Hello everyone, I got this little guy today he is about 8 weeks old. He is a fully brown Syrian and is a male. He is very cute and curious, I was expecting him to be a bit scared but hes been out and exploring his cage already

im gonna give him a week to settle before I try to bond with him but hes already been coming to the front of his cage when i talk to him the only problem is I have no idea what to call him. I really like cute / silly name so if anyone has any suggestions i'd like to hear them!
Also while I went to pets at home today to get him some sand and there were people there trying to buy a dwarf hamster and they were turned away because their cage was too small. I think this is a really possitive change my local pets at home have recently started to display a lot of larger cages they even had the newest big savic plaza in store too, the man tried to encourage them to buy one of them but they werent intrested and ended up leaving without a hamster. I hopefully other pet stores will begin to do the same.