Hi all,
We brought our lovely Syrian hamster Meredith home 2 weeks ago now. She is a Syrian!
I've had only male hamsters many years ago, this is our first female.
We have had her for 2 weeks and I am yet to handle her... she is happy to take most treats from us... and during this time we stroke her whilst she nibbles.
I find that even if we put our hands in she still randomly jumps. For the first 1.5 hours of her waking time she mainly hides behind her running saucer and is like a frozen statue? Staring into space...
We transported her to the bath with blankets, toys and treats last week but she seemed very scared so abandoned this...
when my partner placed a flat hand near the cage door with a treat in the hope she might reach into his hand she bit him HARD...
she just seems generally quite anxious and jumpy...
Any advice at all?!? What is usual time frame to handle a hamster?! I feel in previous years it's been much sooner than this... every hamster is different I know. But feel like we are going wrong/ don't understand why so anxious!
Thanks so much in advance xxx