Hi everyone!
I have had my hamster for 6 mths now, and when i first got her this paper bedding by tiny farm:
Supreme Petfoods Tiny Friends Farm Eco Friendly Bedding 15L: Amazon.co.uk: Pet Supplies
However, it smelled terrible as soon as i took it out of the bag.... not in a way that my hamster caused, it was just the bedding itself. It travelled through my whole house literally and it was not nice. I had to find another solution, so after resaearching i decided to shred paper towels/ kitchen roll that is hamster safe. This is cheap and works well, although it is not extremely absorbent, and obviously very time consuming to rip up a whole large roll of kitchen paper every week.
What I am trying to say is, do all beddings smellso bad? I'm from the uk and reallly need a bettter option!!!
thanks, I hope someone can help.