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Old 07-18-2019, 12:22 PM   #61
The Hamographer
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Originally Posted by PurpleKat View Post
She looks like a sweet cute hamster
Thank you Purple Kat, she is and also fiesty, very fiesty.
Currently Poppy is ignoring me as he did an emergency dog sit for our neighbour and clearly this has up set her when I do see her out she freezes at any noise and she won't even be coaxed out of her house with special treats.
RIP Forrest 05.03.2016
RIP Pippin 05.03.16-13.07.17 I won't forget you.. Ghost 14-07-17-13-05-19
"Some Angels don't have wings, they have little round furry bodies, four paws, a round nose, curious whiskers and unconditional love.."
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Old 07-28-2019, 03:08 PM   #62
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Originally Posted by Ria P View Post
Dear Poppy!

Long time no sniff.

This is your friend Henry finally getting on to the Hamnet!
Big Nose's big nose is forever stuck in that thingy she calls phone and i have to wait until she leaves it on her desk to get a sniff at it.

I did manage to keep up with you and have seen some lovely photographs of you beautiful Poppy. What were you doing behind the fridge? Did you not get dusty or electrocuted? I am a man of the world now and know about the dangers of those things. Do be careful please.

To your question: no, i don't get called silly names, the humans call me by my proper name of Henry but sometimes they refer to me as THE hamster! Hmpf. Big nose still uses a silly voice though like i'm a baby (eye rolling). Hello little Henry and how are you today....grrrrr.

I've had a lovely holiday. Lie ins till midnight every day, more food than i could eat even the peanuts were served shelled and i did not have to search high and low for my provisions. No one cluttering about in the kitchen, dropping things, no smell of burnt food, no noisy motorbike and no one bothering me. I did see Whisker's whiskers appearing at my gate, that's the one who lost nearly all his fur, for a quick chat. Oh well, she's been back for a while now, Big Nose that is and i was almost glad to see her because she's far better at cleaning my toilet than Whiskers is.

Oh well, my spirited young lady, here comes Big Nose demanding her phone back because she has to go to work.

Poppy, could you please tell me more about your adventures in a place called outdoors on a lawn? I've never been there. Did you like the avocado? Best served on a basil leaf. Yesss Big Nose!! Got to go back to my coconut now.
Very best wishes
yours Henry
My Dearest Henry,
I must apologise for my tardiness in not being able to respond to your missive in a timely manner.
I am must glad that you liked the pictures of me that Big Paw had posted on the Hamnet, he wasn't impressed with my sojourn being the big silver box thing he calls a fridge freezer, well he gets nice things from it for me to eat, he calls them treats I call them jolly yummy and wanted to try and get in my self to make my own selection.
Alas my efforts where in vain as I was unable to find the entrance, it must be a secret only he knows about, the funny thing is when he does open it a special light comes on and he can see my treats, I think this is most convenient.
I like the idea of a holiday, I also get the silly cooing noises from Big Paw and his silly names which he will not desist from utilising.
I have had a few new interesting things from Big Paw to eat, these are Pasta, which is very yummy, I have had what he calls boiled rice, also this is most yummy, I have also Grapes which he has given me when it has been very hot, these are nice and do provide a generous amount of cooling nutriment. I can recommend Melon which is amazing but does leave you in a sticky mess worse than avocado, but it is worth it.
Big Paw keeps cleaning my nest area out, as he says it should be clean and not smelly, I like my nest as it is but he will not listen.
I have had quite a few lawn adventures, of late and it is much fun but it is so big I am quite in awe of it, Big Paw says he has filmed my wanderings and put it on YooToob what ever that is, I will have to ask him to show you them.
I will keep you posted on any further developments that my occur .
Big Paw is coming back and he will wants his lappy toppy thing back.
I look forward to hearing of your adventures,
My Kindest Regards to my most Handsome friend
RIP Forrest 05.03.2016
RIP Pippin 05.03.16-13.07.17 I won't forget you.. Ghost 14-07-17-13-05-19
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Old 07-30-2019, 09:17 PM   #63
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Hello Folks,
A quick Poppy update, not posted for a while as been rather busy etc.
So to start, got home this morning from work, and decided to clean out Poppy's nest/bed area which was fine a few days ago, but now was a horrid smelly mess as she has decided in her laziness not to use her toilet but rather use one end of her house as a loo....

So I have a displeased hamster just now. While I had her out I weighed the little stink beast, and she is a rather tidy 224g..! She has such character I would love to put her with an equally crazy Male Hammy and see what pups she would produce, but that is a flight of fancy.

On a different note, I have had to buy a Hamster Ball for Poppy as I can no longer let her have free roaming sessions due to her destructive behaviour, she attacks the carpet, the legs of the sofa, shoes and to make things even worse now has a go at electrical cables... She also makes her self very difficult to retrieve too.

I tried with a play pen and that took 30 seconds to escape from by way of climbing out, the second attempt of penning the creature in resulted in her lifting the pen up and getting out underneath, so household wanderings are now in a ball, she actually seems to like it as she can have more of a run of the down stairs than just one room. I have used Hamster exercise balls before with our other hams to no detriment to them, she after about a half hour worked out how to steer it around to avoid obstacles... She is a really clever, mischievous little Hamster being, who makes me curse and laugh in equal measure.
I must post some links to the short videos of her having her Lawn experiences.
RIP Forrest 05.03.2016
RIP Pippin 05.03.16-13.07.17 I won't forget you.. Ghost 14-07-17-13-05-19
"Some Angels don't have wings, they have little round furry bodies, four paws, a round nose, curious whiskers and unconditional love.."
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Old 07-31-2019, 12:22 AM   #64
Ria P
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Does Poppy have a corner toilet in the part of her house she pees in?

Henry is a lazy hamster who can't be bothered to leave his house during the day so pees in the corner opposite his nest.
Plastic corner toilets were either too big or he nibbled them but the Rodipet ceramic toilet size S fits perfectly in his house and is big enough to reverse his 220g bum in. He also chucks leftover food in the toilet when he tidies his nest.

He has the Rodipet size M in a corner in his cage but also pees in the corner behind the sand bath!
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Old 08-06-2019, 08:32 AM   #65
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Originally Posted by Ria P View Post
Does Poppy have a corner toilet in the part of her house she pees in?

Henry is a lazy hamster who can't be bothered to leave his house during the day so pees in the corner opposite his nest.
Plastic corner toilets were either too big or he nibbled them but the Rodipet ceramic toilet size S fits perfectly in his house and is big enough to reverse his 220g bum in. He also chucks leftover food in the toilet when he tidies his nest.

He has the Rodipet size M in a corner in his cage but also pees in the corner behind the sand bath!
Hi Ria,
Poppy was doing much the same peeing in the corner away from her nest/bed she would also use her toilet, I swapped her toilet out as I only use plastic containers such as ice cream containers etc for her loo, the last one she has tipped over and strewn the sand every where, so she ends up with a mix of sand and wood shavings in her loo but she still seems to use it just fine.
RIP Forrest 05.03.2016
RIP Pippin 05.03.16-13.07.17 I won't forget you.. Ghost 14-07-17-13-05-19
"Some Angels don't have wings, they have little round furry bodies, four paws, a round nose, curious whiskers and unconditional love.."
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Old 08-06-2019, 08:39 AM   #66
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Dear Henry,
I need you help, Big Paw isn't being fair he now imprisons me in a ball when I want to be out of my cage, he says it is all my own fault as I keep destroying things, he also says it is to keep me safe as I am chewing electric cables, what are electric cables? What can I do?? On another note Big Paw has said he has a new treat for me he calls it Mango I shall report back once I have tried this new thing.
Must dash as I can hear Big Paw coming back.
RIP Forrest 05.03.2016
RIP Pippin 05.03.16-13.07.17 I won't forget you.. Ghost 14-07-17-13-05-19
"Some Angels don't have wings, they have little round furry bodies, four paws, a round nose, curious whiskers and unconditional love.."
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Old 08-06-2019, 01:15 PM   #67
Ria P
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Dearest Poppy!

I am shocked to hear that you have been imprisoned in a ball! Humans wouldn't like to run around in a straight jacket!

You poor poor thing. You must think of something to revolt.
I will give this matter some serious thought and get back to you once i've had a wash, eaten something and had another wash.

Electric cables aren't nice to eat and Big Paw shouldn't leave them on the floor. They can make your fur stand on end if you chew through them so best not to bother with them.

I have a new hobby. It's called wallpaper stripping.

Big nose does not approve of my new hobby and has blocked off the corner i was working on. These humans can be insensitive spoil sports who want all the fun for themselves!

Mango i have tried and Papaya. Very nice but i can't stand this round squishy thing they call Raspberry. It's alive and attacked me with a squirt! Keep away.

We must devise a plan to get you out of this ball prison.
You could use it as a lavatory so Big Paw has to clean it.

On a positive note and as a parting thought i would like you to know that i am so so flattered that you think i'm handsome. It means so much to me...

with best wishes
your friend Henry x
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Old 08-14-2019, 10:26 PM   #68
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Dear Henry,

This is just a short missive, I agree we have to hatch a plan to get me from out of this intolerable prison that I have to endure as to get some freedom of roaming albeit restricted as it is.
What I really wanted to let you know I have been given the most wonderous treat you could imagine, Big Paw gave me something he calls Mango it was so sweet and juicy it took a full half hour to clean my self of the ridiculous stickiness of the juice that exuded from it, but oh it was worth it.
May I suggest you get Big Nose to procure you some of this delectable delight of delights.
As ever my Handsome Friend,
Yours Poppy
RIP Forrest 05.03.2016
RIP Pippin 05.03.16-13.07.17 I won't forget you.. Ghost 14-07-17-13-05-19
"Some Angels don't have wings, they have little round furry bodies, four paws, a round nose, curious whiskers and unconditional love.."
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Old 08-30-2019, 11:34 AM   #69
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Dear All,
I have been subjected to an intrusion beyond reproach, the Human Big Paw has violated my trust, he has performed what he calls a deep clean of my habitat, and I mean deep he threw away all my substrate, and also remodelled many things, he has given me a huge new nesting box, but to show my displeasure I have dug into the wood shavings in a corner under a piece of wood and will remain there until he has said sorry.
RIP Forrest 05.03.2016
RIP Pippin 05.03.16-13.07.17 I won't forget you.. Ghost 14-07-17-13-05-19
"Some Angels don't have wings, they have little round furry bodies, four paws, a round nose, curious whiskers and unconditional love.."
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Old 08-30-2019, 02:42 PM   #70
Ria P
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Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Dearest Poppy,

i hope you have recovered from your ordeal of
The Deep Clean.

It happens to all of us, sooner or later, this invasion of privacy and violation of basic hamsterian rights.

You mention that Big Paw made some home improvements in your residence? Please elaborate. The new, huge nesting box sounds very interesting. Once you have given it your personal touch and surrounded yourself with your lovely scent, you will soon feel at home again.

Are you still confined to this ball thing or have you crashed it into a plant pot or cup of coffee left on the carpet?

I had the run of Big Nose's bed tonight but she is such a spoil sport! I really want to know what lies beyond the edge, make a run for it.....and Big Nose lifts me up with my legs still running ready to jump and puts me back in the centre. Aaargh!! So frustrating!

Oh Poppy! I have news. One of our species has moved in with Whiskers and Big Nose. He does not belong to the elite group of well built and well proportioned hamsters like you and i.

He is a dwarf!!

He lives in a fish tank, sleeps in the cellar of his cottage, dines in a toad stool and is very odd indeed.

I had a chat with Whiskers over a piece of Edam last night and Whiskers told me that he has trouble seeing the dwarf so has made an appointment with the optician.
I'm rather peckish now and wil go and search my hoard for some tasty nibbles.

Dear Poppy, tell Big Paw to post some more photos of you. The hamnet is in need of some glamour.

Your friend Henry x
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