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Old 01-10-2025, 02:56 PM   #1
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2025
Location: Kirkand, WA, USA
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Angry I made a huge mistake :((

Hello everyone. I just adopted a 2 month old Syrian long haired male 3 days ago. He is sooo cute. I did research and got basic needs for him. Bedding somewhere 6in - some where 10 in. I got a house, a hideout, middle hide carton box, a 10 in wheel, water bottle, water bowl, a veggie pie, apple chew stick, brown paper shredded box, sand bath, flower and oat sprays. He explored the case immediately, nippling on any food he came by, sat on sand bath, munched on popcorn then went to the house and slept. Second day he dug a sleeping pod under his food and drink platform and slept there during the day. So cute! I didn't disturb him and so thankful he chose the spot right at case wall for display of cuteness. My husband and I sat in front of him taking pictures and video. He ate well, higgin mix, veggie pie, homemade oat and rice mix, fresh food for snack: little pieces of fresh eggs and broccolli first day, fresh boiled chicken and corn second day. Then, last night, I noticed something shiny and reflective in his sleeping pod. I heard the tick tick chewing sound. Then I suddenly realized, it's the plastic film on the acrylic wall I didn't realized it's there and he chewed on it. So I panicked. I thought I had to remove it right away. I gently tapped his sleeping pod. He lazily moved away, and I removed the plastic. I was so sad, so frustrated at myself for didn't check the plastic film. I looked up about plastic chewing, it may not harm him much. It seems he chewed but not swallowed much. He even came out and quickly put a piece of carrot and a piece of egg noodle in his pouch then went to his house. I'm pretty sure he's mad at me now. His house is on the right side and food and drink platform is on the left side. I put back stuff after removing them to remove the plastic, put a new hub as well. Then today morning, I checked on him. I'm sure he's still mad and stay in his house but he dug again under the old sleeping pod during the night. He still used his sand bath and drink. The thing is, I'm so very worried right now that he stopped touching his food all together. Nothing changed except some walnut pieces. I feel like a failure and think of many things that may go wrong. What if he got stomach upset from the plastic, what if something wrong with his teeth that he can't eat, what if he's scared now and refused to eat, or any other illness. And I don't want to disturb him but I really really want to see him to check him overall or take him to the vet. I don't know if I should give him another day or should just risk him hating me more for checking on him and bringing him to the vet. If you have any idea to calm this anxiety down please please help 😭
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Old 01-11-2025, 11:51 AM   #2
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Default Re: I made a huge mistake :((

I’m a brand-new hamster owner who— although I’ve done a lot of research—knows probably just about enough to be dangerous, so please take this with a grain of salt

It honestly doesn’t sound like he swallowed the plastic—probably just chewed it. I would monitor him for another day. It may be that he just loves the treats so much that he picked out the walnut pieces and left his normal food If he does not eat at ALL for a full day, maybe day and a half or two days, then I would take him to the vet rather quickly.

My hamster liked to gnaw on her old plastic cage (she has a better one now) and she’s okay!

You’re right on for not wanting to disturb him too much, especially when he’s still getting used to you. Hamsters get stressed very easily. It could be that he just needs some time to calm down. Again, I’d personally only consider a vet visit if he did not eat anything for a day or two.

If an experienced hamster owner disagrees with me—listen to them and forget everything I said haha!

I know what it’s like to feel so anxious, especially over something you care about. Try to take some deep breaths and take care of yourself. You’re doing your best, and that’s ALL you can do. Your hamster is lucky to have someone like you to be caring for him. All you can control right now is simply doing your best. ❤️ While waiting and monitoring him, please do take care of yourself and maybe make a warm cup of tea… it’ll help calm you down a bit. ❤️ You’re doing great!
I’m Madi, brand-new hamster owner of a Syrian named Fluffy. 🩷
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Old 01-11-2025, 09:03 PM   #3
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Default Re: I made a huge mistake :((

i agree with madison, im also no hamster expert but i'd recommend keeping an eye on your hammy. check that they are still drinking peeing/pooping and still active (exploring at night/burrowing/running on wheel) if they are still active i'd say its fine. hamsters like to chew a lot of things even things they shouldnt. i highly doubt your hamster ate the plastic but if you can see parts of the plastic film missing you could check the area where the hide was to see if you can see little pieces of it in the bedding (i'd wait till your little fur baby is awake and exploring if its the area they sleep) you could try tempting them to eat with a little cucumber or apple or maybe some dried mealworms. theres a chance your hammy could have pouched food from the previous night and stored it in their bed and is just snacking on that through the night they could also be eating the sprays you have in the cage
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Old 01-11-2025, 09:37 PM   #4
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Default Re: I made a huge mistake :((

Hi everyone! Thanks for your inputs and advice. He hasn't come out since the incident. I just got a pet camera to monitor him better. I saw his pee but couldn't see any of his poop. He finally ate his regular Higgin mix (i put two more tiny bowls to entice him to eat) and I still feed him some fresh boiled protein (chicken, tofu, eggs etc.) and veggies. But he still eats in a slower pace than before. He dug a new sleeping pod on the opposite side which is harder to see since it's right next to a cabinet and I don't want to move the cabinet and spook him again. I can only see his little pink nose He still burrows and seems to knock over stuff when I was not around. I'm not sure if he's active or becomes hating the case and wants to get out... I plan to take him out once we're comfortable and through taming process but I'm not sure how because he's avoiding me and my husband for the last 2 days. I can only see him under sleeping pod or assume he's deep under bedding because he hasn't come out any more. My husband said 'why do you put so much bedding' and I was like 'hamsters like it!!!' But it's hard to check on him when he's still not comfortable being in front of me and has many places to hide... I will look around the forum and learn more about Syrian hamsters. He's so cute and ate in front me many times before the plastic incident ( I miss him so much (I will get mealworms, I did hear hamsters like it. I actually very much dislike it and plan to feed other type of proteins like chicken, eggs, salmon and tofu but I think I have to now. Thanks again for coming to this thread and sharing your thoughts <3
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Old 01-14-2025, 02:42 PM   #5
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Default Re: I made a huge mistake :((

I just wanted to give an update. My hamster avoided me since last Friday but last night, he ran on his wheel the whole night and ate his seed mix. I monitored him through my pet camera. This morning I opened the case, just wanted to check overall and changed his food/drink. I didn't expect much but then saw him standing drinking from his bottle. I was so excited, sprang to kitchen and grabbed some tiny piece of boiled chicken. He ate of my hand some pieces then went to his house back to sleep. I'm so happy he's not avoiding me anymore and came out to drink and eat even during the day! Pet camera helps so much to ease my worries and also I left him at peace without even changing sand bath, only filling up food for the last few days. I'm cooking some egg for him now. He's so sweet and overall looks healthy. I'm just glad he's not scared of me and confident to show himself to me. Thanks for spending time reading my ham's story <3
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Old 01-15-2025, 10:27 PM   #6
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Default Re: I made a huge mistake :((

I’m so glad your hammy seems to be all right now! Thanks for the update <3
I’m Madi, brand-new hamster owner of a Syrian named Fluffy. 🩷
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plastic, house, day, food, pod

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