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Old 04-17-2017, 01:37 AM   #1
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Default Mushu the Fluffy


Hi everyone. I know that I already made Mushu a thread, but I don't like how I did it so I have decided to start again. I wanted to say in advance that I know I am not perfect and I have made mistakes, but at the end of the day I am human (not perfect like Mushu!) and I am trying to do the best that I can for Mushu. Please don't judge me, but help me in pursuit of this with constructive criticism.

First off, a bit of background on me. As a child, I desperately wanted a hamster. However, the answer was always "No"... Until one day it wasn't!

When I was 11, my parents divorced and I moved schools; it was a stressful time for me. I didn't have many friends so I was lonely and, after years of "No"s, my mum suddenly relented and agreed to me getting a hamster.

I did a lot of research. I bought 'The Hamsterlopaedia' and read it from cover to cover about a hundred times.

My first hamster, Alfie, was the love of my young life! He was a gorgeous cream and white banded syrian. As a baby, he was fluffy and as an adult he grew two tufts of fur on either side of his tail but that was really the extent of his long hair. Despite coming from a pet shop, he was a big hamster, at just over 200g fully grown. Alfie was friendly, inquisitive and cuddly and I spoiled him rotten. I was devastated when he died at 2 years old; I mourned him for months.

I should add that at the same time as I had Alfie, my brother and I adopted the hamster of one of my brother's friends, who was going to live in Singapore and could not take his elderly hamster with him. I believe Scamp was between 2 and 2.5 years old when he came to us. The poor thing had fallen from the top of his large cage when young and broken both back legs. Miraculously, he had survived but his legs had set at odd angles so for the rest of his life were splayed and difficult for him to use. However, he was a lovely genial chap who nevertheless enjoyed floor time and was very friendly towards humans. After only six months of owning him, Scamp passed away.

No one understood why I couldn't get over Alfie. In the end, my mum took me to the pet shop and forced me to get another hamster. My next hamster could never replace Alfie, but he did fill a hole in my heart. Sooty was a dark brown syrian hamster with spectacles around his eyes (I think the term may be sable?) and in his life, he had many adventures - including becoming a proud father! He died at 2.5 years old. At this stage, I decided that hamsters just did not live long enough. My heart broke every time one died. Therefore, I swore never to get another one.

Since then, I have been without Hamster. Until now, that is. Have I missed having a little furry someone to care for? Of course I have. Even the 'chore' of cage cleaning has always been enjoyable to me.

Last edited by AprilPearl; 04-17-2017 at 06:34 AM.
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Old 04-17-2017, 01:37 AM   #2
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Default Re: Mushu the Fluffy


I was meant to go to university this October. I had my place, I was excited. But I got sick. Very sick. So sick that I almost died. But I didn't. Which I should be thankful for. However, I have had to defer my place at university until next year. As time went on I have gradually regained my health and seven months on am so much better. However, I have been very lonely. I am not saying this for sympathy, just trying to explain the circumstances around Mushu coming home and why he means so much to me right now.

Mirroring events when I was 11, I asked my mum several times if I could have a hamster. Again, the answer was always "No". Until, last week, it was "Yes".

As I often do, I was looking at all the baby hamsters in Pets At Home on 8/4/17. And I saw him. There was a cream and white short haired hamster sleeping in the corner of one cage. But it isn't this hamster I am talking about. I am talking about the tuft of brown fluff just visible poking out from underneath his brother. I hadn't even seen him properly, but I knew this was the hamster for me.

I was shocked that he was still being housed with a sibling, especially as the lady in the store told me the hamsters were 10 weeks old! This might explain the large knick in his ear.

I do feel guilty that Mushu will not be able to come to university with me - at least in my first year. I am going to Cambridge, where I will be staying in college for my first year where no pets are allowed. However, many students share a house in their second year, so perhaps Mushu can join me then.

We took this hamster home, along with the largest cage Pets at Home sold. Here, I feel obliged to add that this cage was still not big enough. So, I have had to order an Alaska online. This may still not be as big as I would like, but it is the largest cage my mum will allow me to have (she thought the Pets at Home cage was too big!).

After setting up the cage at home, and letting my new hamster go inside, I set about thinking up a name. I contemplated Teddy or Milo, but in the end settled on Mushu after the dragon in Mulan. I subsequently discovered that this is also a Chinese dish, but we won't tell Mushu that.

Here are some pictures of Mushu after he first got home. Please note, that his new bigger cage and 12 inch silent runner wheel are on their way, as also is his new fitch bedding. Also, I have added a thicker layer of substrate and bedding since these were taken.

Last edited by AprilPearl; 04-17-2017 at 06:34 AM.
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Old 04-17-2017, 01:41 AM   #3
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Default Re: Mushu the Fluffy


After letting Mushu settle in, we had our first handling session. From the outset, I was astonished by how tame he was. The shop assistant told me that he had never been handled before, and did not even use her hand to coax him into the cardboard travelling box. Yet, he has never bitten, chattered at me or even run away from being picked up or stroked. At first, he moved around quite a lot while being handled, but now he has doused down and will sit for a short while.

Mushu has always been happy to take treats from me. His favourites appear to be broccoli, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. He also likes cashew nuts on occasion. Other foods he likes are spaghetti, cooked rice and chicken. He does not like treats especially formulated for hamsters, though I wasted my money on a lot of them, but that is probably a good thing for his health. I also tried him on mealworms, but he steadfastly ignores them.

Mushu eating spaghetti:

Mushu eating broccoli:

^^ I should point out that in the above picture, the cuts in my hands are due to my severe dry skin which often cracks. Mushu has never bitten me in his life! Or even tried.

A day or so ago, he was so relaxed in my hands that his little head dropped, his eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep! It was the funniest thing, watching him wake up and look around all confused about why he was sleeping in a place that was not in his nest.

Having said all this, he does remain skittish because he is still young and getting used to his new home. I don't want you going away with the idea that Mushu is perfectly tame already! He is not, but we are making good progress.

Initially, we did have a bit of trouble getting Mushu to eat his hamster mix, though he was still eating any treats he was given. Pets at Home sent him away with their own brand of food and instructions to move him onto any new food slowly. I put it in his bowl, but he didn't take any of it. Also, he had only come into the shop 2 days previously so had probably been eating a different food prior to that. I tried a combination of switching him onto Harry Hamster and decreasing the treats - which worked a treat (no pun intended). He now takes his mix happily.

Last edited by AprilPearl; 04-17-2017 at 01:32 PM.
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Old 04-17-2017, 01:42 AM   #4
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I was initially unsure as to whether or not Mushu is long haired. I have come to the conclusion that he is, as he gets fluffier by the day. I suppose only time will tell how long it will grow eventually.

It has also been difficult to establish what colour he is. He seems to look a different colour in ever picture I take of him! In many, he almost looks as though he has a band, though in real life there is no white. The best way I can describe his colouring is that it is 'ombre' (look at pictures of ombre human hair online). He is a brownish shade all over, but it is darker around his head and upper body, getting gradually lighter as you travel down towards his tail. I was advised that he might be a long haired cream or cinnamon - and possibly a satin coat at that. His fur is very shiny, so I am prepared to believe it.

I have been trying to gently groom Mushu with a toothbrush. He doesn't seem to mind much, but then again he doesn't sit still to let me do it!

I am certain that even in the first week I have owned him, Mushu's hair has grown longer. Initially, I kept him on woodshavings as Pets at Home had. But, this got tangled in his hair. Also, I was concerned about the effect on his respiratory system. Therefore, I determined to switch him to a paper substrate.

I went to my local pet shop which only stocked carefresh neutral. I happily bought this and put it in Mushu's cage after cleaning it for the first time. He happily dug and tunnelled through the thick layer I put down. But, I have since discovered that carefresh can cause breathing issues! Despite my good intentions, I wasn't making things better for him. As a result, I have ordered some fitch.

On the subject of cage cleaning, the first clean solved one particular mystery. Mushu was drinking all week, his water bottle level was going down and I had even tested it with a finger to check that it was working. And yet, I could find no evidence of pee in his cage. Until cleaning it. The entire inside of his wheel was sticky with dry hamster pee! I suppose it must make as good a toilet as any other place.

After his cage was cleaned, Mushu has taken to peeing in a corner. Oddly, however, he has cleared the substrate from that corner and is peeing directly onto the plastic. Perhaps he had been seeing in his wheel previously because he does not like going on his nice clean 'carpet'.

Last edited by AprilPearl; 04-17-2017 at 06:35 AM.
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Old 04-17-2017, 01:42 AM   #5
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Default Re: Mushu the Fluffy


I want to ensure that Mushu is continuing to grow every week, so I have decided to weigh him weekly. Currently, he is a little over 11 weeks old if Pets at Home were correct about him being 10 weeks old when I first got him. On Saturday 15/4/17, he weighed 101g. I think that seems like a respectable weight fir his age. I can't wait to see how much he has grown by next week!

Last edited by AprilPearl; 04-17-2017 at 06:35 AM.
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Old 04-17-2017, 01:59 AM   #6
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Default Re: Mushu the Fluffy

I enjoyed reading through your background to hamsters and your previous hamsters. It sounds like they have been a nice part of your life and brought you a lot of happiness. Sorry to hear about your illness and I hope you will continue get well and be strong enough for your place at university next year. I'm sure Mushu will be bringing you a lot of joy, it's amazing how theraeputic pets can be

Bossed around by Artie, Spartacus, Snapdragon, Feliks, Veikko & Delphia.
Boris, Pasha, Jaska & Max playing at the rainbow bridge, forever loved.
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Old 04-17-2017, 02:29 AM   #7
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Default Re: Mushu the Fluffy

Sounds like you've had a lot going on!
Glad to hear your getting better!
Mushu is adorable!!!!!! Sooooooooooo floofy! (Humphrey is a shorthaired ham)
Good luck getting into uni next year! (Mushu might not survive without his favourite human!).

I know this is a bit random, but mushu has the same little blue and white bowl as Humphrey!
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Old 04-17-2017, 02:34 AM   #8
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Aww he is such a beauty. If you need a foster home for him while you are in your first year of uni let me know.

I have kept hamsters for many years and really love them.
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Old 04-17-2017, 02:42 AM   #9
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Yup, if you need a foster carer
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Old 04-17-2017, 03:42 AM   #10
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Default Re: Mushu the Fluffy

So sorry to hear about your illness but hey, things can only get better from here! Mushu is such a lovely little ham, and I'm sure he's going to be real fluffy once he reaches adulthood. I enjoyed reading all about his story and how things are going, looking forward to getting updates
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hamster, alfie, time, years, life, died, syrian, heart, friendly, mushu, months, cover, friends, mum, young, live, legs, scamp, decided, shop, fluffy, long, background, cage, pet

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