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Old 08-08-2012, 10:34 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default Introducing the Moderator Team

Firstly a little background - Hamster Central was formed in 2005 originally by snuggleham. Its mission is, and always has been, a resource for hamster owners, primarily of pet hamsters, to enjoy sharing knowledge and experience and help others in their enjoyment of these wonderful animals and to make the lives of the hamsters the best they can be.
Over the years the moderation team has changed from time to time with some retiring as their lives take different routes and new moderators joining the team. Admin changed also a few years ago when Fluffy took over.
The moderators all do this job on a voluntary basis and all have normal lives to lead with jobs, study, families and other commitments and interests. They are not on line at all times but all contribute in some valuable way to the forum that is Hamster Central.
We realise that sometimes members may wish to have a personal answer to a query and hope this thread will help you find the best person to address your question to. Your first port of call should always be the forum boards though as here you will get the biggest response and a more balanced view from our helpful members.

The current Moderation Team would like to introduce ourselves and tell you a little bit about ourselves and our interests in hamsters and otherwise

Name: Suga

Lives: Scotland

Moderator since: June 2008

Ask me about: Housing, syrians, creative and miscellaneous chat.

Species kept past & present: Syrians only

Hamster experience: I have only ever kept syrians and until recently only females, but have now ventured in to males and long hair.

Outside hammies:

Last edited by Moderator Team; 10-16-2012 at 12:30 PM.
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Old 08-09-2012, 01:12 AM   #2
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Name: Amethyst_Ice (You can call me Amethyst)

Lives: West Midlands, UK

Moderator since: December 2010

Ask me about: Syrians, nutrition, substrate, creative ideas, Midland showing, Rats

Hamster experience: At one time I had 5 syrians! I have been keeping & showing (mostly pet class but few times main) syrians since 2009. I tend to keep all males so my knowledge lies there, both long and short haired.

Species kept past & present: Syrians only

Outside hammies: I am an Archaeology graduate and in my spare time I run and manage my own dance school in Mid Wales specialising in mostly musical theatre, tap & jazz. I have Crohn's disease (feel free to talk to me about this if you share this disease, there are a few members on here I know of). I play the piano & enjoy sewing.
Feel free to ask me about rat advice too

Last edited by Amethyst_ice; 11-17-2013 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 08-09-2012, 06:40 AM   #3
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Name: LeedsGurl (or 'LG')

Lives: Leeds, UK

Moderator since: August 2012

Ask me about: Syrians, breeding (syrians) creative ideas (inc photography), housing and feeding.

Hamster experience: Had Syrians (well one at a time) from the age of 8 till 15, then started keeping Syrians again in 2007. I began breeding syrians in 2008, but I am a hobbysit breeder so only have a litter every few years.

Species kept past & present: Syrians only (male and female, long and short hair)

Outside hammies: I work full time with information and statistics. Outside work, I love making things, I'm very artistic and also enjoy photography. I've also been making forum signatures for years, and currently make them on request in Pophammys Signature Shop.
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Old 08-09-2012, 11:01 AM   #4
Vectis Hamstery
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Name: Vectis Hamstery

Lives: Hampshire, UK

Moderator since: August 2012

Ask me about: Chinese hamsters, breeding, showing and diabetes in hamsters

Hamster experience: I have been breeding and showing Chinese hamsters since 2009 and usually have around 20 Chinese. In 2012 I started breeding Syrians and Roborovskis in 2013. I foster hamsters for a local rescue and have been involved in the organisational side of the Southern Hamster Club as show manager in 2011-2012 and a committee member since.

Species kept past & present: Chinese, Syrians, Robos, Winter Whites, Campbells, Hybrids

Outside hammies: My love of animals isn't just restricted to hamsters. My menagerie also includes a crested gecko, fancy mice, fat-tailed gerbils/duprasi and harvest mice.

Last edited by Vectis Hamstery; 08-12-2014 at 09:17 AM.
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Old 08-09-2012, 11:52 AM   #5
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Name: Souffle

Lives: Yorkshire, UK (but I am Scottish )

Moderator since: 2006

Ask me about: Healthcare, Syrians, breeding, taming and behaviour, showing. photo competitions, Northern Hamster Club, General.

Hamster experience: I have had hamsters for well over 30 years and show under the Custard Hamstery prefix with my daughter Pophammy. We breed occasional litters of Syrians and have in the past bred Campbells Dwarf hamsters. We have also kept and shown Chinese, Campbells and Winter Whites. I have been involved at Committee level in the Northern Hamster Club for many years and am a qualified Syrian Judge and am currently training as a Dwarf Judge. I have a special interest in healthcare.

Species kept past & present: Syrian (all coat types) Winter White, Campbells, Chinese.

Outside hammies: Apart from my involvement in hamsters my main interest is dog training. I am a qualified BAGSD instructor and Chairman of BAGSD Huddersfield where we train German Shepherd Dogs. I love all animals and we also have two cats as well as Tiber our GSD. I am interested in wildlife and photography and when I have time I enjoy cooking

Last edited by souffle; 05-29-2018 at 07:06 AM.
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Old 08-22-2012, 09:35 PM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Name: Fluffy

Lives: Alberta, Canada

Moderator since: 2009

Ask me about: Anything related to problems with the forum. I administer the forum and assist where I can. Best to direct hamster related question to the other moderators.

Hamster experience: I have had a total of 3 hamsters for just over 7 years. I did not breed them or showed them as there are no shows that I know of in Alberta for hamsters. They were my pets and members of our family. I believe in the welfare of all animals and decided to help provide a place where people can learn for the betterment of their pets.

Species previously kept: Golden hamster or Syrian hamster or teddy bear hamster, whichever name you prefer to call them.

Outside hammies: I have a love for all animals and and strongly believe that knowledge is power and the more people know about their pets, the better off the pets will be. At the present, I am attempting to self build a near Net-Zero Energy Home as I also care about the environment and try to minimize our impact on it.
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Old 02-20-2018, 02:02 PM   #7
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Name: Fluffagrams

Lives: Near Bath

Moderator since: August 2016

Ask me about: Chinese Hamsters, Hamster Shows, Skin Splits in Chinese

Species kept past & present: Although I have owned all species of hamster, my primary interest is in the Dwarf species with a particular focus on Chinese Hamsters. Metallica Hamstery is usually home to a mix of Campbells, Roborovski and Chinese.

Hamster experience: I have been Showing Chinese Hamsters since 2015 and have been breeding since 2016. I started my Dwarf Judge Training in 2017 and finally qualified in November 2018. I am also the Webmaster of the Southern Hamster Club, the PRO for the Midland Hamster Club and the PRO/Webmaster for the National Hamster Council.

Outside hammies: I am a fan of classic rock and although my hamstery is named after Metallica, Meat Loaf is probably my favourite artist. I was lucky enough to have a piece of my artwork used within the cover booklet for the 2012 Meat Loaf album 'Hell in A Handbasket' and have met him on five separate occasions. As well as hamsters, I have a guinea pig named Benny-Pig and two Harvest Mice named Oats and Wheatley
Remembering The Metallica Hamsters
with Love

Last edited by Fluffagrams; 08-22-2019 at 07:02 AM.
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Old 04-23-2018, 08:05 AM   #8
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Default Re: Introducing the Moderator Team

Name: GhostsInSnow

Lives: West Midlands, UK

Moderator since: August 2016

Ask me about: Chinese Hamsters, Breeding, Showing and Hamster Health

Species kept past & present: Chinese, Roborovski, Winter White, Campbells, Syrian and Hybrid.

Hamster experience: I have owned hamsters since 2012 and have started going to shows (initially for pet class) in 2013. I started showing properly in 2015 and bred my first Chinese litter in 2016. I currently breed Chinese hamsters only. I started my Dwarf Judge Training in 2017. I am also Sales Manager for the Midlands Hamster Club and a Midland delegate for the NHC.

Outside hammies: I'm a student veterinary nurse, hoping to qualify in December 2022. Outside of work and hammies, I love driving, photography and having smooshes with my dogs.

Last edited by GhostsInSnow; 10-18-2020 at 09:48 AM.
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Old 05-29-2018, 06:59 AM   #9
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Default Re: Introducing the Moderator Team

Name: velma

Lives: Wiltshire, UK

Moderator since: August 2016

Ask me about: experiences with pet shop hamsters, housing & behaviour.

Species kept past & present: I have or have kept Syrians, hybrids "Russians", robos and Chinese hamsters.

Hamster experience: I have kept hamsters as pets for more than 25 years. I started out with Syrians, hybrids Russians and more recently robos, Chinese and back to Syrians. Since getting back into hamster ownership in 2014 after a little break, I discovered the forum and have enjoyed learning more about how to give my hamsters the best environment. Most of my hamsters have been from pet shops or rescues but since joining the forum and attending a couple of hamster shows (as a spectator) I recently adopted my first hamster from a breeder.

Outside hammies: I enjoy crafting, my pet cats and being outdoors.
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