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Old 01-04-2021, 05:32 AM   #1
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Default Back after a while away

Hello everybody.

I've been away from the forum for a while now, no reason really other than life just taking over and finding myself just too busy to spend time online.

It dawned on me that I was missing the forum and so am back!

I still have my three little sweetiepies, Nanuk, Norman and Baldrick. Nanuk is 22 months old now and looking a bit elderly but is doing ok. He is still getting regular vet checkups due to his lifelong eye issue and has had a few lumps pop up but the vet has advised after removing the second one that they are probably benign fatty lumps. Norman is his usual polite and refined self, and Baldrick is just as , uhem, 'unique' as ever!

I am looking forward to catching up with everybody's news on here in the coming days as I really have missed the forum!
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Old 01-04-2021, 06:01 AM   #2
Ria P
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Default Re: Back after a while away

Hello Vierville! Glad you are back!

I especially missed Baldrick and his entertaining antics so new photos of all your hamsters would be very much appreciated.

My lot is very lively and tiny, reckless Clarissa is so much like your Baldrick. Just imagine those two would have offspring......!!
My two Syrian boys have never been the same since i had two foster female Syrians. They want out of their cages whenever they're awake but Edwina has gone the other way and become a bit reclusive. She looks and acts more like her neighbour Ozzy now.
Gordon is a bit dottery but still alive and must be two years old now.
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Old 01-05-2021, 12:07 AM   #3
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Default Re: Back after a while away

Welcome back Vierville, good to see you again
Slave to Zak.
Always loved, never forgotten, forever in my heart
T'ycor, Ziggy, Zephyr, Flynt, Mickle, Little Whisp, Zen, Zeki, Tinwë, Zylvan, Míriel, Calyanwë, Gusto & Meri
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Old 01-05-2021, 12:56 AM   #4
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: Back after a while away

Welcome back! Strange world we live in, full of stops and starts right now! Lovely to hear your lot are still going strong. We lost Moo recently - about 2 years, 2 months old. Pickle is in his prime and a huge bundle of large hamster with thick fur. He has been skitty since Moo died (cage underneath his) so is getting lots of attention.

Ria that is difficult. We had the same thing with our first hamster Charlie after leaving him with a pet sitter/multiple hamster owner when we were on holiday. He fell in love (ish). A female hamster who apparently used to escape and climb up his cage! He was completely bonkers when he came back and very stressed and didn't really settle down again until I did a full cage clean and used vinegar on the cage and bars (well rinsed off afterwards). I think he could still smell the female and missed her!
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Old 01-05-2021, 03:54 AM   #5
Ria P
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Default Re: Back after a while away

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post

Ria that is difficult. We had the same thing with our first hamster Charlie after leaving him with a pet sitter/multiple hamster owner when we were on holiday. He fell in love (ish). A female hamster who apparently used to escape and climb up his cage! He was completely bonkers when he came back and very stressed and didn't really settle down again until I did a full cage clean and used vinegar on the cage and bars (well rinsed off afterwards). I think he could still smell the female and missed her!
I think the girls scents are fading now. I let them freeroam (mistake) and the boys followed their scents. Was a bit of a pandemonium here for a while but they've calmed down.....a bit. I haven't taken in another female Syrian since and don't intent to either (until i see another sad little face nobody wants or can take in) but know people who can.
I've learnt from the experience though and would do things differently next time.

Sorry Vierville, didn't mean to hog your thread but ever since my boys got the scent of a woman they've gone a bit crazy!
Even glamour boy Rory who just used to pose and look good has become very active and gets mighty miffed when rival Rodney is running around on the floor and not him.
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Old 01-06-2021, 02:05 AM   #6
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Default Re: Back after a while away

Haha it sounds like fun and games there Ria P! I'm glad the boys seem to be settling down a bit again though.

Imagine little Baldrick-Clarissa babies! Too cute!

Edwina sounds very much like Norman in her personality. He is also very reclusive, very quiet and unassuming but he gives me the impression that if he was human he'd be a thorough little gentleman. He does everything in a measured and civilised way, as opposed to tearing around his cage and pipes and hanging from his bars like a naughty child who's had too much sugar. He takes his treats gently unlike my other two who snatch them then guzzle them as fast as they can.

Serendipity7000, I'm so sorry to hear about Moo. It is such a loss and I know how that feels. Pickle sounds adorable, I recall him being a handsome little lad!

I'll post photos of my three as soon as I can.
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