my hamster is not well - need advice please
Hi everyone
Thank you for letting me join this group. I look forward to reading stories about your hamsters.
I have a problem - I am looking after my sons Russian hamster as he is away at the moment - he is in the military- anyway I have had Tommy since January and he has been very active and eating and drinking okay. Last week I got home and he sounded congested and was breathing heavily - so I took him to the vets and she gave him 2 injections and some antibiotics which you put in his water- she said he had a snooty nose, runny eyes and a chest infection.
Anyway, yesterday i took him back to the vets as he seems very lethargic and just not himself and he is very congested, I have really taken to the little guy and i started crying in the vets as she said he is an old hamster - he isn't even 1 yet and she said they only live until they are one or over - is this correct - i am heartbroken - anyway i said i am not giving up on him and she gave me some more antibiotics and some steroids but i have to put them straight into his mouth and feed him water as he is dehydrated - so i was wondering else i could do with him - i have been giving him a bit of apple which he as has a bit of and broccoli - i dont know if i am stressing him out handling him - he used to bite me but now he doesnt - any ideas and is it true about how long they live for.