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Old 08-07-2018, 11:00 AM   #1
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Wink Arwen the Mischievous Piggy Princess & Hinata Her Royal Sidekick

I thought that since I am creating a thread for my precious new guinea pigs, it was a perfect time to share a little background story concerning why piggies became such a huge part in my heart and the two piggies that made me realize that I could never be without having one to sharing my life with.

My love for guinea pigs originated when I was a five year old attending kindergarten. Our classroom pet was a sweet, tri-colored guinea pig named Rosie. I had an instant bond with her and loved her so much. I even asked my Mum to take me to school extra early every school day in order for me to have a chance to read Rosie stories, sing to her, and rock in the rocking chair with her before class commenced. Every weekend, all the students had an opportunity to alternate taking her home with us for the weekend. I remember having the most magnificent time doing so for my scheduled weekend. My family and I loved feeding her fresh veggies, playing with her, and brushing her soft fur. Sadly, the next student to take her home wasn’t as careful with her when returning her back to school the following Monday. He placed her cage with Rosie in it on the parking lot, and she was tragically and accidentally run over by a parent’s car. I was utterly heartbroken and the sweet memories of Rosie stayed with me.

Years later, I got my first pet guinea pig Snickers who was named after one of my favorite candy bars and was my little, fluffy princess with a truly loving and gentle heart. She meant the absolute world to me and was one of the sweetest and greatest piggies ever. She was such a magnificent companion and helped me through so much, and I was so blessed to have her in my life for approximately five and a half years. I still miss her even though she passed to the Rainbow Bridge on January 26 of this year.

This is Princess Snickers's baby picture - only a few days after she came into my life.

After being so heartbroken after my cherished Snickers became my little fur angel at the Bridge, I began looking for a pair of cavies that I could love and care for once again. This thread will tell their amazing story as it unfolds and show pictures of them being the cutie pies that they are.

* * * * *
July 10, 2018
I wonder why that two-legged female is spending so much time peering into my glass enclosure. Does she see my huge eyes peeking out from my plastic igloo home? I thought I made an extra effort not to be spotted by anyone peeking in. She sure has been standing there for quite some time now and doesn’t appear to be leaving any time soon. Oh no, she just said something to the person who feeds me wearing that store uniform. Yes, I have been spotted, and they are lifting up my igloo home - EEek!!! The two-legged who was spying on me and giggling at my glass enclosure is now scooping me into her gigantic paws and holding me close. She sure sounds happy as she is softly whispering to me and her wet droplets (I think those two-leggeds call them T-E-A-R-S) are dripping down on me right now. They must be T-E-A-R-S of happiness because her face has the biggest smile on it. She is petting me and telling me that she loves me so much and I am absolutely perfect in every way. The next thing I know, I am being placed into a plastic bin. I’m so excited that I will finally have someone who is as thrilled to be with me as I am happy to be with them. I was awfully lonely being all by myself until this two-legged came along to give me a loving, forever home with her.

This is the absolute first time that I ever was held by my beloved Mum. She sure held me so lovingly and gently that I knew my life was about to change in a most magnificent way; I sure was right.

I sure was tiny when Mum first got me. Here, she is introducing me to some of her family members. As expected, everyone loves me. Yippee for me!!!

July 16, 2018
Where are we going this early in the morning, Mum? Are we going for a grand adventure? Are there any fresh veggies involved? I’m so glad that this is National Guinea Pig Day because I’m sure I’ll be getting a lot of extra spoiling today because you pamper me so much on a regular basis already. What did you say, Mum? Wow, I’m sure glad that you found that ladybug on the car door and then it flew to land on your paw, Mum! You said it will bring us extra luck today, right? I do hope we see a trillion more lucky ladybugs, but I suppose one extra lucky one will do. Oh no, it flew away to munch on a leaf over there! You don’t think it would have forgotten to drop off its luck to us prior to going, right? I can hardly wait to see what you have for us to do today that is going to be so special for the two of us.

Oh no, Mum; why are we back at this place again?!?! Please don’t tell me that I am going back to living here again. I think I will just run and hide under all of this hay instead. Wait a minute, what is all of that wheeking about from those eight guinea pigs?!?! Does this mean that I am going to have a piggy companion, too? I wonder which one we will choose and will choose us, too? I’m glad that you narrowed down the choices to the black and brown splotchy-patterned one; the completely light tan one; and, of course, the dark brown, light brown, and white one. They all seem to like you a lot, Mum. I think that you have an extra special spot in your heart for that tri-colored one though as you are holding her for a much longer time than the rest. What did you say to the two-legged wearing the uniform? Are you really going to have me interact with each one to see which one gets along with me the best, too? Yippee, I never had a guinea pig playmate before. I can hardly wait to have some piggy fun with each of them. Wheek, wheek. . . . this tri-colored one is really sweet and is playing fun games with me! Come on, Miss Tanny. . . . why aren’t you wanting to play and just keep insisting on staying in the corner? Eek, squeak. . . get this black and brown one out of here; I don’t like the way we are messing with each other. Phew, I’m sure glad that you chose the same one I did, Mum!!! The tri-colored, dark brown, light brown, and white one is most definitely the one I want as my personal playmate. Let’s take her home with us right away. Yippee! I’m glad that she is my new friend; I’m sure that we will love each other forever and get into plenty of mischief if I have anything to say about it. Thanks, Mum!

Here is Mum holding me as she is telling me that she is going to get a piggy friend for me. At first, I did not know what to expect as I never had one before. Wow, I sure was in for a magnificent treat!

This is Mum's and my first sight of Hinata. She sure looked extra sweet.

Here we are being formally introduced to one another. Sniff, sniff. . . . wheek, wheek. . . . popcorn, popcorn. . . . !!!

This is one of the very first times that we ever cuddled with one another. Please excuse my hair sticking straight up and doing a bit of a curly thingy at the end, I just finished messing with the water bottle prior to having this loving moment captured on the C-A-M-E-R-A. Don't we make a snuggly twosome?

When we came home with my new piggy playmate, Mum gave us our own special names. Named after the elven princess Arwen Undómiel or "Evenstar" that married King Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings, my name is Arwen meaning "noble woman" in elven; I’m the one that has been telling our story thus far. I’m the lighter one with the white, grey, and tan fur and pink with brown spotted ears. I have all white paws except for that one grey and white, right front paw. I was adopted on July 10 and have been with my loving Mum for exactly four weeks today. I am a bit more rambunctious in a very silly and cute way. Mum always is laughing at my clownish mannerisms and my naughty and mischievous ways. I am usually the starter of all craziness in the piggy cage and sometimes even manage to get Hinata to be my sidekick and join in the fun. My piggy pal is named Hinata, meaning "towards the sun", "sunflower", or "sunshine" in Japanese. She is named after the princess of the Hyūga clan in the Naruto anime series and was adopted on July 16 (National Guinea Pig Day). She has extra shiny fur, brown ears, and all white paws with the exception being her front, left paw that is partially brown with white and grey splotches. We were both only 4 1/2" (11.43 cm) in length and approximately 2 1/2 months old when Mum got each of us so we were EXTREMELY tiny. Mum loved that we each could fit perfectly in her paw. We are growing so quickly and our wonderful personalities are truly blossoming. We already absolutely love one another and love Mum, too. We also have been interested in seeing what the silly hamster called Eros is up to as she always seems to get our attention when she is out and about playing with Mum. Some of our favorite games are playing hide-n-seek in the tissue box and chasing games around the boxes, lol. We love being held and played with by Mum, too. Wow, it sure is great being a part of this wonderful family; I can hardly wait to see what silly adventures we may be up to next. Time will only tell!!!!

Here, we are playing hide-n-seek from Mum. One of our favorite places to hide is in our tissue box. We also love hiding under a huge pile of hay and then we carry the hay pile along with us as our cover as we sneakily move to our next hiding spot. I guess this gives Mum the extra giggles since she might even be fooled into believing the hay is truly moving on its own - probably we don't actually succeed in trick her, but I sure like thinking we do anyway just for the fun of it. Pics of us in our hay hiding spot will have to wait for another post as Mum is still seeing what pics are best to show that.

This is Hinata eagerly showing the me art of "properly" drinking from the bottle. Previously to this thorough demonstration, I always stood directly under the spout of the bottle, twisted my neck so I was able to turn my head to face directly behind and above me to drink it at a weird angle. Mum was surprised by this and was very pleased to see that I was a great student and learned the drinking bottle lesson quite quickly. She was always so concerned that I would get sick becoming so wet after drinking. I must admit that sometimes when Mum isn't supposed to be watching, I do still enjoy having Hinata do all of the hard work and drink water from the bottle properly as I eagerly open my mouth wide to catch any stray drops that may have missed falling into her mouth. Who says that we always both have to work for a nice sip of water if I am mighty sneaky and creative enough to get another to push the bottle spout button for me while I willingly reap the benefits that way - popcorn, popcorn!!! I sure am glad that Mum wasn't able to capture me "stealing" Hinata's droplets; I'm playing innocent in that pic! Whew!!!

It sure is exhausting being so cute all of the time. Sweet dreams, Hinata. I'll popcorn with you some more in our dreams. See you there!!!


"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 08-07-2018 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 08-07-2018, 11:25 AM   #2
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Oh dreamtree, I pounced on this thread title and was thrilled to read about how your precious baby piggies came into your life and each other's. Very interesting idea to take Arwen with you to the store to help wih the choice. After all, they must be happy together. Now the photos have come through too. Beautiful girls.
Snickers too and a loving tribute to her part in your life.
Rosie was a sweet introduction to piggies but I could hardly believe what happened to her. Traumatic for the children involved.

I love piggies. The first ones in my life I can barely remember. I was a little younger than you. My family went to the school fair ( I have an older sister). It would not be allowed now but there were 2 piggy babies to be won by guessing their names. It was at a time of early space exploration and my mother guessed correctly - Sputnik and Little Lemon. Luckily we have all been animal lovers and they came home with us. They were different sexes it turned out and some of my sister's class mates ended up with their own baby piggy! Thus began my love of piggies!

Last edited by Coco61; 08-07-2018 at 12:26 PM.
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Old 08-07-2018, 11:46 AM   #3
Fluffy Hamsters
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Default Re: Arwen the Mischievous Piggy Princess & Hinata Her Royal Sidekick

What a lovely thread. I too love guinea pigs and currently have a herd of 6. 5 sows and a neutered (!) boar.

Cufflinks, the boar

Rosie one of the youngest and the only smooth coated

Rosies sister Cherry blossom

There are more but dont want to swamp your thread.

Your pics are very beautiful. I can totally relate to going in to school early to be with Rosie. We had a school cat who had kittens (an oops litter). I was allowed one of them and was deeply in love with her until her untimely death from cancer a few years later.
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Old 08-07-2018, 12:53 PM   #4
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Default Re: Arwen the Mischievous Piggy Princess & Hinata Her Royal Sidekick

Coco - Aww, thank you for being so excited about my two new piggies' thread. Thank you for also being one of the members who specifically requested me creating this thread for them. It really means the world to me that you and others are so interested in their life with me. It truly touches my heart. Yes, I was about to start this thread when I decided that it would be a special way for me to also share the other two beloved piggies who shared part of my life here, too. If it wasn't for Rosie and Snickers, Arwen and Hinata would not be with me today. They instilled the tremendous love for these little creatures that I will always have for the rest of my life. Rosie's passing was really traumatic for everyone at the school; I felt so bad for the boy who accidentally left her there and the parent who ran her over, too. I knew it was purely an accident as everyone loved Rosie so much. Thanks so much for sharing the story of how you first began loving piggies, too. I loved hearing all about it. It was amazing that your mum was able to guess the names correctly, and I'm so glad that you were able to have Sputnik and Little Lemon in yours and your family's lives. I'm sure that your sister's classmates were thrilled to receive their own baby piggies, too.

Flowerfairy, thanks for your very kind words. I'm glad that you are enjoying their thread. Wow, a herd of six piggies; how exciting!!!! I know that they fill your life with tons and tons of smiles and laughter. Piggies are totally awesome pets to have. Yours are so adorable, and I totally love their names, too. Thanks for sharing their awesome pics. They really are cuties. I know it must have been extra special to be given one of your classroom cat's kittens. I'm so sorry about the passing of your dear cat. It is always so devastating when one so beloved passes.

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 08-07-2018 at 03:21 PM.
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Old 08-07-2018, 01:51 PM   #5
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aww they are very sweet and they do look so tiny. I hope they have a long and happy life chez dreamtree
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Old 08-07-2018, 02:28 PM   #6
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Thank you so much, Souffle. I am truly enjoying them and hoping that we will be blessed to have many years with one another. They bring me so much joy, and I love them with all of my heart.

To commemorate the arrival of my beloved Arwen coming into my life just a few days following the birthday of our nation, I thought it would be a wonderful way to celebrate with doing a photo shoot of her using a very patriotic flair. It was her first official photo shoot, and she was eagerly exploring everything.

These are darling Hinata's photo shoot pics to celebrate her arrival into Awen's and my life. Being her very first photo shoot, she acted quite prim and proper and thankfully stayed still for the camera.

Since Hinata's photo shoot was going exceedingly great, I decided to have Arwen join in and have their first photos shoot together. The two of them enjoyed playing with the rose and playing hide-n-seek behind all of the different flower vases. Needless to say, I only managed to capture a few non-blurry ones at that point, but it was tons of fun for all three of us, regardless.

This is one of my favorite pics from their second photo shoot together; as you can see, this one has absolutely no props to hide behind, lol. They still managed to popcorn in unison and give me the giggles. They are like two piggies-in-the-pod, lol. I really do love seeing how they snuggle together so sweetly. The sight of it truly warms my heart with happiness.


"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 08-07-2018 at 03:28 PM.
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Old 08-08-2018, 01:37 AM   #7
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Default Re: Arwen the Mischievous Piggy Princess & Hinata Her Royal Sidekick

How lovely! I used to keep piggies when I was very little and yours look so very happy! Loved the diary too. Looking forward to seeing more of them.
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Old 08-08-2018, 05:00 AM   #8
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Default Re: Arwen the Mischievous Piggy Princess & Hinata Her Royal Sidekick

Wheek, wheek. . . popcorn, popcorn. . . . !!!! Thanks a bunch, Constellation!!! I'm so thrilled that you like our stringy thingy (a.k.a. THREAD); I'll be sure to wheek that to Mum and Hinata very soon as I'm sure they will be very pleased. I'm so glad that you had wonderful piggies in your life, too. We really are fantastic members of one's family, and I'm sure yours were very dear to your heart.

August 3, 2018
As some of you two-leggeds may have realized, on this day my family and I "celebrated" a day referred to as NATIONAL W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N DAY!!!! Of course, being the young piggy that I am, I had absolutely no idea what this meant. What is W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N anyway, and what does it have to do with being a little piggy? Being the very curious piggy that I am, I decided to make it my day's mission to discover what this occasion meant and why it was so special that all of us (Hinata, Eros, and I) participate in it. I have to report that both Hinata and Eros thoroughly enjoyed it to the fullest, but I still do not see the purpose of celebrating such a day dedicated to such a squishy and tasteless chunk of yuckiness. Yes, that is right; I did say yuckiness as that is exactly what W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N is to me at least. Why don't they have a National Hay Day or an excellent repeat on National Guinea Pig Day? Those are holidays that a piggy like myself can really get into celebrating every single day. In fact, since Mum did not even have a chunk of this gushy stuff, why should I? Here is how the day played out as I remember it.

Here is a picture showing that Mum lined our grand palace with a special W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N fleece to put us in a festive mood for the occasion. Don't we look adorable?

Mum greeted us with hay and lots of cuddles early in the morning as she always does and told us that we were in for a big treat today and she was so excited for us. After giving us a kiss, she took Hinata out of our luxurious palace and brought her to this flat thing which I believe two-leggeds call a P-L-A-T-E with this unknown thing on it. It took Hinata less than a second to begin nibbling her chunk of this reddish pink, squishy thing which I later realized is called W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N. She nibbled it in the graceful and polite way that she eats all of her yummies, moving from one end of the piece to the next in a very systematic manner. Of course, she absolutely didn't make a mess at all. She even took her time to groom her pristine fur in the middle of the experience to be sure that she looked her finest for the occasion and any photo clicking from Mum and C-A-M-E-R-A that may occur. Mum just smiled from ear to ear and began petting Hinata's fur so lovingly. She told Hinata that she truly acted like a little princess and reminded her of her Snickers. After Hinata tried a few nice-sized bites, Mum removed the W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N and told her that she didn't want Hinata to overdo it. Mum gave Hinata a few loving cuddles and placed her back into our palace. In response to this and her W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N experience, Hinata began popcorning all around our palace and wheeked that she totally loved this special day and can't wait to have it again tomorrow.

You sure do have the act of nibbling down to an art form, Hinata.

Aww, look at that face!

At hearing this wonderful news, I began to excitedly join in all of the wheeking and popcorning right beside Hinata and was really, REALLY thrilled when Mum scooped me up from our palace and told me it was now my time to try this W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N treat. I could hardly control my excitement when she gave me a big kiss and a nice, long cuddle and placed me directly in front of that P-L-A-T-E with the chunk of W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N on it. In fact, I even accidentally popcorned right onto the plate beside my VERY special treat. Luckily, I didn't land directly on top of it and squish it to mush. Although that would have been tons of fun to hear it go SQUISH and see it splatter absolutely everywhere, that will not be too princessy, if you know what I mean? Wheek, wheek!!!!

Then, it was my turn to try this most magnificent yummy, and I could feel the excitement overwhelming me from the inside out. Being the very curious piggy that I am though, I had to do my usual test for all new treats. I call it the Arwen Sniff and Nibble Bits Test; it's quite useful and you should try it sometime as it never steers you wrong. It also does add to the suspense for all of those eager two-leggeds' eyes that are just dying to see what you think about the new item. Drum roll, please. . . . just a few sniffs here. . . . snort, SNORT!!!! Eeuw, this really is NOT pleasant! Wow, how can two-leggeds actually declare today as National W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N Day? I am not impressed. In fact, I am totally disgusted with this extremely unexciting, yucky and gushy treat!!!! How could Hinata possibly enjoy it so much? Was she trying to trick me? I'm in total shock and the thought of taking a single, teeny bite of this stuff is TOTALLY unacceptable to me. I will just cunningly place my adorable face right here where Hinata's bitten off pieces are so I can fool Mum into believing that they are actually my bites. I am sure this will work if I keep my face here long enough and stare so innocently at her. Then, I heard it. I heard Mum's giggles at me as she told me that I most certainly could not fool her that easily. Of course, to plead my case of being wrongly accused of playing tricks on Mum, I looked at her with that "What's wrong Mum, can't you see that I am nibbling on this STUFF?" look. I guess I must have looked somewhat suspicious and/or mischievous since Mum just laughed even harder at me and scooped me up with tons of cuddles and kisses. Yes, Mum laughed so hard that those T-E-A-R-S came splashing down on my fur once again. Mum sure is a silly and an incredibly mushy two-legged because we both get wet at times like these. I know that these were again T-E-A-R-S of happiness because Mum was smiling from ear to ear at me as they fell from her laughing face. Even though this W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N stuff is not the treat for me, I can agree that the day went great because I enjoyed seeing the happiness in all of my beloved family members' faces. After all, happiness is truly something to wheek and popcorn about. Maybe that is why we celebrate National W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N Day. If that is the case, I must admit that it is a special day worth getting all giddy about.

I sure hope that his trick works. Yep, my mouth is perfectly aligned to Hinata's bites and I totally have that innocent look going so all should go incredibly well.

What do you mean I look totally guilty? I'm innocent, Mum!

Btw, for all of those Eros fans out there, Eros totally adored her chunk of W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N as I have previously said. She went so crazy for it that she even managed to stuff it into her magical cheek pouches for a few seconds. I have to admit that I wish I had a pair of pouches that can make things disappear, too. That will certainly prove to be an exceptionally useful trick. Oh well, I guess those magical pouches just come with her being a mischievous hammy.

Here is a picture that shows our buddy Eros enjoying her W-A-T-E-R-M-E-L-O-N. More pics of her are on her stringy (a.k.a. THREAD).

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 08-08-2018 at 06:08 AM.
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Old 08-08-2018, 08:31 AM   #9
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Default Re: Arwen the Mischievous Piggy Princess & Hinata Her Royal Sidekick

Since Arwen and I share this stringy thing (a.k.a. THREAD), I thought that I should tell some of our story as well. Greetings to all two-leggeds, piggies, hammies, and other lovely creatures that may be interested in hearing all of about us! My name is Princess Hinata, and I'm so delighted to make your acquaintance. I truly do hope that you have enjoyed getting to know us and will continue to follow our updates.

August 5, 2018
I was so pleasantly surprised to discover that our darling Mum had made a lovely maze created out of the most gorgeous, purple flowers. Periodically, there was also large heaps of scrumptious, green hay for us to munch on as well. It was the most magnificent experience ever. I could not be any more thrilled to be surrounded by so much beauty and delicious hay. I knew that I had to instantly hop outside of the container that Mum placed us into and explore the area. It was definitely no surprise at all that Arwen had already managed get her nose so fully into the bunches of flowers that I had to wheek happily at the sight.

When Arwen removed her face from the flowers, she even had a tiny, purple flower still on top of her head. She looked truly gorgeous, and she began to popcorn instantly in the container and out she went into the gorgeous maze of flowers.

Of course, I had to give the flowers a nice whiff, too. I was so happy that they smelled as lovely as they looked.

In no time at all, I managed to catch up with the swift Arwen who was already halfway through the maze and had more than her fair share of our hay. It shouldn't have been a huge surprise though since she did popcorn right on top of the flowers and skipped a huge portion of the maze. Crazy Arwen always manages to do absolutely everything in her own, very unique way.

Don't give me that "innocent" look of yours, Arwen; I can see all of the trampled flowers and broken up pieces of hay strewn across the entire pathway. You are a silly one and have absolutely no one fooled. We sure do love you and would not want to change one little thing about you though. You are great just the way you are.

Luckily, there are some flowers that are still looking quite lovely over here for me to enjoy. I much prefer to popcorn through the path without destroying the sights.

Where did you hide all of that hay in that pile, Arwen? Don't tell me that you already stored it in your tummy! You are the swiftest eater of all time.

I'll just popcorn over to this bunch of flowers as I can see there are many more piles of untouched hay just beyond these flowers over there. Yippee for me that Arwen hasn't gotten to that one first, too! This sure is fun!

August 7, 2018
Yesterday, Mum changed our palace fleece liner to a very vibrant, poppy flower pattern. Arwen and I were so thrilled and we popcorned all over it, tossing strands of hay absolutely everywhere. We then began chasing one another around the entire palace and in and out of all of our boxes as Mum watched us and cheered us on gleefully. It was tons and tons of fun. Then, Arwen came up with the most brilliant game. She wheeked that we should popcorn only on top of each and every flower and be sure not to place our paws on any area that did not have a flower on it. I must admit that it made things extra interesting for us as it was a bit of a challenge in some areas. Mum thought that our popcorning patterns that we created while playing his game were truly original, to say the least.

Here is Arwen successfully having her paws only touching the poppy flowers. Great job, Arwen; you are a magnificent and skillfully talented piggy!!! I am totally impressed with your precision.

Here is my attempt at Arwen's newest game. Luckily for me, the leaves of the poppies count as safe places to land your paws as my right, back paw just landed on one. Wheek, wheek!!!

It sure is hard work keeping up with all of Arwen's adventurous games and silly shenanigans. It is always so comforting to receive lots of tender loving pets from Mum's paw. Ooh, how I love these moments of utter happiness. I'm purring so contentedly at her petting me so gently. This is what love is all about.

After several minutes of Mum petting me and then petting Arwen, I found myself fast asleep dreaming the happiest of dreams.

Of course, my sleeping time did not last too long before Arwen excitedly woke me up and wanted to play again. She is like the Energizer Piggy - always full of infinite energy. She was not too impressed that her piggy playmate was sleeping on the job.

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 08-08-2018 at 09:02 AM.
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Old 08-08-2018, 09:03 AM   #10
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Default Re: Arwen the Mischievous Piggy Princess & Hinata Her Royal Sidekick

Continuation of August 7, 2018
Needless to say, we were being as silly and crazy as ever once again. We even managed to play a game of hide-n-seek under one of our huge piles of hay. We carried it on top of us as we moved and pretended that the hay was moving on its own. As expected, Mum burst into laughter once again and we realized that she was not tricked into believing that the hay was walking along our palace. Oh well, maybe next time we will be able to fully trick Mum into believing our silly pranks!

In this one, we could not seem to make up our mind which way to face forward. Therefore, to our great surprise, we were uncovered and our hiding spot was suddenly revealed. I guess that you can say that these are one of those times where two heads are not better than one when trying to be extremely sneaky. I must admit that two piggies sure do have much more fun together though.

Until our next update, this is Princess Hinata sending all of you Arwen's and my ticklish, whisker kisses to brighten up your day. Have fun!

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 08-08-2018 at 09:11 AM.
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mum, i’m, guinea, home, brown, time, love, extra, piggy, named, pig, glad, tri-colored, rosie, white, two-legged, wait, july, today, playing, princess, weekend, playmate, fur, paw

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