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Old 06-17-2021, 04:38 PM   #1
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Default DIY Wiremesh concern: GALVANISATION POSIONING?

So recently I reached out to my bf to help me look for some cheap wire mesh.

I've seen a lot of people using the normal square wire mesh and it's the go to thing for hamster enclosures. However, we got into a big argument and I ended up seeing his point.

Most of these wires are galvanised and can cause galvanisation posioning which is bad for both humans and animals. "Chicken wire" (Also galvanised) is designed to keep animals out (aka foxes) so therefore the fox gets poisoned by the metal when they keep retrying to enter the chicken coop.

So, instead I've decided to opt for the idea of going with woven steel mesh.

Does anyone else know of this?

This just relates to the cheap "chicken coop" wire by the way, not the expensive non-galvanised one which is way to expensive for my liking sitting at £70 minimum.
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Old 06-17-2021, 05:31 PM   #2
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Default Re: DIY Wiremesh concern: GALVANISATION POSIONING?

I looked up galvanisation poisoning but could only find information about it affecting welders, which would be because of the fumes. I don't really see how metal mesh could affect a fox that's just pushing or digging against it or even biting it (as they won't be ingesting metal in any large quantity). Galvanised mesh is coated with zinc and there is such as a thing as zinc poisoning but it takes large or cumulative doses. To be safe I would probably replace the mesh with a non-galvanised alternative if a hamster were chewing it frequently but otherwise it should be fine.

I use 6mm square galvanised mesh which I buy from Wickes in 60x90cm sheets for about £9 each. For detolf lids you would need two sheets, or perhaps you could get away with one if you made the wooden lid frame a bit wider. I prefer the 6mm mesh over 10mm or 13mm because it usually prevents bar chewing (as the squares are too small for many rodents to put their noses through far enough to bite the wire).
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Old 06-17-2021, 06:08 PM   #3
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Default Re: DIY Wiremesh concern: GALVANISATION POSIONING?

Originally Posted by sushi_78 View Post
I looked up galvanisation poisoning but could only find information about it affecting welders, which would be because of the fumes. I don't really see how metal mesh could affect a fox that's just pushing or digging against it or even biting it (as they won't be ingesting metal in any large quantity). Galvanised mesh is coated with zinc and there is such as a thing as zinc poisoning but it takes large or cumulative doses. To be safe I would probably replace the mesh with a non-galvanised alternative if a hamster were chewing it frequently but otherwise it should be fine.

I use 6mm square galvanised mesh which I buy from Wickes in 60x90cm sheets for about £9 each. For detolf lids you would need two sheets, or perhaps you could get away with one if you made the wooden lid frame a bit wider. I prefer the 6mm mesh over 10mm or 13mm because it usually prevents bar chewing (as the squares are too small for many rodents to put their noses through far enough to bite the wire).
I was just a bit concerned as my bf was a welder.

Stating: even handling the mesh for so little everyday can cause galvanisation poisoning. He used to get effected by it even by handling it 10 minutes a day (without cutting it and causing high temperature to the metal) and he ended up refusing to work with it and got a severe pay cut.

Was also concerned for my health and safety since I will be handling the mesh quite regularly each day since I like to clean and refill my hamsters water bowl 2-3 times a day to keep it free of any substrate.
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Old 06-17-2021, 09:42 PM   #4
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Default Re: DIY Wiremesh concern: GALVANISATION POSIONING?

From what your boyfriend went through I can understand his concerns, it appears that it is a common concern and problem when welding. But as you won't be heating it up It sounds like you will be ok. I use that type of mesh on my syrians cage and I do not have any symptoms of zinc poisoning, nor have i heard of anyone else getting zinc poisoning.

It is the zinc that can cause people to become ill.
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Old 06-18-2021, 01:18 AM   #5
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Default Re: DIY Wiremesh concern: GALVANISATION POSIONING?

I appreciate his knowledge, but I don't see how it would be a concern for what you are using it for. In industrial environments I am sure that caution is valid. I bought mine in a normal garden/building/DIY shop and it was advertised as good mesh for birds and rodents, so I doubt they would be allowed to do that if there was a health issue for animals or humans. I also made a raised lid (very similar to the one you intend to make) and I have had no issues what so ever. Also, my hamster has no way of really reaching the mesh to even begin to chew, so I doubt yours would either.
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Old 06-18-2021, 05:14 AM   #6
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Default Re: DIY Wiremesh concern: GALVANISATION POSIONING?

Originally Posted by VOESSY View Post
I appreciate his knowledge, but I don't see how it would be a concern for what you are using it for. In industrial environments I am sure that caution is valid. I bought mine in a normal garden/building/DIY shop and it was advertised as good mesh for birds and rodents, so I doubt they would be allowed to do that if there was a health issue for animals or humans.
For the most part I'd agree with this - almost entirely even when it comes to hamsters specifically. The chances of them actually having enough contact with the mesh shouldn't be high providing the lid is designed properly for that purpose. Bar chewing as we know is a problematic behavior for many reasons regardless of the type of metal being chewed. Even extremely safe high quality stainless steel mesh would be unsafe for chewing!

That being said, there would definitely be concerns for other species but those concerns are very much unusual species specific ones - for example with parrots in general galvanized mesh wouldn't be considered safe. A key factor in the safety issue there is that parrots tend to spend tons of time around the wire part of the enclosure and are significantly more likely to wind up ingesting the coating from that mesh. Of course there are other bird species that wouldn't generally be in contact with the mesh enough to have the same concerns. In general birds tend to have extremely low tolerance for potential toxins though, so it wouldn't be a fair comparison for safety.

With galvanized mesh you do also have the very high potential for rusting which unfortunately just comes with the territory. Luckily for the purpose of a raised lid for a hamster enclosure, it would be fairly easy to avoid that. At the very least unlike with some species you wouldn't end up with urine or other wet substances on the mesh so that does help the general durability a lot.

The ideal solution would be a high quality stainless steel mesh. However, that could get very expensive and it may even be difficult to source. You generally won't find that kind of thing at the average hardware/home improvement store.
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Old 06-18-2021, 06:24 AM   #7
Ria P
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Default Re: DIY Wiremesh concern: GALVANISATION POSIONING?

I've always used the galvanised mesh from B&Q for bin cages and no hamster has ever come to any harm.
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animals, chicken, galvanisation, mesh, wire

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