I always knew 9pm she’d be up and she’d make me smile and she helped me through all of it. Next month we’re hoping all the issues arisen from the year can be resolved and finally not worry all the time anymore. I just wanted her to be there for that.

I do love her and no other hamster will ever replace her, but I may get another hamster in the future. I’ve decided though not to until all is resolved at least, and not until I’m not grieving her quite so much. No more kapok bedding and I’m considering getting from a breeder rather than a pet shop because I don’t want this pain again.

The closest one is tuftyfluff hamsters I think they’re called? I’ve messaged on Facebook as I can’t find an email but fingers crossed they still breed 🤞

Thank you all again ❤️
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