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Old 10-25-2011, 09:32 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,022
Post Forum Rules

The community at Hamster Central continues to grow in numbers. All members should familiarize themselves with the rules and guidelines for individual conduct on the forum and website. Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse for behaviour and all members should regularly re-visit the rules as these will be amended.

We want to maintain a friendly atmosphere on these boards and so your co-operation is required and expected to allow this to happen.

Please note that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.

Forum Rules

(Forum members should note that these rules may be changed at the moderating teams discretion and that you should check back for updates).

Member Accounts: Forum members are only allowed to hold one account. If you have previously registered but forgotten your password you should contact admin who will assist you. Creation of multiple accounts will result in them being deleted and possibly a ban.

Internet Safety: For your own safety we advise you to only use your forum name in reference to yourself. Please also refer to other people by their forum names and not their real names if you happen to know them. We advise you to ensure that you don't disclose any personal information that could leave you at risk or open to harm. If you are under the age of 16 then you should obtain parental permission to post pictures where you are in the picture. You should not post pictures of other people without their express permission. Do not post your age. home address, school/place of work, telephone number, full name, etc on the main boards or in private messages.

Language: Please do not use language that is abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening or sexually-oriented. Language or material that may violate any applicable laws will be removed. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned. This applies to private messaging and in the event that someone reports abuse in private messages an investigation will take place and the admin/moderators will decide a final action accordingly. Conversations on the forum should be tasteful and constructive.

Post Under the Appropriate Topics: The moderators would appreciate it if you took note of all the available topics first prior to making a decision as to where your issue would best fit. Any misplaced threads will be moved to a more appropriate area of the forum without the users being notified. Please do not make multiple threads or posts on the same topic. Placed in the correct forum your query will receive answers if members are able to help.

Please stay on topic in threads: Please ensure that posts within threads remain on topic. The moderators will split any threads that go off topic where possible but we would rather you were considerate of this rule and of others. If you would like to talk about something different please either PM (private message) that other member or start your own thread under the appropriate topic. Constant chit chat to the exclusion of other members from a thread is not acceptable.

Post Collecting: We do not tolerate post collecting and to and fro chit chat makes the forum very hard to read and excludes other members. Please don't use it as a chat room as urgent posts can get overlooked.

Posting External Links: You may post external website addresses and/or external links on the forum. They must however be helpful, appropriate and pertain to the subject matter of the thread. Information contained within the link must hold accurate information. Links or posts that are advertising products or animals that are for sale are not allowed and will be removed. Any links to stories, video clips or personal information regarding friends and relatives animals or personal details that are deemed by any moderator to be inappropriate will be removed from the forum without warning.Recommending or promoting other hamster related forums (or any forum that resembles the structure and/or content of Hamster Central) in your posts, signatures, PM or in any way on the forum is not permitted.

Signatures: Signatures are permitted on the forum however they must be no larger then 60 pixels high by 468 pixels wide. Inappropriate signatures due to content or size will be removed.

Posting Pictures: Pictures may be posted on this forum and should be kept to a reasonable size (300 or 400 pixels). Images that are found to be an extreme size may be removed from the post or changed into a click able URL as they can cause slow connection and stretch the forum. Please see “internet safety” in regard to posting pictures of people.

Welfare: It should be noted that this is pet hamster forum and is primarily concerned with the care and welfare of the hamsters we share our homes with. If a member has concerns about the welfare of any animal they should report it to the appropriate authorities.

It is not appropriate to post about animal abuse or animal welfare in relation to pet shops or other situations on Hamster Central. All issues should be raised with the RSPCA, SSPCA or the appropriate organization for your own country. Concerns about animals in pet shops must be raised in the first instance with the store manager, then customer services and in the case of smaller shops the local authority which issues licenses to sell live animals. Any concerns relating to videos or articles that are found on the internet should be reported to the site owners where appropriate.

If you are unsure whether a thread will be acceptable please run it past a moderator first.

Respect: Please consider other members feelings when offering advice and opinions. Speak as you would like to be spoken to yourself. Remember that forums do not convey emotions and people can be hurt and offended by what you thought was an innocent comment. Always read over your post before submitting it to check it sounds OK, has reasonable spelling and grammar, and is not going to upset anyone. It is not possible for a moderator to read every post therefore should you have any issues or complaints about any post you should not retaliate but click the report button to report the post. This will be dealt with as soon as a team member is available.

No Site or Company Bashing: Please avoid bashing other websites and particular named companies or venting about your frustrations of other websites and named companies. Any topics written that are in this nature will be locked or most likely deleted from the forum.

Miscellaneous Chat: This board is intended for light banter and not as a place to discuss serious, personal or disturbing issues. You should seek out an appropriate forum specializing in that particular topic where you can receive specialized advice.

Feedback about this forum: If you have feedback or comments about this website you should post under the “Forum questions and problems” topic. If it involves a dispute between members please contact the admin or moderators first.

Account deletion: Generally speaking, Hamster Central does not delete accounts. All accounts are considered lifetime memberships. If you wish to leave the forum, your account will remain. All existing posts and feedback will remain associated with the account. You may update your user title and signature to identify that you have left the forums, have clocked out, or that you are taking a hiatus from the business, etc. In the case where members are banned, the account will remain with the posts and feedback as well.

Moderation and the Team: The forum administrator has ownership of the forum, website and all logos. In addition Hamster Central has a team of volunteer moderators who endeavor to keep the forum and website running smoothly and they assist the forum administrator where required. The team may at times make decisions that have not been covered in the rules to maintain the integrity and harmony of the forum. All moderators have the full backing and support of the administrator and the rest of the team and decisions are final. Any decisions are fully discussed and on occasion threads may have to be removed or closed during this period and may or may not be returned to the forum while the team investigates any matter completely. You may or may not be advised of the outcome at the discretion of the team. Moderators endeavor to settle matters in as short a time as possible but members should be patient as it is not always possible to have everyone available quickly and there are many important issues outwith the main boards that arise daily. No decision is made by any one moderator.The moderation team should be treated with respect. Any abuse, argument with or harassment of moderators or administrators is not acceptable in any shape or form and will not be tolerated. Decisions made by the team are final and the reasons confidential. Please do not ask on the forum questioning moderator decisions but instead contact the administrator. We are under no obligation to divulge any details to anyone other than to the member which they apply should we consider it necessary.

The moderation team reserves the right to make judgment calls. We can't write a rule for everything. If we see nonsense on the forum we will take care of it and let you know why. This is the "no nonsense" rule.

You can contact a member of the team as below:

In registering with the site and each time you log on, you show your acceptance of these rules and the investigation/disciplinary process that runs alongside it. Rules subject to change without notice.

Last updated January 13th, 2012

Last edited by souffle; 03-06-2023 at 05:42 AM. Reason: Updating Rules
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Old 06-04-2013, 04:57 AM   #2
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Yorkshire, UK but my heart lies in Scotland!
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Default Re: Forum Rules

Please can we ask members to refresh themselves with the details of the forum rules.
Each time you log on you are agreeing to accept and abide by the rules.
Remember this is a family forum and you should take care with your language, revealing and discussing personal details, safety on the internet and respect for other members.
There have been numerous slip ups lately and we want to keep our forum happy and friendly.
Thank you all.
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