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Old 03-14-2019, 03:51 AM   #1
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Default Table smaller than hamster cage’s depth (Duna Maxi Multy)?

Hi everyone!

I really want to get the Maxi Duna Multy, which measures 71 x 46 x 31.5cm. I’m assuming the depth is 46cm, as no websites are actually clear!
I’m also going to get a coffee table/TV unit/bookcase for the cage to sit on. I was wondering, if the cage is too wide in depth, in comparison to the table, would this still be stable? For example, this unit:

The Ikea Fjallbo shelving unit, 100 x 95cm. It is 36cm in depth. It is ideal in every sense besides depth. I’m aware it is also quite tall, which may cause it to be a bit unstable? Whenever I would have hamsters growing up, they would always be placed on counters that are completely still and stable, so I am really looking to learn how to tell when a table/unit will be secure for supporting a hamster and its activity in a home.

I live in a rented apartment so I can’t fix any products to the wall, unless there’s is a way to do that without screws, sadly. Perhaps command hooks? But also I feel if I have 5cm overhang either side it may be better than 10cm on one side.

It would be great to hear how you decide a unit is stable for your hamster cage. Of course the little guys are always scurrying, but some cages are just massive compared to furniture available, and there must be some sort of overlap on the edges/the cage being a bit longer, or wider, than the unit. I could always get the coffee table from the same Ikea range, which is only a bit smaller in depth. And of course I won’t be irresponsible and buy the shelving unit if it is risky, obviously. I am just interested to hear a second opinion, and what people keep their cages on. I am also not a bit fan of keeping the cage on the floor - I would be very careful to ensure they do not escape and drop a large height, but I do want to ensure they are kept off the floor due to cleaning, as well as so they are not cold.

I have seen many people balance a cage between two different cabinets, or on top of a much smaller chest of drawers in the cage photos archive. But I know hamster care is always evolving over time, so I'd love a more up-to-date overview!

I have got two other options that fit the dimensions better, which I can link when I’m home later today, but for now would love to hear opinions on this and the overhang, as I’m sure I will encounter the same problem again AND this unit really is lovely!!
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Old 03-14-2019, 01:43 PM   #2
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Default Re: Table smaller than hamster cage’s depth (Duna Maxi Multy)?

Do you mean the maxi multy 100cm long or the normal multy 70cm long. The normal one is on too small for Syrians, and even most dwarfs would do better in a larger space so better to get the 100cm long one. But if it's for a Syrian there are still better options as it's a low cage.

The shelving unit itself is very tall. You won't really want anything much taller than 80cm high to be honest, I use an Ikea Kallax for my tank and that's 77cm tall, any taller and I wouldn't be able to access the cage properly without a stool. I would also be worried about having a cage on top of something that tall without it being fastened to the wall, can't imagine it being very stable. Even if the width overhang is ends up being ok, it'll make the shelving unit even more unstable which isn't ideal.
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Old 03-14-2019, 02:30 PM   #3
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Default Re: Table smaller than hamster cage’s depth (Duna Maxi Multy)?

Originally Posted by mangoandmimi View Post
Do you mean the maxi multy 100cm long or the normal multy 70cm long. The normal one is on too small for Syrians, and even most dwarfs would do better in a larger space so better to get the 100cm long one. But if it's for a Syrian there are still better options as it's a low cage.

The shelving unit itself is very tall. You won't really want anything much taller than 80cm high to be honest, I use an Ikea Kallax for my tank and that's 77cm tall, any taller and I wouldn't be able to access the cage properly without a stool. I would also be worried about having a cage on top of something that tall without it being fastened to the wall, can't imagine it being very stable. Even if the width overhang is ends up being ok, it'll make the shelving unit even more unstable which isn't ideal.

I’m after the maxi. I have had hamsters injured previously from falling in cages with multi levels, and the only other cage I’ve found that I really like was the Ferplast Criceti 100. Also, ideally something without bars to chew or climb because of injury. I don’t feel comfortable doing DIY, and I need something quite lightweight for when I bring the hamster to a friend when I am away for a few days (so rules out the Detolf). It does seem to have a great volume, but nobody on any hamster forum seems very keen on it anymore...

If you can think of a good alternative cage I would love any suggestions.

Do you think this cage would be fine on this? Another slight overhang but less so.

I also considered this - it is a trunk, and fits the dimensions almost perfectly. Would be good to hide the supplies away, but can you think of any negatives to this?

Thank you so much for the response and advice!
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Old 03-14-2019, 02:25 PM   #4
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Default Re: Table smaller than hamster cage’s depth (Duna Maxi Multy)?

Maxi Duna Multy is 100cm by 51.5 cm I also recommend the Kallax unit - I have had a 100cm by 54cm cage on top of that with no problem.

Maxi Duna Multy

Kallax unit (various colours)

The Fjalbo you linked isn't deep enough to support a cage really(it's only 35cm deep). The other thing is - if it's a top opening cage like the Ferplast Duna's you don't want it any higher up than the height of the Kallax unit (and lower than that is better really) or it's awkward doing anything inside the cage or having interaction with the hamster.

I actually think the ideal height for a cage is on something like the Lack Coffee tables. Our 100 x 54cm cage is currently on top of something the height of a coffee table and it's much more manageable. But if you want shelving, the Kallax is fine.
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Old 03-14-2019, 02:34 PM   #5
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Default Re: Table smaller than hamster cage’s depth (Duna Maxi Multy)?

Really sorry for the double post!! Difficult to edit on my phone and add another quote

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
Maxi Duna Multy is 100cm by 51.5 cm I also recommend the Kallax unit - I have had a 100cm by 54cm cage on top of that with no problem.

Maxi Duna Multy

Kallax unit (various colours)

The Fjalbo you linked isn't deep enough to support a cage really(it's only 35cm deep). The other thing is - if it's a top opening cage like the Ferplast Duna's you don't want it any higher up than the height of the Kallax unit (and lower than that is better really) or it's awkward doing anything inside the cage or having interaction with the hamster.

I actually think the ideal height for a cage is on something like the Lack Coffee tables. Our 100 x 54cm cage is currently on top of something the height of a coffee table and it's much more manageable. But if you want shelving, the Kallax is fine.
You guys have made excellent points about it being an awkward height - hadn’t even considered it!

I’m very surprised to learn the Kallax is okay when it’s so much shorter! Does it ever feel like the cage will tip? Or do you suggest I get two sat side by side? The Lack coffee table is also a good suggestion, it’s a shame for the lack of storage but perhaps I will just get a little trunk to go next to the cage

Thank you so much for your advice!
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Old 03-14-2019, 02:43 PM   #6
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I think the Fjallbo coffee table looks perfect And a shelf under for storage too - nice looking furniture as well! The depth is fine. The other one I think wouldn't be as stable and also you'd have to lift the cage off the top to get inside it - and hamsters don't like their cage being moved. It's best to always leave it in the same place fairly permanently - unless you're going on holiday eg. I'd get the Fjallbo table.

The Maxi duna multy is a nice cage and as you say, no fall risks. There are barred cages that are a good size for a Syrian and also don't have fall risks though, as long as you have enough substrate in and set it up so they can't land on anything hard. I have the Barney cage from Zooplus. The Alexander is also a good cage but slightly taller. Extra height has pros and cons. With a slightly taller cage than the Maxi Duna you can have a good shelf inside and fit a wheel higher up the cage so there's still plenty of room for substrate underneath.

With the maxi duna you are limited with wheel height. A 28cm/11" wheel will fit - a 12" wheel won't fit. With an 11" wheel you need to have very low substrate in the wheel area for it to fit - and deeper substrate elsewhere - plus it's harder to fit a platform in and I think they do need a shelf or platform so they don't feel too exposed.

Most Syrians would be perfectly happy in the Maxi Duna, but some would be way more active and want more space. A slightly taller barred cage does allow for a bit more enrichment for activity etc. But the MAxi Duna is still a lovely cage and if you prefer the tank style then it's a good option.

This is the Barney cage.

The internal height of mine is about 42 to 43 cm so it isn't really tall - especially if you have about 12cm of substrate in it (ie about 4" or more). It comes with a good shelf and a good sized house as well. I have a 12" wheel screwed to the bars so the top of the wheel sits just below the top of the cage and there is loads of room under the wheel for substrate.

But if you prefer the tank style then the Maxi Duna Multy is a good cage too

There are so many pros and cons. I think tank style cages look lovely - but I've found I much prefer having a front door on cage for easier interaction with the hamster and I like attaching all sorts to the bars.

Last edited by souffle; 03-15-2019 at 03:14 AM.
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Old 03-14-2019, 02:51 PM   #7
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Default Re: Table smaller than hamster cage’s depth (Duna Maxi Multy)?

The problem with a maxi multy for a Syrian is its low height. Very difficult to fit both deep enough bedding in along with a big Syrian wheel, I had a similar cage for a dwarf and struggled and that was with a smaller wheel. A deep base allows for more bedding too. I like these for Syrians:
Large eco habitat:

Or potentially these also which have bars so might not suit you. I know what you mean about fall risks, its part of the reason why I prefer barless cages myself.

The detolf is actually quite good as a cage, I don't think anyone is against it. I would say it's much better suited to a dwarf ham though due to its narrow width and low height but it can certainly work for Syrians too.

It depends on what cage you go for but definitely nothing made of glass on the trunk. A barred cage like the Barney might be fine but it's hard to tell. The coffee table would be fine. Originally I liked the height of a coffee table - I have a detolf and wanted it on the low kallax unit for better access but eventually went with the 77cm high ones, and actually really like it. I'm really not tall either and it's a nice height. It helps with not intimidating them by standing directly above them, which is a problem for some hamsters.
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Old 03-14-2019, 03:44 PM   #8
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Default Re: Table smaller than hamster cage’s depth (Duna Maxi Multy)?

The San Marino is amazing if you have the space Very expensive. I have a problem with the Falco though - it is difficult to safely set up and doesn't have good access.

But Mango and Mimi is right about the restrictions of the Maxi Duna. You effectively lose a chunk of the floorspace due to fitting the wheel in - but it's still a good sized cage, and the Hamster Heaven has the same issue and is a smaller cage.
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Old 03-14-2019, 03:52 PM   #9
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Default Re: Table smaller than hamster cage’s depth (Duna Maxi Multy)?

I agree - I don’t know what purpose that grill halfway up the tank is meant to have in the falco but I’d ignore it and fill it to the top, then raise the levels. With a couple extra ledges or shelves the fall height would be ok. Obviously any heavy items would need supporting from the base. Still can’t think why they didn’t think front access would be beneficial in a cage like that..!
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Old 03-14-2019, 05:00 PM   #10
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Default Re: Table smaller than hamster cage’s depth (Duna Maxi Multy)?

Thank you so much, guys! The Fjallbo coffee table does look nice, but quite honestly you guys have sold me on the Kallax - it is cheaper, a bit more versatile re: putting cute drawers/boxes in the storage, and provided it has proven to be stable for you guys with 100cm cages, then I'm happy!
If you are still in this thread, would you mind sharing which models you had? I appreciate the link, Serendipity, and MangoandMimi, you said yours was the 77cm model too? Also, how come it keeps the cage stable when there is a 30cm overhang? Because it is solid, with shelves, and shorter?

I really really do appreciate the suggestions, and also not completely shooting down my current preference towards the Maxi as well, thank you. The Alexander and Barney are certainly very very popular options online, but I really don't feel comfortable putting really deep substrate in it (as the plastic seems quite shallow), and again, the bars!

That German cage is beautiful, and I also like the look of the Eco Habitat (it actually used to be my first choice) and Falco. However, if I'm honest, I am quite nervous about wooden cages, urine, water bottle spills, and also the unfortunate event of that bug that means you need to get rid of all wooden items in a cage! I understand I seem quite OTT, but since owning a hamster almost a decade ago, I have unfortunately gotten very severe OCD. It is really calming down now, and the hamster is actually a bit of a treat to myself I will definitely be able to be a great owner, not afraid of getting dirty or dealing with bugs, but I suppose it is fair to say I am taking quite a few precautions prior to getting the little one!

Thank you for also reminding me about the imposing view a hamster can sometimes have of us - I think a 77cm high Kallax would be a great option for that reason. I also see the preference for a side door on the cage, however I actually do prefer the idea of a top one only, in case of escape (I know it's still possible though)! Plus, the Maxi Multy has a huge top lid.

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
But Mango and Mimi is right about the restrictions of the Maxi Duna. You effectively lose a chunk of the floorspace due to fitting the wheel in - but it's still a good sized cage, and the Hamster Heaven has the same issue and is a smaller cage.
Yes, I can understand the height is quite a negative. Having had a quick glance on Google, 12 inch wheels are recommended for rats and chinchillas! Of course, judging by the pet industry, and the fact the Maxi Multy is meant to be for guinea-pigs and rabbits, I'm assuming an actual rat/chinchilla would need something more like a 15 inch wheel In general, is an 11 inch wheel good for a small/medium/large Syrian? I will of course start researching that as soon as I've posted this reply.

Originally Posted by mangoandmimi View Post
I agree - I don’t know what purpose that grill halfway up the tank is meant to have in the falco but I’d ignore it and fill it to the top, then raise the levels. With a couple extra ledges or shelves the fall height would be ok. Obviously any heavy items would need supporting from the base. Still can’t think why they didn’t think front access would be beneficial in a cage like that..!

I think the grill may be to prevent condensation? It is definitely a great suggestion.

As it stands, weighing it all up, I do still feel like the Maxi Multy could be the best suited to me. Of course, I haven't met my hamster yet and it may be that if they are extremely active or adventurous, I will swap it out for something with a bit more height. But, even with the wheel probably taking up a lot of floor space, I do plan to have some things they can climb/stand on, and ultimately they will be spending a lot of time out of their cage. And I'm sure it's no surprise that 10 years ago, none of my hamsters had cages 100cm long! I'm determined to make my hammy happy and it will have pleeeeenty of outside playtime in a playpen, etc.
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