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Old 11-07-2021, 03:04 PM   #1
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Default Adoption thoughts

This is referring to my rabbit, but I need general advice from anyone really. I feel so horrible and embarrassed writing this but I genuinely need advice on what to do.

I have another thread I think called “rabbit cages” and I’ve been talking to some people on there and I really feel at a loss. We got her a 5ft hutch that she has open and free run of the bathroom. But this only fits currently as we had a leak and the sink was removed, so this won’t fit in any other room.

I got a large pen and someone’s just linked me to a page showing that even that is too small, I’ll link a picture but you can see it takes up what room is left in the lounge. Also she just flicks it up and runs under it!

We live in a tiny flat and this sounds horrible, I don’t like to blame but my partner said he had eight rabbits as a kid and they were so easy to look after and this rabbit was supposed to be his pet. But I think even his realised it was only easy because they had free range of a hardwood house and his mum paid and cleaned everything.

I’m really upset and angry because he wanted the rabbit and he hasn’t actually done anything for her accept play with her at times. I bought her a litter tray hay proper bedding and litter I buy her fresh veg. He hasn’t even named her and she’s been here for almost a month now (I’ve secretly named her florentine as rabbits originate from Spain and it’s a nice Spanish name).

I’m so stressed because I already look after the hamster and the bird and none can be in the same room at the same time. The rabbit costs a lot, needs a lot of space and playtime and I can’t do it alongside my other pets. I missed out on an Alaska cage for my hamster because we bought the rabbit pen and I’m distraught over it 😥

Has anyone ever put an animal up for adoption? I don’t want to because I’m worried a new owner would trap her in a tiny cage for the rest of her life in which case I know I’d give her a better life than that. She’s amazing but I’m struggling and I’m lost for what to do. Her and the cat got on so well then suddenly she attacked the cat today and the cats terrified.

Any advice?
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Old 11-07-2021, 06:42 PM   #2
Ria P
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Cool Re: Adoption thoughts

I rehome hamsters sometimes and advertise them on sites like pets4homes and preloved.

You'll need to have a criteria people will have to meet and you have to stick to it. That has to be non negotiable.

For example. I will not rehome:
- into an enclosure smaller than 80cmx50cm
- to anybody who subjects a hamster to a hamster ball
- has no time to give to a hamster
- doesn't know about proper hamster care
- can't cover a vet bill
- wants a hamster for a child
- to a minor without checking out the parents first

Write a list and always ask for proof. You need to see a photo of the enclosure and set up and you really have to vet people thoroughly before you consider them suitable to adopt your rabbit.

Some people take offence but that's their problem. The welfare of an animal is more important.

How quickly you find a forever home for your rabbit is down to luck. I've rehomed hamsters within a day and i've had some for months.

I would advertise her everywhere and see what happens. You may be lucky and someone may enquire with the perfect home for her. You won't know unless you try.

I was very tempted to keep my foster Syrian Joe but i already have two Syrians so i've advertised Joe. If someone wants to adopt him who can offer him more than i can then i will let him go. In the end it comes down to what is best for the animal and if you feel that you can't give her what she needs then it is kinder to look for someone who can.
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Old 11-07-2021, 07:11 PM   #3
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: Adoption thoughts

There's no need to be embarrassed, this is a very common thing among pet lovers. Sometimes we can get in over our heads, animal care gets dumped on us, money gets tight, etc and we have to consider putting up pets for adoption. It's a really hard choice to make and we can often feel guilty for even considering it.

I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with looking for a new home for a pet. Whether its because of money, mental health, or being unable to provide what the pet needs for any reason. If you do decide to rehome her know that you did your best and that's all you can do.

As for the actual deciding on what to do- this can be difficult as it's generally a very personal matter. All I can offer is what I would do if I was in this situation and hope it can help you.

I think if you have not already discussed this with your partner that is probably a wise first step. This sounds to me that this is affecting how you feel in the relationship and that alone is grounds to have a talk- but also because rehoming someone else's pet without first talking about it is rarely going to go well. You'll probably want to bring up that you feel he should be doing more and that you are struggling. Talking about what to do with regards to the space is another good talking point. It sounds like free roaming isn't an option if she's attacked the cat and the apartment is small.

If it were my own pet and I was in your situation I would personally want to rehome her. I am of the opinion that if I am in an active state of stress over the care of a pet then I am not going to be the best owner I can be. Additionally constant stress is terrible for your own health in both the long and short term and I think it is a good idea to try and minimize it when possible.

There are a few options when it comes to rehoming. One is to try and find a nearby small animal or rabbit rescue. They will generally be knowledgeable about care and most will not adopt to people unless they prove they know what they are doing and have the required space available. However, sometimes these places are not local or are full and therefore not an option- here is where option two comes in. You could put up an ad on a classifieds site (or in a paper if you're old school). Just like the rescue would you can vet potential owners by asking them things like have you owned rabbits before, how much experience do you have, do you have any pictures of the space or enclosure the rabbit will be living in, etc. Some people may be irritated by all the questions but most will understand that you simply care for the animal and want the best for her. I myself have adopted animals from folks who have asked such things and find it reassuring that they believe me to be a suitable home. Some people even ask if they can receive updates on the pets as they settle in- don't be afraid to ask this yourself, it can definitely soothe some of the anxiety. In general in my own experience asking for a rehoming fee will help deter the people who will just spontaneously adopt a pet. I always asked for smaller fees as to avoid the situation of pricing many people out and even in one case fully waived the fee because I believed I had found the perfect home for my pet.

For context I have adopted out animals before, though not rabbits or even hamsters; horses. My mother and I had 7 horses we had had for nearly a decade. Eventually it became too expensive to continue caring for them and both of our chronic health issues and disabilities made it so we were not able to spend as much time with them as we previously had. It was a difficult thing to do but we chose to rehome them. That was about 7 years ago now and my mother has since passed and I no longer keep track of where they went. I know one of them became a therapy horse and another two of them went to a friend at the time who was training for the olympics. I still think of them and miss them but am happy to know they found homes that loved them as much as we did. I personally chose not to visit them or receive updates past the first few months as I found it hurt me to see them and I felt it was more productive to focus myself on the current pets than worry about the past ones.

I hope whatever you decide to do that it helps with the stress. I hope if you decide to rehome that it brings you peace in the end even if it hurts at first. Best of luck.
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Old 11-08-2021, 04:20 AM   #4
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Default Re: Adoption thoughts

Thank you so so much for your responses I really thought maybe some negative comments may be said just because I do think there’s a lot of people who buy animals and just don’t care. But I care a lot it’s just this is all a new situation to me. I always research an animal loads before getting one and my partner always went on about his rabbits so in the case I just took him at his word.

I know it seems like it’s creating tension in the relationship but I have called him and idiot for it and he agrees �� but I totally understand his perspective since he was a kid it probably did seem easy. A lot has changed since then as well like they used to use sawdust as bedding and he was surprised you’re not allowed that anymore same with using bowls instead of water bottles.

We have also discussed it but we’re both in the same stage where she is such a special rabbit, but the work is too much. Even the shop said they never get attached but they love this rabbit she is so unique. I just wish she was already like a cat where she’d only chew her toys, use the litter and free roam.

Part of me thinks I’m selfish for thinking of it because rabbits do tend to have a bit of attitude and attack company apparently before being neutered but you can’t do this until they’re six months old and she’s around 2 months. Such as with the cat, the cat actually laid on her side and the bunny curled up with her and the cat was licking her head. Then all of a sudden the rabbit just bites her! She used the cat as a hurdle the other day �� poor thing I gave her lots of dreamies and kisses to say well done for not acting back. I just don’t know if I can last four more months.

I have thought about the criteria list and asking for pictures and I will 100% do this if we were to put her up for adoption. My partner said he’d want to visit the house to make sure they’re not lying but I said that’s a bit excessive! I want to put a lot of criteria and they can take our food and hay and everything of course, but there’s so many rabbits for adoption I don’t know how quickly they go. I see ours as beautiful but even in the shop apparently she’d been there for over a week which is unheard of.

Maybe I’ll just leave it to fate and put her on preloved or somewhere and if someone perfect comes along deal with it then. I just feel teary eyes over it and as I’ve always promised never to get myself into this situation.

They’re meant to live 6-10 years I believe and that’s so long for her to potentially not have a fulfilled life. Also when we need her neutered it costs around £100 I believe which is massive to us. My partner feels she won’t need it and I know I think 80% of female rabbits get something like cervical cancer by the age of six if you don’t do it so that would cause more arguments.

I’ll discuss it more seriously with my partner today and maybe think of getting an ad together, I’ll let you both know how it goes, thank you again for your kind words �� (also do you always add a price, I really don’t care about the money, just a I remember when I was younger there was a raise in pet prices because messed up people were buying pets like hamsters and feeding them to their snakes. I don’t want the money I just want a great home, but do you always put an amount to deter non serious people?)
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Old 11-08-2021, 05:24 AM   #5
Ria P
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Default Re: Adoption thoughts

Yes, i have a fixed adoption fee of £15 to safeguard the hamsters.

I have had people trying to barter which leads to an instant dismissal because i find it very offensive and tell them so.

Come to think of it, i have been called rude, patronising, ignorant and allsorts which makes sorting unsuitable people from suitable ones a lot easier.

I would advertise her everywhere and see what happens because in the end, it will be your decision where and with whom your rabbit will find her forever home.

Prepare yourself that the general public isn't always easy to deal with and don't be shy about asking what you need to know. Don't be disappointed if someone enquires telling you about their wonderful set up and then stops responding when you ask to see it.
My rule is that if i can't see it, it doesn't exist.
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Old 11-08-2021, 05:31 AM   #6
Cosmic Hamsters
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Default Re: Adoption thoughts

Sorry you are going through this, but sounds like you are trying to get her the life she deserves.

Have you thought of surrendering her to a rescue where they would ensure she goes to a home of certain standards. Maybe look around in your local area to see if there is such a place.

If you were to advertise her I wouldn't put her as free as that can cause issues in itself.

I have taken in a few hamster rescues that I have asked to be surrendered to me for free but have shown examples of my cage setups, so they know where their hamster is going.
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Old 11-08-2021, 06:36 AM   #7
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Default Re: Adoption thoughts

100% agree with you Ria, it’s an animals welfare and if it means being called names then so be it.

I have spoken to my partner more seriously about it this morning, and his asked to try one more cage to fit in his room, and if things don’t improve he agrees we’ll put her up for adoption. I’ve explained she’d probably hate it since she hated the pen so I don’t see her enjoying a cage.

He is still very upset about the rabbit attacking the cat so I don’t think he’ll go on for much longer to be honest. And it all depends if we can find a cheap secondhand cage anyway. I won’t put her on until he agrees as she is his pet. I’ve given her a cuddle this morning and she absolutely makes me melt.

I’ll aim on finding a cage and writing a description ready and then see what he says. I also do know there is a rescue specifically for rabbits in Suffolk which isn’t too far, maybe I’ll ask him what he thinks about that.
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Old 11-08-2021, 08:18 AM   #8
Ria P
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Default Re: Adoption thoughts

Yes, to surrender your rabbit to a rabbit rescue would be a good and probably much easier option.

Many years ago i had guinea pigs and a cairn terrier. The dog came too close to a piggy one day trying to sniff her and promptly got bitten on his snout. He never went anywhere near the piggys again. I rushed up worried about the pig and ended up with a bleeding dog.

Your cat may do her best to avoid the rabbit now.

Another thing you need to consider is that, as far as i know, rabbits should live in pairs. In a rescue they may be able to bond her with another. You could contact the rescue for an informal enquiry.
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Old 01-03-2022, 05:14 PM   #9
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Default Re: Adoption thoughts

Since writing this original post, a lot of ideas have gone through our heads and we’ve tried what we can. I just wanted to write this as an update and I guess a farewell to the rabbit we ended up naming “babbit-rabbit” lol it just stuck in the end. I can confirm we will be taking her to an adoption centre tomorrow.

We’ve had our ups and downs with her, chewed wires, chewed doors and walls, the hay even caused all kinds of bugs in our home at one point! (Luckily all gone now). She’s made us smile a lot too, cuddles on the bed, her thumping for attention, watching her bitsy, her little face when she gets cuddles. It will be really hard to let her go but it’s the right thing to do.

We don’t know where we will be in the future and all the other pets we know places we could stay with them but with how she is no one would help us, the flats too small, we still have no bathroom and the vet bills would all be too much. It made me feel a little better today though seeing a hamster rescue post about a rabbit they rescued, 6 weeks old constantly being chased by a cat also picked up with 6 dwarf hamsters and a Syrian. I guess at least we can say she had a good time with us and I hope she goes on to something better.

It is also a rabbit (and guinea pig) specific rescue, they let them out often and look for good homes. I’ve spoke to the people and they’re really nice, if she’s got a shot at having a good home anywhere it will be there. I feel more at peace knowing we tried every possible thing to keep her but it’s still sad to let her go.
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advice, i’m, pen, rabbit, room

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