Hamster not eaten in 2 days.
Hello everyone.
I have a 6 months old female syrian hamster, who has suddenly turned her nose up at food. She will take treats out of my hand and pocket them but I haven't seen her eat them and I gave her a new bowl of food which she just sniffed at and walked away.
Last week she was fine, she was eating, drinking very active and was her usual self. Now she's drinking more. Not eating and a bit more lethargic. That only thing I can say that has changed was that I did a massive clean out of her hamster cage, where I emptied the whole thing, scrubbed it with the same products I always use and put fresh bedding, Sprays and food in for her. This was on Monday afternoon, since then she hasn't eaten. She won't even touch her chew toys.
It can't be her teeth as she has multiple chew toys made of different materials and she is a big chewer.
I'm getting really worried about her as a Hamster can only go 4 days without eating before it becomes fatal.