Sweet dreams beautiful Snowy
It's a sad day for the family today.Our little beautiful russian dwarf hamster,Snowy passed away this morning.She was the cutest little thing with her pinky ears and pinky nose and that beautiful white fur.Just a tiny snow ball.She was the most beautiful little princess.She liked keeping her cage really nice and tidy and loved going on her wheel.She managed to go through surgery to have a lump removed a few days ago and she managed to recover well until today.It was her time to go.She went to sleep,with food in her cheeks all cozy and curled up in a fur ball and didn't wake up today.We are going to miss you so much little girl.You were so gorgeous and sweet.I hope you get to see Hammie and get to play together at the Rainbow Bridge.We will always love you and remember you and hope to see you again one day.Thank you for being part of the family.
Rest in peace Snowy,Jan 2023-1st Feb 2024.