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Old 07-06-2013, 05:36 AM   #21
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Default Re: All the pets you've had...

1. Fish- when I was five, so no research.

2. Syrian Hamster- No research, went by what the store told me. (at the bridge)

3. Two mice- no research, it was an unexpected present from my mom's friend.

4. Turtles(4 of them)- did research, read alot of websites. All of them lived a long time!

5. A chihuahua- did research, read lots of books and websites.

6. Two rabbits- no research, it was another unexpected present from a friend, went by what friend told me.

7. Tadpoles- I had tons of them!!! Did research, read websites.
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Old 07-06-2013, 11:00 AM   #22
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These are not necessarily in chronological order because I have a horrible memory, lol. This is as many pets as I can remember.

1.) rabbit (I don't remember it but my parents tell me I was the only one it would go near and it would eat off my plate, no research)

2.) puppy, I don't know what breed (it bit me once so my dad promptly got rid of it, sorry puppy. no research)

3.) 2 syrians, cinnamon (a girl who was given to us who we didn't know was pregnant and had babies shortly after) and scamper (a little fluffball who was a real escape artist, no research.)

4.) dog named Stinky (I don't remember him well. no research.)

5.) dog named B.A. ( I don't remember this one well either. no research.)

6.) dog, mixed breeds, named Blake (she was a girl, though. we had to have her put down in her old age because of a skin condition. she was very smart. no research.)

7.) little dog named Baby (the sweetest little dog ever. she was actually my grandmother's when she was living with us. no research.)

8.) baby's puppies, Pete, Angel, Sissy, and Mitsy (Angel is the only one still alive, I love that dog. she is deaf and partly blind and all white with blue eyes. they used to all be some serious ankle-biters, though. no research)

9.) Sissy's puppies, the only one whose name I remember was Wilbur. (I loved him so much. I wanted to keep him but we gave away all of them. They were so precious. no research.)

10.) rottweiler mix named D.O.G., lol (He was very loveable, although for some explained reason he bit one of my friends on the butt once pretty good. other than that he was an angel)

11.) a puppy named precious (she ran off into the woods once and never came back we didn't have her for very long. I think she had mange. no research.)

12.) dog, boxer-bulldog mix, named Damien (we still have him, he is . . . err, not smart and very scared of fireworks. we got him from a friend whose dogs had puppies. I raised him particularly from birth. no research.)

13.) syrian, hamtaro (I have another thread about how badly I feel for not taking proper care of her in my young naive age. no research.)

14.) fish, Hoover (he was supposed to be a goldfish but was actually a koi and got way too big for his tank. he lived very long though. no research.)

15.) some more fish, including David, Wallid, and Tigger (they died when we used these things to get rid of algae and there was a chemical reaction with the carbon filters. we felt very bad, my mom and I cried. no research)

16.) cat named Poosy, lol (she was very pretty and nice. she had extra toes on all her feet. after we got her fixed hoping it would stop her wanting to go outside so much, she ran out the door one time and got hit by a car my mom had me go out to the road and clean her up and bury her, thanks mom. no research)

17.) gray tree frog named Amity ( she was nice. I found her outside and kept her. I know you're not really supposed to do that. she used to get free range time in my room, lol. she escaped once and we let her go outside. I had her for about a year. research after.)

18.) toad whose name I can't remember. (it was a little baby toad. she ate too much so I let her go outside after about a month. I found her outside in the first place. research after.)

19.) goldfish, I don't think we have named them. (we have two, and an algae eater. no research.)

20.) syrian, Hamilton. (he is a golden banded. I have had him for about a year. he's a sweetie. lots and lots of research, before and after)

21.) rats, Remmy and Jasper ( I've had them for about six months, Remmy is my little baby. research before and after.)

22.) cat, named Kitty/Meow (she actually is a stray who is very friendly and we started feeding her, then buying her cat food, then brushing her, etc. she still lives outside but we call her ours. no research.)

23.) robos, Digger and Amble, whose name I might change to Dart. ( I just got them on Monday. Digger digs a lot and Amble (Dart) loves running on his wheel. they are very skittish. research before and after.)

24.) syrian named Baxter (He is very fluffy. I got him when I got the robos. He is inquisitive of people but doesn't want to be handled yet. He seems to sleep all the time. I rarely see him get up. I don't know if that's healthy? no research)
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Old 07-06-2013, 11:44 AM   #23
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Default Re: All the pets you've had...

1. Syrian hamster - little research ( i was about 5)
2. Puppy dog - a lot of research by parents , and was later given to a family member as we no longer had time for the dog ( i was about 5)
3. Staffordshire bull terrier (too much research! (i was 10)
4. Staffordshire bull terrier ( was given to a family member as she didn't get on with our other dog (i was about 12)
5. Tropical and coldwater fish tonnes of research ( i was about 12)
6. Mongolian Gerbils , a lot of research (i was and still am 13)
7. Yet more fish and tanks (i was and still am 13)
8. Syrian hamster ( i will be getting in August)
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Old 07-12-2013, 06:37 PM   #24
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1st pet A rabbit named Sparky. Absolute demon. I was only about 5 so I think my parents did the research.

2nd pet I had a tonne of golfish growing up. Some of them had ridiculous names, like.. Ronan Keating...

3rd pet Two guinea pigs. A black point Himalayan named Angel, and a coronet named Belle. I did quite a bit of research before getting them, as I paid for everything out of my own money and had to convince my parents for a long time!

4th pet Peanut, my lovely winter white <3 I did a fair bit of research before I got her, as I really had no experience of hamsters whatsoever.

5th pet An African Pygmy hedgehog named Rupert. Again quite a lot of research as I knew nothing about them.

We currently have Buster the bunny, Sooty the Syrian, Smudge the winter white, some extremely greedy goldfish, and two Giant African Land Snails named Barry and Paul I think Barry and Paul require the most research currently, who would have thought a couple of snails could be such high maintenance
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Old 07-13-2013, 09:03 AM   #25
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1. A dog called Patch. No research.
2. A kitten called Tidge. My mum's cat had a litter and i felt so sorry for him because he was the smallest. Some research before but mum told me everything i needed to know.
3. Tropical fish tank with a Gaurami, 4 Zebra Danio's, 2 Albino catfish. Hoping to get some snails in soon. Alot of research before.
4. My two lovelies Rosie and Charlie Rosie is a dwarf hamster and Charlie is a Chinese hamster. These two are around 18 months old now. Research before and after.
5. Finally a marine tank my boyfriend adopted. Far too many fish and corals for me to name
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Old 07-13-2013, 04:09 PM   #26
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My Dad had a job looking after horses and we lived in a tiny cottage with lots of land that came with his job which meant we had room for quite a few pets. We lived here from when I was 2 to 5.
1) Labrador/Alsatian cross - Sandy
2) Black and white cat - felix
3) Black cat - Sooty
4) White cat - Snowy
5) Black pig - Barbara (She was bigger than me!)
6) Pony - Tomsk (on loan)
7) Some chickens
8 ) 1 lamb - Larry

Then we moved house because my Dad changed jobs so we could only keep Sooty, Snowy and Sandy, but Sandy didn't enjoy living in a house with a small garden so he was also rehomed. We lived here until I was 14
9) Black labrador - Heidi
10) Black labrador - Charcoal (one of Heidi's pups).
11) Tortoise - Charlie Brown - (found in a garden where my Dad was cutting grass and no body wanted him)
12) 3 gold fish (2 in a pond in the garden, then one indoors).
13) Black and white rabbit (I can't remember her name, but she wasn't at all friendly)
14) Himalayan rabbit - Buttons
15) Ginger rabbit - Flopsy

Then we moved house again, to a farm where my Dad looked after the horses. We were here for 3 years. Charcoal, Heidi, Charlie Brown, Sooty and Snowy moved with us. The rabbits and fish had passed on by then.
16) Pony - Honey (on loan)
17) 10 ducks (didn't have names)

Moved back to a house with small garden with Snowy, Charcoal and Heidi. Sooty and Charlie Brown had passed on before we moved. After Snowy passed on we got
18 ) Black and white cat - Jasper
19) Ginger and white cat - Willow
20) Cream cat - Pepper

Then I left home and didn't have any pets for 17 years, mostly because I get so upset when they die. But after some research (but not enough) I decided to take the plunge with some gerbils
21) 4 female gerbils - Sprocket, Sprogley, Sparky and Squeaky (no longer with us - I was heartbroken at losing them)
22) 2 rabbits - Jess and Roxy (adopted in May 2010 at 7 months old. They will be 4 in October)
23) Syrian hamster - Fluffy (adopted last year, at a few months old, approx 1 year now) (some research before, more research after we got her).
24) 2 male gerbils - Bart & Homer - adopted in November last year at 3 years old. Homer left us in February, Bart is still with us
25) 2 male gerbils - Sunshine and Moonbeam (adopted in January at 4 months old)
26) roborovski - Ligeia (adopted in February at a few months old)
27) 4 steppe lemmings - Lucrecia, Lydia, Lolita and Lucia, although they look identical so we don't know who is who (They came to live with us at the end March, ages range from 4 to 6 months. Lolita was only 2 weeks old then and only about 2cm long so we could tell her apart from the others)

Last edited by fluffydd; 07-13-2013 at 04:19 PM. Reason: I forgot to add Jess and Roxy Rabbit to the list !
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Old 07-16-2013, 09:20 AM   #27
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Gosh this is going to be a long list...

First animal I remember were actually 2 cats, I think their names were Callie and Maxwell.
Then we got a dog named Rosey. She bit me so my mom found her a new home.
Then we got rid of the cats.
The next animals I remember were way after this, it was a cat named Chochi. He was a grey and white Tabby. Really pretty cat. Then we moved,
We got a cat named Sara and my mom gave her to an elderly couple who had just had their cat pass away, and got my mom's cat, Megan. My brother and I started bringing wild lizards and garden snakes home, and even found an injured bat.

We moved without the lizards, snakes and bat.
We got a kitten we named Mazi-Mazi (Kitty-Kitty in Albanian) and got a puppy we named Broley. And I had 2 Parakeets. We gave Broley and the parakeets away and moved back to Germany.

We then got another 2 parakeets there, and my parakeets kept dying from lack of health from the petstore, so I kept getting a new one..I must have had about 5 in 1 year. We also ended up getting another puppy that I raised from less than a week old, his name was Broley (#2). Once again, no more parakeets and chochi just didn't show up one day. But we had to move back to the states.

We bought another parakeet. And had 2 more puppies, McImbty and Timil.

Then my mom re-married the biggest jerk ever, and we had to get rid of everything, I was lucky to be able to keep my parakeet because he hated animals.

We moved, and my parakeet passed away one morning...So I was animalless. :/ Then I moved in with my grandparents. They had 2 parrots and a cat.

When I graduated from high school I moved in with my brother who had a cat. They ended up having 3 dogs.

I got engaged and we got a kitten we named Mooshoo. She was sweet, but mean as well. We got another kitten when Mooshoo was about 11 months old, who was really young and I was caring for and a blue heeler puppy. I also had 2 cockatiels and 2 parakeets. Well we sold the birds, the puppy got stolen, the kitten found a new home and our Mooshoo got her shots at a year old and had to be put down a week later. I was heart broken.

We got 2 dogs, we named Lady (a Husky) and Caramel (a Golden Retriever - Chow Chow mix) and saved another cat named Luna from the shelter..then we started a small rescue. We had about 20 dogs come and go and had 8 cats. We had 2 ferrets as well. Well I got pregnant and we had found all the animals a home and stopped taking in animals. My husband got another kitten. The cats got out one day and went with a pack of Ferrell, who we would feed every morning. But one day in winter no one but the Ferrells showed up.

We moved with our 2 dogs. And got our cat Moushoo (#2). We ended up having the baby and both dogs got new homes, I bought my husband a siberian husky pup for his birthday and our landlord flipped out and we had to give her away, too. We then got 2 cockatiels (One I hand-raised with her brothers)...We moved. We got another dog that looked like Caramel, well we couldn't keep him either. So we got a breeding pair of cockatiels. And had ANOTHER baby. We also got 2 kittens, found them and my other cockatiels a home. My mom brought me a dog who had been abandoned, fur all matted...we shaved him and cleaned him up and named him Broley (#3) because he looks so much like (#2). Now my breeding pair is about to have their first egg any day now, and we bought a Hamster for our oldest who is still way too young for him. So we're training, bonding and getting him used to our hands so he will be comfortable. When our son is old enough we will explain to him how to and when to handle the hamster. His name is Pepe Le Pew. We plan to keep this set-up until I get into the Army, where I will have the money to buy my husband an AKC registerable Siberian Husky puppy, and I know which breeder I am getting him/her from as a surprise. We will be keeping the 1st clutch of cockatiels, one for each of us and I will hand-raise them starting at 2 weeks old. Any clutch after, we will sell to Clarks Pet Emporium, where I know they will be taken care of much better than a typical pet store. So we will end up with 6 cockatiels, 1 hamster, 2 dogs and 1 cat. A very big family, mind you.

Told you it would be long. lol
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Old 07-20-2013, 05:23 PM   #28
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Default Re: All the pets you've had...

1) A Syrian hamster called Nibbles when I was 11, I got him after a lot of research. In fact, my mum let me sign up to this website all that time ago to ask questions to other more experienced owners. I wish I still knew my 11 self's log in details just to have a look.

2) A gerbil call Pepper that I rescued from a neighbor when I was 14, her children were terrified of Pepper because she bit through the bars of the cage, also, she was fast and they kept losing her. She was lovely after I moved her into a tank and handled her regularly. Though she did bite my finger once, I still have the small scar on my finger.

3) At 16 I got my dog, a Cav King Charles Spaniel who I named Jinx! I still have him now. I did tons of research before and after getting him.

4) A red eyed long haired cream Syrian hamster that I aptly named Dumpling because of the way he would curl up and look like one!
I researched a bit on grooming for him as Nibbles was a short hair.

5) At 18 I had two mice, Rusty and Moon. Moon sadly died a short while after I had her, because she was the runt of the litter but she was very sweet. When I got her, I was told that she might not make it, but I took a chance on her. Rusty lived a long life though.

6) Lastly is my sweet little Russian Winter White dwarf hamster called Pancake. I got him recently and I hope he lives a long and happy life.
I did quite a lot of research before getting him and I'm still researching now.
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Old 07-20-2013, 09:19 PM   #29
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Default Re: All the pets you've had...

things i have kept before...
all kinds of freshwater fish , saltwater fish, high tech reef tanks
fighting crickets lol
roosters and hens
syrian hamster
2 mixed breed, a shar pei, a chow chow, chihuahua, and a poodle and now just some robos and hopefully able to adopt another dog soon...forgot to add i had a few ducks and a goose also...
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Old 07-21-2013, 02:44 PM   #30
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Default Re: All the pets you've had...

Hi there I'm so glad your parents agreed and let you get one . That happened to me, I asked my mum and she said no the I asked again and she said she'll think about it then she let me know I could get one but I have to do all the caring and looking after it as she too don't like them and still doesn't buy she's managed to hold it once. I love my wee boy he's so active and playful and u love him

Here's the animals I've had and it's going to be a long list.

1. Guinea pigs - had two then one died so got another and can't remember about the research ect.

2. Gerbils - had two females apparent until we found a whole litter in the cage and then they bred again so we had lots if them.

3. Dog Bradley - got him when I was three and he died last year he was 14. Can't remember about doing research as I was so young.

4. Dog Ella - she is an amazing dog we all love her soo much she's so obedient. We got books from library and read about what is the best breed ect.

5. Budgie - my first own pet I got books and read up about them. Unfortunately it managed to escape but we got it back for it to do the same few weeks later.

6. Budgie - didn't need to do research as I still knew about them

7. Guinea pigs - I got my cousins g'pigs as they were too young to look after them so I took them. Didn't need to do research my mum knew about them.

8. Cat Lola - she's my brothers cat he read up about them looked on Internet and in books

9. Kittens - Lola got pregnant and within us knowing we had five adorable kittens running about the house. We got advice from vets and pet shop workers ect.

10. Kept two kittens Millie + Jasmin - didn't need to do research as already knew. Mille was mine for my bday but sadly last may she got hit by a car and died.

11. Two budgies - read about them online ect

12. Snake - it was my dads and he got books out the library and read about them.

13. Budgie - I just went to get some supplies invite local per shop and saw a beautiful albino budgie and decided to get it.

14. Dog Dalmatian Jessie - read online about them and spoke to people about getting her

15. Hamster Alfie (nickname is toast) - read online about them and different types ect.
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