Hi there, I'm Noah! I'm Scottish but currently living in Cardiff. I just got my first Hamster a week ago from a breeder in a nearby city. His name is Sharky Boshaw after a video game character (Sharky is short for Charlemagne). He's a winter white russian dwarf and about a month and a half old. He's still very shy right now so I haven't taken many pictures yet, I've been letting him adjust and try not overwhelm him.
I made some mistakes in the first couple days moving too fast and moving my hand over the top of him which scared him a lot but I'm doing my best to take it slow and earn his trust and we've reached the point where he will climb onto my hand to eat a treat though I don't think he trusts me enough for me to hold him outside of the cage yet. He seems to really like people because if I sing to him he will come out of his hide to investigate and if I put a podcast on he will come to the bars really curious. It's just my hands that seem to scare him. It's a work in progress.
I spent absolutely ages looking into what treats he can have as a dwarf hamster but he's shown no interest in the fancy ones I bought he only likes peas and dried mealworms. I would describe his personality so far as timid but sassy. He has no trouble telling me off when I mess up. Weirdly he seems to prefer being active when the lights are on in the evening, I really thought he'd prefer the dark.
Anyway like I said this is my first hamster so I'm sure I'll have questions. Thanks!