Re: new hamster owner tips please :)
Basics: 100x50x50cm cage, 28cm+ wheel, sand pit, suitable high-protein food, deep substrate, various tunnels and hiding places. You'll find info for pretty much all of these in these forums.
For DIY stuff, I like the things that SomethingAnimals on youtube makes. A lot of it is cage building, but Ollie does also make plenty of DIY toys. He also has some taming vids.
For taming, let the hamster lead. You can offer treats with your fingers, and if you put a larger treat in the cage that Cookie starts eating, you can gently pet his back and sides, just to get him used to being touched.
For 'at home treats', fruit and veg are usually good options. There's also things like small amounts of cheese, porridge, and babyfood.
Grats on your new family member!