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Old 01-06-2024, 04:27 AM   #1
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2024
Posts: 2
Default How to tame a baby hamster that’s not into food?


Crumble is my new baby Syrian hamster. He’s around 5 weeks old.
I unfortunately had to get it from a pet store since the closest rescue was about 700 kms away and breeders only available in other countries (I live in France).

I already have experience with hamsters (separately of course I had 2 Syrians and 1 Russian and rats as well from rescue for 3 of them). The thing is never this young.

My hamster is not into food. It’s not shy (for now I guess) but also not very curious about my hand. I’ve had it for 3 days now and I wonder what to do and what not to do.

Since it enjoys so much its enclosure and its exercice wheel, Crumble doesn’t want to get out or to interact and it’s not into any food, nor its regular food nor veggies or fruits (recommended of course) I introduce to him. Of course it eats its mix for baby hamster but it does not crave for it.

How do I get to make him interact?
I’m afraid if I let it just live its life it’s gonna become wild but I dunno what to do since Crumble is far from greedy 😂 I wonder if it comes from its age?

should I encourage it to get out in its park with me even though it doesn’t want to? If so without food as a reward it’s complicated! It doesn’t even put the food in its cheeks.

Sorry for my poor English I’m from France and thank you for your help 🐹
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Old 01-08-2024, 02:54 AM   #2
Adult Hamster
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Default Re: How to tame a baby hamster that’s not into food?

Some hamsters simply need more time to settle down. Most of the time with mine, they've been 'tame' after about two weeks; I could pick them up and hold them, but they were still a little nervous. My current little one, who I suspect was very young when I got him as he was so tiny, didn't start being comfortable with my handling him until nearly 6 weeks had passed.

Have you tried different kinds of food? Ones with interesting smells. It could be he's too nervous to be interested in food given, or simply too excited over his new home to take much interest in anything else. I find that many hamsters can't resist a piece of cheddar cheese. You could also try offering a small amount of porridge, placing it near the front of the cage, then gently touch his back as he eats to get him used to it/start associating human touch with something good.

Most of the things people suggest for taming, like the tissue trick, are for nervous hamsters. If the excitement of the new home starts to wear out and he does become nervous, you might want to try it; simply put some tissue in your sleeve/somewhere on your body, or even in your bed, so it can pick up your scent, and then put the tissue in the cage. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait and see, and it could be it'll just take longer to tame him.
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food, hamster, it’s, doesn’t, baby

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