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Old 10-12-2020, 06:12 AM   #11
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Default Re: Rescue Ratties

RSPCA just rang to check up how first night went. The rest of the rats went to their new home today.

Lady kept insisting their fur would grow back. I sounded a bit rat geek explaiining the recessive gene of double rex, how they are unethical designer rats called "patchwork rats", still dont think she believed me!

They've asked me to send photos etc and keep in touch for their success stories as they don't get many rats. They said they were really pleased to find an experienced home for them.. I felt quite blushy! I guess you don't realise how much knowledge you pick up in 10 years. I still consider myself a beginner in ratty care!

My name change sounded a bit grand...when I told her they were Kairos & Tempus, explained why she laughed... they were Roland and Ruddy!

Looking forward to working with them, they just need to get used to the house sounds.. I sneezed and they went zooming for cover!
Feel free to ask me about rat advice too
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Old 10-14-2020, 01:04 PM   #12
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Default Re: Rescue Ratties

Awww squishes. Been following you on IG. They're beautiful. I'd agree that they're double Rex nakids. Am I right in thinking they normally have a full coat until a certain age then lose it? Well most of it.

My one girl started bruxing and boggling the other day for the first time. Only been waiting 3 months to see it!

Hope they settle with the group well. Going with carrier method?
🐹Slave to Ares 🐹 - 🐶 2 dogs, 🐷 8 pigs. 🌈 Forever in my heart, 🐹 Lilith, Athena, Nikolai, Ghost & Mania 🐀 Inky & Splat 🐶 Beau ❤️
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Old 10-15-2020, 07:35 AM   #13
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Default Re: Rescue Ratties

Aww what's your username?! (dm if you want)

Double rex has two "categories" but not a huge diff between them. Patchwork which I suspect these two are, lose it in patches randomly and grows back in other areas so constantly changing whereas the other DR just loses most and sometimes grows back in a peach fuzz. Then the hairless is different, total bald with no fuzz and comes with more health issues.

They may lose more, never had them, just have to see I guess.

They are settling in so well, im using a snuggle pouch to bond, they arent keen being picked up but im putting the pouch by the cage door and they are now climbing out into it. When they arent im just lifting the cage lid and scooping them out. They have started sleeping in the open on the hammock which is a good sign. Still a bit jumpy, the younger I think is deff under 6 months, hes very pingy and wrestly like a kit. He climbs all over me too and keeps trying to play wrestle with the other. Its a shame I havent any kits but my two 1 year olds are very energetic and playful, i have a feeling they will make quite the trio!

Unfortunately im taking the lad I thought had a ZGT to be pts tomorrow morning, It has got bigger and im not convinced its an abscess. He is a bit withdrawn as well now so I think he isn't happy and id rather say bye before it possible effects his jaw or eyes... or opens up.

In terms of intros, horrible as it sounds, if anyone was going to cause any issues I think it would be Icarus, hes a big lad and throws it around. So with him gone, I think ill skip carrier and go to a small hamster cage as starters (savic cambridge). When I see snuggling up or "indifference" towards newbies i then move up to a critter 1. Then add a hammock then try them in top half of emptyish explorer. I have a feeling with my main group dropping to 3- just an old man and two hyper 1 year olds they will bond easily, fingers crossed.

Im going to leave them another week though, i want them to not run away when i pick them up or spook them.

Here are some adorable snuggle vids
Feel free to ask me about rat advice too
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Old 10-15-2020, 07:44 AM   #14
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They are cute and it's so good they have a new home with other rats now. I'm sorry to hear about Icarus.
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Old 10-15-2020, 07:59 AM   #15
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Default Re: Rescue Ratties

Thank you, im still a bit numb from having to say goodbye to his brother last month. I have found sometimes whne you lose one early, their sibling develops something also.. they perhaps feel it more and their immune systems get hit. I think because seeing his brother suffer with his resp, I am a bit more sensitive to seeing suffering. Even if it was an abscess, of where it is, its already leaking into his ear and likely if it fully drained it would refil. I currently have an ear infection myself (ironically) and have drops and its making me miserable. He's got a bald patch from scratching at it so it must be uncomfortable more than metacam can touch. It's frustrating as it looks like i could just stick a pin in it and pop it and it would all be fine. Rats and tumours >.<
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Old 10-15-2020, 09:00 AM   #16
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Default Re: Rescue Ratties

Originally Posted by Amethyst_ice View Post
Aww what's your username?! (dm if you want)

Double rex has two "categories" but not a huge diff between them. Patchwork which I suspect these two are, lose it in patches randomly and grows back in other areas so constantly changing whereas the other DR just loses most and sometimes grows back in a peach fuzz. Then the hairless is different, total bald with no fuzz and comes with more health issues.

They may lose more, never had them, just have to see I guess.

They are settling in so well, im using a snuggle pouch to bond, they arent keen being picked up but im putting the pouch by the cage door and they are now climbing out into it. When they arent im just lifting the cage lid and scooping them out. They have started sleeping in the open on the hammock which is a good sign. Still a bit jumpy, the younger I think is deff under 6 months, hes very pingy and wrestly like a kit. He climbs all over me too and keeps trying to play wrestle with the other. Its a shame I havent any kits but my two 1 year olds are very energetic and playful, i have a feeling they will make quite the trio!

Unfortunately im taking the lad I thought had a ZGT to be pts tomorrow morning, It has got bigger and im not convinced its an abscess. He is a bit withdrawn as well now so I think he isn't happy and id rather say bye before it possible effects his jaw or eyes... or opens up.

In terms of intros, horrible as it sounds, if anyone was going to cause any issues I think it would be Icarus, hes a big lad and throws it around. So with him gone, I think ill skip carrier and go to a small hamster cage as starters (savic cambridge). When I see snuggling up or "indifference" towards newbies i then move up to a critter 1. Then add a hammock then try them in top half of emptyish explorer. I have a feeling with my main group dropping to 3- just an old man and two hyper 1 year olds they will bond easily, fingers crossed.

Im going to leave them another week though, i want them to not run away when i pick them up or spook them.

Here are some adorable snuggle vids
Engel means angel in German. Don't ask me why I chose it, might be as I was listening to a German band (Rammstein) which have a song called Engel. I'm not German but took a GCSE for it (more because I could) and kind of carried on learning through songs and writing. For example, when on the rodipet or getzoo page I don't need to use translator which is really handy as I don't know how to translate the page

I know true nakids are different, but didn't know that double Rex had the 2 'categories' as you call it. I thought they just lost some of their hair and that was that. Learn something new every day!

I had to do the same with my girl Inky, only now she's getting comfy with being picked up. Well that's good, hopefully he'll bond well with the 1yr old if they're still quite playful.

Ive looked at photos of Icarus and though I've not had and dealings with ZGT, I've read about it and its, unfortunately, in the usual spot

Can you not ask the vets to do a needle aspiration? Just so you are certain? Bless him.

I understand what you mean by it being easier. No it's not horrible you're just being realistic. Are you currently keeping the newbies in the same room so they can smell each other or somewhere else?

I don't know what my girls will be like when I introduce more. They bounce off each other pretty well and not vicious so I'm hoping that it'll go well. When I had boys it went very bad so I'm scared, no lie. They were in the same cage since 8 weeks old then started fighting at 7-8 months. So I seperated them for few weeks. I did a split cage with perspex so they could see each other but couldn't get to eachother which worked perfectly. I introduced them again and they tried to kill each other. Fair to say that they went back to split cage and stayed like it.

Hope they get along and adorable boggles
🐹Slave to Ares 🐹 - 🐶 2 dogs, 🐷 8 pigs. 🌈 Forever in my heart, 🐹 Lilith, Athena, Nikolai, Ghost & Mania 🐀 Inky & Splat 🐶 Beau ❤️
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Old 10-15-2020, 10:57 AM   #17
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Default Re: Rescue Ratties

Ah I like rammstein! I'll have a look for you and follow back

Ive had a needle aspiration before and unfortunately, you can get an abscess on top of the ZGT so it isn't a fail safe. Why it is so dreaded by ratty owners. And if it is an abscess, the sac has less chance to go so it can refill. It's just such an awkward place and can impact on the jaw, ear and eye. So nasty. My friend stayed over briefly on Sunday and cleaned some of the ear and saw something open up , it was discharging quite a granulated pus. But it feels quite solid and hasn't "gone down" so i suspect its an abscess on top of the gland tumour. I may , if I have the composure, do a small autopsy on it afterwards for my own piece of mind, but either way I think im doing right by him letting him go.

Its a shame he has never been a cuddler, hes a velvet, its lovely.

7-8 months is prime hormone time. I have never castrated. Its a shame you couldn't get them to reintro. Ive always kept bucks the 10 years and had minimal issues. I find related rats get on better if you can. Like nephews and uncles, its almost like they know.

The newbies are at one end of the room, neither seem aware of each other.

It wouldn't really make much difference having perspex imo as rats communciate more by smells and touch than sight. If i get the odd rowdy hormonal buck i sometimes have a tiny water pistol and make a loud eep sound. For an entire group to get rowdy id just remove most things and make them stay in a small cage and scatter feed.

Ive only ever had one rat that went to cause serious damage to another. It can look quite harsh when they get hormonal but as long as there is no blood drawn i leave them be.
Feel free to ask me about rat advice too
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Old 10-15-2020, 03:28 PM   #18
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Default Re: Rescue Ratties

Originally Posted by Amethyst_ice View Post
Ah I like rammstein! I'll have a look for you and follow back

Ive had a needle aspiration before and unfortunately, you can get an abscess on top of the ZGT so it isn't a fail safe. Why it is so dreaded by ratty owners. And if it is an abscess, the sac has less chance to go so it can refill. It's just such an awkward place and can impact on the jaw, ear and eye. So nasty. My friend stayed over briefly on Sunday and cleaned some of the ear and saw something open up , it was discharging quite a granulated pus. But it feels quite solid and hasn't "gone down" so i suspect its an abscess on top of the gland tumour. I may , if I have the composure, do a small autopsy on it afterwards for my own piece of mind, but either way I think im doing right by him letting him go.

Its a shame he has never been a cuddler, hes a velvet, its lovely.

7-8 months is prime hormone time. I have never castrated. Its a shame you couldn't get them to reintro. Ive always kept bucks the 10 years and had minimal issues. I find related rats get on better if you can. Like nephews and uncles, its almost like they know.

The newbies are at one end of the room, neither seem aware of each other.

It wouldn't really make much difference having perspex imo as rats communciate more by smells and touch than sight. If i get the odd rowdy hormonal buck i sometimes have a tiny water pistol and make a loud eep sound. For an entire group to get rowdy id just remove most things and make them stay in a small cage and scatter feed.

Ive only ever had one rat that went to cause serious damage to another. It can look quite harsh when they get hormonal but as long as there is no blood drawn i leave them be.
Sorry wrong IG, it's my art account following you eternal art

Ah I see, didn't know you could get abscesses over top ZGT. Im sure you are. You know Icarus better than anyone, while it sucks, when it's their time you know. I wouldn't force yourself with autopsy I have a feeling that you already know what you'll find.

I got quoted £100 for a not so rat savvy vet as I couldn't find any others, didn't fill me with confidence so I didn't go ahead. The perspex was long ways through the cage which was the best I could do.

Last post I told a lie, just remembered I tried again when they were 1yr+. Same outcome. Weren't brothers. Their bros stayed with my friend. No issues there. Wondering if they gave me troublemakers purposely. They were my first pair of bucks. Haven't had any since. Had 5 girls though. I may just have been unlucky. Did contemplate getting some bucks to keep in seperate cage but I'd don't think I'd settle though as I'd be worried about if they got out. Or would the bucks start to fight when one of the girls comes on heat.

Yeh I tried all that but ended up with amputated toes a lots of bite marks are ripped out hair. Lots of blood. Far from ideal I know but when everything else failed it's the only left. I wouldn't even know which one to snip they were both as bad as each other, even as oldies. They lived a relatively long life despite the set up. Damon 2yr 2m and Niklaus was a month off his 3rd birthday.

As I said though, far from ideal.

Glad they don't seem bothered I'd imagine that they could smell each other.

Have you kept does? Can they get hormonal like bucks? My 2 are coming up to 5 months.
🐹Slave to Ares 🐹 - 🐶 2 dogs, 🐷 8 pigs. 🌈 Forever in my heart, 🐹 Lilith, Athena, Nikolai, Ghost & Mania 🐀 Inky & Splat 🐶 Beau ❤️
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