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Old 01-28-2016, 06:36 AM   #11
Cinnamon Bear
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Default Re: Is anybody else addicted to hamsters and hamster forums?

Interesting replies, I think my sanity is worse spending hours on hamsters but I don't work so I have lots of time to spend on the forums. If I didn't I wouldn't be able to know the things I do about nutrition, a little bit of everything (not & to be able to help others. Plus, it's a fun hobby. Maybe have to get a balance so hamsters are not my only hobby?

It's fun too because people are always learning new things about hamsters.

Last edited by Cinnamon Bear; 01-28-2016 at 06:43 AM.
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Old 01-28-2016, 07:41 AM   #12
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: Is anybody else addicted to hamsters and hamster forums?

I know what you mean - it can overtake a bit and it's good to get outside and do something hands on! And keep perspective, because sometimes with Internet forums it seems that nobody actually does anything else, or that every waking hour is spent talking about hamsters lol. When we all have lives out there as well.

I think spending too long on the internet in one go, can be bad for your sanity sometimes though! But then an addicition is something you enjoy and can't stop doing because it's so fascinating - and being able to discuss your hobby with other people who feel the same is quite special!

How many hamsters have you got lol?! I think computers have a lot to answer for - they are a wonderful mine of information and sharing on the forums is nice - but computers do tend to take over our lives a bit sometimes and you lose track of time how long you're on them. I've just bought a couple of 'new' board games on ebay to get us doing something that doesn't involve computers the odd evening. They are ones from my childhood and not made any more and can't wait to have a go again! One is 'Careers' (if anyone remembers it). The original version, not the silly updated 80s or girls edition. Similar to Monopoly but about having adventures, going on careers, and not just about making money but gaining in luck and happiness along the way as well (apparently it was designed by a sociologist). I was getting a bit worried about little boy's obsession with money playing Monopoly ha ha. The other one is 'Go' where you travel round a map of the world and have to book flights, organise travel and collect enough souvenirs then get back home. Some of our nicest moments are playing hands on board games. I sometimes insist the telly goes off and we play scrabble.

Last edited by Pebbles82; 01-28-2016 at 07:48 AM.
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Old 01-28-2016, 09:06 AM   #13
Cinnamon Bear
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Default Re: Is anybody else addicted to hamsters and hamster forums?

Thanks for your reply, it's a good thing to learn how to give the hamsters the best possible care! I just went out to dinner one night & it was located right next door to Pet-Co. I never owned a hamster before & I somehow ended up becoming a hamster owner for the first time after seeing how cute they were. I currently own 4 dwarves. They are my pride & joy

I still don't know how that one trip to Pet-Co changed my life but it changed it for the better! My only negative is their possibility of needing a vet & that they live such short lives, I don't want to lose any of them.
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Old 01-28-2016, 09:06 AM   #14
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Default Re: Is anybody else addicted to hamsters and hamster forums?

Sounds good serendipity. I am always so glad that we have dogs. That makes us go out and about for walks in all weathers.

I agree about long periods of time on the internet not being good for the sanity!

It is great having lots of hamster pics and hamster knowledgable people to 'talk' to though. Guess I like to think of myself as an enthusiast, not an addict.

Do you have four separate set ups for your hamsters Cinnamon Bear? I always used to have syrians and have only recently branched out into dwarves (two roborovskis). They are all wonderful in their different ways.
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Old 01-28-2016, 09:34 AM   #15
Cinnamon Bear
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Yes, they all live seperately. 3 of them live in 20 gal long tanks & 1 lives in a 110 qt bin cage. He's the luckiest & the newest addition. I cleaned his bin for the first time this morning. I made the bin cage for a Syrian but thru a series of events ended up with a dwarf instead. They are all about 360 Sq in, but the bin cage has deeper bedding.

I'm also obsessed with wheels a challenging time finding wheels the hammies can move & the right size & do not sqeak...

The new Silent Spinners are frustrating cause the dwarves can't move them, so today I'm returning a Silent Spinner & buying a 8 in Wodent Wheel. I found 2 good Silent Spinners so I'm happy about that, my robo likes her flying saucer. My 2 RCD both have 6.5 in Silent Spinners with zero they work good....then the Wodent Wheel will be for my WW as long as it doesn't fall over in her tank? So I'm obsessed with wheels now, I have an upstairs neighbor who sleeps above the hamsters so I have to be considerate for him so if a wheel starts squeaking in the middle of the night I have to take it out (comfort wheel)

Last edited by Cinnamon Bear; 01-28-2016 at 01:08 PM.
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Old 01-28-2016, 10:20 AM   #16
Cinnamon Bear
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Default Re: Is anybody else addicted to hamsters and hamster forums?

I just found a 3rd Silent Spinner with zero resistance at Pet Smart. They had 4 wheels & the wheel I bought was the only wheel that was made well. Most of them turn 3 or 4 times then stop spinning
Now I will put this new wheel in my WW cage instead of her flying saucer. She prefers the stand up wheels. I don't know what I'll do with the Wodent Wheel if I get it? Bought more meal worms and a couple extra water bottles should something go wrong?
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Old 01-28-2016, 10:55 AM   #17
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Default Re: Is anybody else addicted to hamsters and hamster forums?

lol everyone thinks im going a little insane with my hammy due to the fact that i cant stop buying things for him and that sort of thing. Glad im not the only one

Mom to Arroz <3
RIP Milo, cup, and puc. Love you
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Old 01-28-2016, 11:04 AM   #18
Cinnamon Bear
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Default Re: Is anybody else addicted to hamsters and hamster forums?

Yeah, lol..Pet-Co & Pet Smart know me pretty well by now. Pet-Co knows me by name, I have a box in the closet for extra hamster stuff...
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Old 01-28-2016, 01:45 PM   #19
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Default Re: Is anybody else addicted to hamsters and hamster forums?

Lol Cinnamon Bear I know how you feel!!! My mom thinks I'm absolutely nuts for being so ham-obsessed, and I can't walk by a pet store without going in and buying at least 5-10 dollars worth of hamster toys that I really can't even fit in Henri's cage
Proudly owned by a Robo dwarf hamster named Henri, a dog named Charlie Bear, a cat named Eloise, and a LOT of fish!!
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Old 01-28-2016, 04:19 PM   #20
Cinnamon Bear
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Default Re: Is anybody else addicted to hamsters and hamster forums?

It seems out-of-control...striving to make the hamsters happy constantly. But when I put a stand up wheel in my WW cage for the first time recently (she's 18 mo old) instead of her old flying saucer, she perked back up to life & happiness. I feel so bad for not knowing this earlier.

I didn't think she liked stand up wheels when she was younger? So now she has been using the large sized comfort wheel but that was getting too noisy. I posted earlier that I bought a 6.5 in silent spinner. So she'll have a good wheel finally. I might be getting a 8 in Wodent Wheel from e-bay? If I do I'll probably put it in my robos cage and take out her flying saucer. Too bad the hamsters can't talk and tell me what they like? Kidding!
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