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Old 10-30-2021, 05:35 PM   #1
Newborn Pup
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Default New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

Hi all,

I'm a new hamster owner as of today (silly series of events, where I got a girl in one of my lab's hamster that used to be her roommate's hamster, that neither of them wanted any longer). The last time I had one was when I was very young, and now I'm a senior in college studying pre-veterinary animal science. I have two absolutely spoiled rotten free-roam bunnies, and I want to offer this new friend the same quality of life that they get so I'm looking for some ideas to soup up what is her currently dismal tank.

For some information on her, she appears to be a bigger Syrian hamster (the wheel is unfortunately way too small for her, I will be getting a new one) and her name was Melon but I think I'm going to change it to Thaddeus the Conqueror

What she has right now is a water bottle (would a bowl work better or just as well?), a food bowl (which I'm thinking about ditching), a small flying saucer that is dwarf hamster-sized, a small hide, and about 5 inches of bedding. From what I can see, she isn't having a great time and is trying desperately to make an escape I've given her some chews (which she had none of prior to her arrival) and a small timothy cube before my trip to the pet store tomorrow. I can't get a longer tank (the one I got was 20gallons deep) because of space, but I'm wondering if anyone had any ideas for DIY tank toppers/good tank toppers to buy so I can free up space for her to run on her bedding and get some exercise, in addition to giving her a lot more bedding to burrow in at the bottom of her tank? I know that a lot of wire tank toppers aren't great because their feet can get stuck in them, but I desperately want to give her the space she deserves.
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Old 10-31-2021, 05:29 AM   #2
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Default Re: New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

They’ll be more experienced owners respond soon but I copied this from a reply I did the other day:

28cm Trixie Plastic Hamster Wheel (£12.99):
Trixie 61011 Rotating Ferris Wheel Hamsters, Plastic, ø28 cm, Assortment: Random Colors

Wooden 21cm (£9.69) and 28cm (£14.49) Trixie Wheel (delivery not added):
Trixie Wooden Exercise Wheel | Free P&P on orders PS39+ at zooplus!

If they’re a bigger Syrian you’ll definitely want a 28cm one minimum think you can get 33cm but it’s whether you can fit it or not, mines fine in a 28cm one though.

I’m not very good at picturing gallon tanks I just have a cage, tanks are a good option too though. I’m sounding hypocritical here but you want something 80x50cm minimum really but mine is 70x50 but looking out for 100x50 just none sell near me!

I know they say 450sqinch is the minimum but 80x50cm is definitely better for a Syrian.

I’d also recommend some seed blocks/ whimzees dog chews to make a variety of chew toys since they haven’t had a chew toy before their teeth may be long so you want these to get down before health issues occur.

There’s a lot of great box cage DIYs online but I should emphasise that hamsters need a continuous space so if you get 2x 40x25 cages on top of each other it doesn’t make it suitable since it adds up to 80x50.

I live in a small flat and I really thought mine wouldn’t allow me any room but they’re not that daunting when you have it. I know with rabbits as well though it is probably harder. I just got a rabbit recently and I feel like I’m melting from stress trying to allow rabbit enough room plus hamster plus we have a cat and a bird. It’s a weird house 😂

Hope this helps, also can I ask what you use for flooring for your rabbits run? I’m looking into getting a run rather than this hutch to have more open room but I can’t find a clean material to use that’s not to expensive. Thanks if you can help!
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Old 10-31-2021, 05:33 AM   #3
Ria P
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Default Re: New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

Hello and welcome to HC!

I need to think before answering your questions but have to go to work now.

In the meantime you could have a look at the thread called "Let's see your cages" on the Forum (top left) under Housing to get some ideas.

A 28cm wheel and a big house are essentials for a Syrian hamster so you'll probably have to utilize the remaining space the best way you can.
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Old 10-31-2021, 06:50 AM   #4
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Default Re: New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

Also, between water bowl and bottle doesn’t matter much which you prefer. I know rabbits they recommend a bowl simply because they drink a lot. My hamster has a bottle which I prefer since I find it cleaner, however others prefer a bowl, just make sure it’s ceramic so it doesn’t tip over.

Also bedding for hamsters is paper bedding I don’t know what yours has?

I want to add that a hamsters diet is definitely different to rabbits who’s diet largely consists of hay. I use a tablespoon of Harry hamster food a day, plus veggies everyday and a treat every other day so currently she’s getting some porridge every other day currently so she has a warm treat.

I think it’s a really nice thing you’re doing and I hope it works out for you two 😊
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Old 10-31-2021, 07:19 AM   #5
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Default Re: New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

If you’re interested in getting a different cage Lunathehamster1 did a really good video with links to DIYs and also suitable cages you can find for cheaper:

Best UK Hamster Cages 2021 - YouTube
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Old 10-31-2021, 08:36 AM   #6
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

Hello and welcome . It’s great that you want to give Thaddeus a really good home . Love the name.

So - she will need a good two weeks “settling in” period after a change of environment and owner. So normally the advice would be not to upgrade a cage in that first two weeks. But - a 20 gallon tank is really small for a Syrian hamster. They need quite a bit of floor space (but not too much height due to falls leading to injuries. They are really not good with heights at all- they can climb up but can’t get down again so tend to just drop and end up injuring themselves (sometimes quite badly if they land on something hard or sharp). The rule of thumb is they shouldn’t be able to fall further than 30cm max and even then shouldn’t be able to fall on something hard or sharp. Although a shelf or level is good, the maximum cage height shouldn’t be more than about 40 to 45cm and with a good depth of bedding to cushion any falls. 50cm tall means quite a few work arounds or very deep bedding.

So a cage topper isn’t a good idea. And as said above, you’ll need to work with what you’ve got for now. Make the best of the space on her current tank and provide plenty of out of cage time. Ideally on a secure hamster proof environment. Free roaming in one room can be good but hamsters can get into the smallest hole in the floor or wall or trapped places so careful checking is needed. If she’s not that hand tame with you, a playpen area is probably best at first (a sectioned off area). Some people use the dry bath tub for taming.

It sounds like your rabbits free roam though so I’m not sure how that would work. Maybe have her out on the bed? I used to put blankets round the edge as a barrier to slow up any escape attempts.

You’ll probably find a 28cm wheel will take up most of the space in a 20 gallon tank so you won’t be able to add much enrichment. Enrichment being - plenty of bedding, a house or nesting box , a shelf or level ideally and extra hides, tunnels snd toys. The main thing they need for nesting is somewhere dark where they feel secure and can build a big cosy nest. If there isn’t room for a large ish house then they sometimes build an open nest and pile substrate on top of it (like a kind of burrow). Or she may use the smaller house.

So in terms of cage upgrade you’d need to have a think about space - it’s difficult when you don’t have much space . I got a cage that was far too small for our first hamster, who developed cage aggression and bar chewing very quickly. I didn’t think I had space for an 80 x 50 cage but basically ended up rearranging the room - hot rid of a piece of furniture and replaced it with tall shelves so all our stuff was on shelves going up the wall - which provided more floorspace to fit the bigger cage! It was quite therapeutic actually - I was pleased to have created more space.

So you sometimes have to be a bit creative - but if there’s no room then there’s no room. If you have something like a desk, chest of drawers or kallax unit a cage could sit on top of those. And move the contents on top elsewhere. Kallax units have storage underneath as well.

It sounds like you’re in the US and good cages are hard to find (even more so during the pandemic) so most people use tanks or bin cages. There is one ideal cage that isn’t too expensive and not too big or too small - the prevue cage from Amazon - but I believe it’s been out of stock throughout the pandemic.

Most people say a 40 gallon breeder tank is the ideal size for a Syrian (about 90cm by 45cm) but that is quite large to fit in if you’re short on space. You might be able to make a decent sized bin cage to fit on top of a chest of drawers eg. Finding good sized bins isn’t that easy either - most are too narrow and slope in at the bottom. I personally think depth is more important than length if a cage isn’t quite big enough as they do need to move around and have floorspace - they’re ground dwellers and diggers basically.

A popular diy option is a detolf cage. An IKEA detolf glass cabinet tipped on its side with the door left off so it’s open at the top. And needs a lid making out of strips of wood and mesh. This is very long but sits on top of kallax units well which can provide a lot of storage underneath snd it isn’t that deep (but deep enough) so doesn’t stick out in a room too much snd basically just goes along a wall - if you have enough wall space.

If you Google “hamster detolf “ and click on “images” you’ll get the idea.

I found creating space can be expensive, if it means changing furniture, but you can get stuff second hand.

Ideally you want something with at least 75cm by 45cm floor space. Having said that people used to keep hansters in 60 x 40 cages with two shelves in when I first joined this forum. So the main thing is to create enough places to go and things to do and plenty of our big cage time and interaction (I used to get out hamster out on the bed with a few toys on it). They need to be quite hand tame for that or will just do a runner!

What are the dimensions of the 20 gallon tank? You might be better getting an 8”, 9” or 10” wheel for now, to take up less space in the tank so you can make the remaining space more interesting. But their basic needs and habits are nesting, foraging, and wheeling. Burying hoards. So scatter feeding is prinsbky best (you can give a bowl as well if there’s room and put some food in the bowl and scatter some - they need about a tablespoon full a day of a good muesli mix. Don’t get a pellet food. Harry or Hazel Hamster is fine. US members will know about alternative mixes but most of those need supplementing. The HH mixes contain everything needed - all the right nutrients, protein and vitamins.

Water bottle better IMO. But check it every day to make sure it’s letting water out. Bowls can get contaminated. And take up space. Industrial strength Velcro can be used to attach the bottle in the right place.

Some don’t

Don’t do daily or weekly clean outs - causes then huge stress. Just “spit clean” the pee area. Other than their pee they are not dirty or smelly. Don’t worry about poops - they eat those sometimes as well so removing all of them regularly is stealing! They aren’t dirty or smelly and like little hard seeds really - if they accumulate a lot then spot clean.

Don’t use any fluffy bedding, cotton, material (eg hammocks) - they chew and cab get intestinal blockages or threads cutting off their circulation (feet and legs tangled). Plain white toilet paper torn into strips is best for nesting material. Give plenty of nesting material in a heap and the hamster will pouch some to take to the nest. Just keep topping it up as it goes down.

Ideally don’t disturb the nest and hoard - unless pee’d on.

Don’t keep moving things around - they prefer familiarity and stability. Swapping out a wheel is ok. Adding new things is accepted - taking things away can lead to massive tantrums (unless replaced with something better!)

Female hamsters can be very active and quite maverick. Cardboard is your friend - they can chew it, destroy it and it keeps them busy. Cardboard toilet or kitchen roll inner tubes are good for toys (slit them down one side or they can get stuck). A tissue box is fine for a house or hide in a smaller area.

They won’t eat all the food you put out - they hoard most food and snack from their hoard/larder - so some needs throwing away from the bowl after a day or two but still always put new new food out every day (they ignore any good food that’s a day or two old for some reason). Change water every day or two. Check water bottle daily. They can die of no water for a couple of days.

Think that’s about all for now - I’ll have a look at current cage option availability!

Sorry for typos - on my phone and it keeps changing things I type!
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Old 10-31-2021, 08:44 AM   #7
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

That should be spot clean not spit clean!
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Old 10-31-2021, 08:51 AM   #8
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

Treats and chews. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds good for treats and hand taming. Or half a shelled walnut as a special treat (causes great excitement). Whimzee dog chews are good and popular with hamsters. The smallest size. The toothbrushes are good as you can stick sunflower seeds in between the bristles.

As well as their hanster mix, a tiny piece of fresh veg every day. Every third day at first of they’re not used to it. Then every day after a week or two. Cucumber and broccoli are favourites and easy to keep in the fridge fir some time. But just a really tiny piece - No bigger than 1cm cubed size (doesn’t have to be cube shaped of course - just an indication).

I find their daily veg is their raison detre. They wait for it each day. If you put food out at round 6pm PAH they will start waking at that time for their bit of veg. So you can have some interaction at that time.
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Old 10-31-2021, 08:54 AM   #9
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

Prevue cage still unabailable - but thinking about it, if she’s used to a tank then a tank, bin or diy cage might be better anyway - especially if she’s very active so no bar chewing.

Someone else might link good bins currently available. Second hand exo terra terrariums are a good option (the 90 cm ones) - they have front opening doors which are good for interaction and taming.
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Old 10-31-2021, 08:58 AM   #10
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: New Hamster Owner, Inherited 20g deep tank

9” silent runner wheel would be a good option until she’s in a bigger cage. But gets expensive having to buy a temporary wheel and then upgrade it. But upgrading her wheel now will improve her welfare enormously and she will really appreciate it. (Not the Sandy track version - bad for their feet). Wheels need to have a solid running track - no open rungs - the wire ones are really dangerous and can give them bumblefoot).

Silent Runner Wheel With Sandy Trimmer Track And Cage Attachment - Exotic Nutrition
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tank, hamster, small, bedding, space

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