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Old 10-28-2014, 01:23 AM   #1
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Smile Kit Kat's Thread

I finally wandered into this section of the forum and decided to make Kit Kat a thread of her own. Mostly just want it to be little bits of her day along with any pictures and videos.

Kit Kat's beginning:
One day I walked into Petco and I decided that I wanted a hamster. Originally I wanted a robo but before rushing into a purchase my boyfriend advised that I do some research. After doing my research I discovered that a Syrian would be better suited for me. I ended up going to three petcos and four kahoots before finding my girl. Sadly I was going of color and not personality. When I got to the third kahoots I saw a black baby hamster but that one got purchased right in front of me. I was so sad. The employees tried to convince me to get the other hamster and she was cute but nothing interesting so I left. For some reason that hamster stayed in my mind all night long so I rushed over to buy her the very next morning.

It was time for a name but I didn't want a regular run of the mill hamster name. I was going to settle for autumn but she didn't look like an autumn. Eventually Kit Kat came to mind and it stuck. After getting her there were a couple problems along the way. The problems are the reason why I wanted to make her a thread. So people could read our experience and relate or know that they aren't alone. One of the main problems was taming. I had no idea you had to tame a hamster. I had hamsters growing up and they were automatically friendly from the get go. No fear or biting. So when Kit Kat came along it was a intense. I thought I had a "defect" hamster and that she was going to be fearful all the time. That I would never get to hold her. There was the more than one occassion where I was going to get rid of her because of taming and because of noise. However, that's when I found hamster central and I found out about taming. People in this forum helped a lot. So many helpful tips and comments. Thank you all.

I began reading to her and would announce myself every time I walked by her bin so she wouldn't get scared. What won her over was her ball. She's fearless in that thing. She soon learned that I meant ball time and she loved that. Still, it was basically a one step forward two steps back situation and it was SO discouraging. The fear of getting bitten wasn't making it any better. One day I got fed up and thought to myself that I didn't care if I got bitten. It wasn't going to stop me from holding my hamster. That I would get over getting bitten. It wasn't until I got over my fear, got my nerves under control and forgot about the "taming process" that we finally became friends. I can't recall when she became friends because I recall it as us becoming friends. It just happened. I trust and love her and she trusts and loves me.

As far as her being noisy... I built her a bin cage and she hardly chews on the clothes pins that cover the two bars on her door. She understands that lights out is human nap time and that I'm not coming back. That is a key element! These little hamsters are smart! If you give into their noise then they'll keep doing it to get your attention. Any attention is good enough for them.

Anyways! She's been fine taming wise up until recently. There was a major airshow. Jets flying so low they would set of car alarms. Once the show was over I went to hold her and she would want to give me warning bites but never really bit me. She was damaged and I hated those planes. I sobbed my heart out, I had lost my dearest little friend. Again, thank you hamster central. I left her alone for a bit and went back to reading by her bin. Eventually she went back into her ball and started trusting the "outside world" again. She's back to normal and doing great!

So that's the latest on Kit Kat. I really hope you enjoy our little tread! She's a really odd little hamster.

Kit Kat forever in my heart - 11/12/14.
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Old 10-28-2014, 01:31 AM   #2
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Default Re: Kit Kat's Thread

I did enjoy it!
It's lovely to hear your story, she seems a really sweet girl & obviously has a lovely life & home with you, look forward to seeing & hearing more of her
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Old 10-28-2014, 01:36 AM   #3
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First day home. She had to wait a bit in the tub while I finished setting up her home. This should have been the first clue that she was an odd one.


Kit Kat forever in my heart - 11/12/14.
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Old 10-28-2014, 01:45 AM   #4
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lol Funny ham
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Old 10-28-2014, 01:53 AM   #5
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Default Re: Kit Kat's Thread

Originally Posted by cypher View Post
I did enjoy it!
It's lovely to hear your story, she seems a really sweet girl & obviously has a lovely life & home with you, look forward to seeing & hearing more of her
hee hee! thank you! She's so super spoiled and loved.

Kit Kat forever in my heart - 11/12/14.
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Old 10-30-2014, 12:23 AM   #6
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Another video from a while back. I love how she takes all her treats and takes them to where she thinks they belong.

Kit Kat forever in my heart - 11/12/14.
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Old 10-30-2014, 07:10 AM   #7
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She's very cute (I'm a sucker for the pink noses and paws). Obi-Ham did that when we first put him in the bath for some taming and he's always looking for a way out of where ever he is, so maybe not such an odd trait
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Old 11-02-2014, 02:43 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by SilverLainey View Post
She's very cute (I'm a sucker for the pink noses and paws). Obi-Ham did that when we first put him in the bath for some taming and he's always looking for a way out of where ever he is, so maybe not such an odd trait
Aww! He sounds so cute!

Kit Kat forever in my heart - 11/12/14.
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Old 11-02-2014, 02:55 PM   #9
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OMG! Kit Kat is adorable. I loved the videos. She made her own treadmill in the tub. That was super! I got such a kick out of her putting the peanut into her dish. Delightful little fluff.
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Old 11-02-2014, 02:58 PM   #10
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I'm starting to feel a little sick today. Not really sick but more like a raw throat but above my throat if that makes sense. I don't want to get sick because of Kit Kat. I'm taking precautions and my boyfriend is going to be handling and caring for her until I know I'm not sick. I will miss her.

In other updates, I'm also an owner of a 9 year old cat. I've had him since he was a kitten. I don't know if I'll be able to get a cat after him because he's raised the expectation bar so high. He's more like a dog in a kitty body. This might be because I treated and raised him like a dog. He knows his name and comes when called. Knows what he should and shouldn't be doing. So when he inches in to steal some pizza and we say "hey" he backs off and goes to sit somewhere else. He talks to us and is part of the family. Never really aloof or on his own but not to clingy or needy. Never chews on wires or scratches things he's not supposed to. He just knows right and wrong. The reason for this story is because of his respect for Kit Kat. He knows that she's part of the family and that I care about her.

Every now and then he'll pop his head up near her cage to see if she's awake. But then he'll leave. I know I can leave them alone and Salem won't be terrorizing her. He's interested in her but at the same time isn't. He runs away from her when she's in her ball and she'll chase after him. Kit Kat doesn't mind him either. Which is funny because she's scared of random things, everything except the cat. xD

Anyways, I love these two little guys and a couple months back I was able to catch this quick picture of them. I love it and I'll forever treasure it.


Kit Kat forever in my heart - 11/12/14.
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