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Old 12-30-2013, 06:17 PM   #1
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Default Any Shows in the USA?

Curious to find out if there are any events for Syrians in the USA
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Old 01-01-2014, 10:31 PM   #2
Nancy's Hamsters
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Only in California
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Old 01-02-2014, 01:57 PM   #3
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I've been working on getting a club off the ground for a few years. Up to this point, we've just held casual evaluations at a few hamster meetups with select breeders. We have been able to have a CHA judge in attendence for one of them. It wasn't a show for a reason. Having a show would mean we'd have to open it up to any and all and there's so many breeders that don't have the same level of husbandry we do, we didn't want to put our hamsters/hamsteries at risk.

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Old 01-04-2014, 09:25 AM   #4
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Default Re: Any Shows in the USA?

Thank you both for the replies! Im not new to working with Syrians. However im new to working with Syrians at a more professional level then when I was younger. There really is soo much more to the genes and these cute little furballs than I first realized a few years ago and honestly I lost interest because of the few breeders in the state I was living in at that time were abything short of responsible. I experienced some not so great hammies with extremely bad attitudes and of course the wet tail episode so sad, I also saw more people using rat racks to breed syrians that I really just didnt want to continue with them and moved on to other rodents. Since movibg to Pa ive actually found two breeders that right off the first enail give all these wonderful sites for info and Janice your one of them also Pearl Hamstery in MD. I was really hoping to find a club that hosted events because I thought id be able to learn so much more from people and shows then websites. I use to show dogs for akc and ukc eith my grandfather as a kid. I loved going to events and seeing all the beautiful sporting breeds at show and performing in events. They were great networking places and a place to show off your best stock. I know these things are member based and driven but if the AGS can do it for Gerbils why not get together and di the samething for the Syrians?? We have a governing set of standards to go by why not make a registry?? Ive seen many registries with dogs come and go. And some that stick around and every mill breeder in the states belongs to. If enough people doing the wrong things can get together why cant people that have the same level of appreciation for the animal in question and want to adhere to a standard not be able to accomplish the same thing but do it the right way...
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Old 01-04-2014, 09:40 AM   #5
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Default Re: Any Shows in the USA?

I completely understand the "Not open to the public" notion. I think in many ways thats a great idea to have a more private club. But we all start out in similar ways in the beggining with an interest into the hobby as a begginer. Only through research, trial and error as well as perspective mentors do we really grow and advance our knowledge and understanding of better husbandry practices and record keeping.
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Old 01-04-2014, 08:38 PM   #6
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All good points. A club takes time, money, dedication and people. While I do have the dedication and am willing to invest the money, I don't have the time, nor are there enough interested people. Sure, everyone would love to be a member, but that's about as far as they'd want to go. A club would also have to offer some benefit or else no one would join. I can't see making information a benefit, as the AGS does, I think that should be out there for everyone. I don't see much advantage of a member-only forum given all the other hamster forums already out there. A show would be a benefit but then you'd have to invite all club members and there are certain people we would not feel comfortable with entering hamsters. What would be the point of hosting a show if some members wouldn't show if other members entered? The way to fix that would be to then become more selective about membership but then how fair is that and where do you draw the line? Could we exclude someone due to an inadequate cage, wheel, food, bedding and/or husbandry? Could we exclude someone that wronged an existing member? Could we exclude someone if animal control was called to their house in the last 5 years? Could we exclude someone with a high mortality rate at their hamstery? Could we be sued for excluding anyone? Are any of these things excusable for a novice member? A club could certainly have a great code of ethics but how could it ever be enforced? I certainly don't need any more stress in my life by now having to "police" members!

So, for now, there's a small group of breeders that are working together and are able to avoid all those issues. We trust each other and rejoice in one another's accomplishments and work together to problem solve anything one of us may be seeing. There's no competition to have a hamster that's the best. We all hope to have an amazing hamster and then be able to share its offspring with everyone else! Our goal is about improving our hamsters in general, not having the hamstery with the most ribbons. Not that I don't think that would be wonderful and fun, I just don't think the US hamster fancy is at that point any longer. Many good breeders left the fancy as their life changed and they were replaced by breeders that just didn't hold the same ideals. Unfortunately, those are the breeders that are now more numerous in the US.


Last edited by radiocricket; 01-04-2014 at 10:25 PM.
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Old 01-05-2014, 12:26 AM   #7
Nancy's Hamsters
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Default Re: Any Shows in the USA?

A club could be of good help in teaching only if the student was willing to listen and learn. Janice can tell you back then I was told what I needed to do and I didn't feel at that time I needed to listen(pride got in the way).

I now had to completely give up any Hamsters for two years and completely tore up all floors and walls that were in my Hamster room to be rid of all the issues in my Hamstery at that time. Now I have two completely different areas for my personal Hamsters, and the many many I rescue. Complete with separate clothing to change into and out of between the two areas. I would still love to see the day people can easily go to a show and locate breeders instead of the many Pet stores out there. Would it stop pet store Hamsters? I doubt it but it would give that pet buyer another choice to choose.

I too tend to check out Janice's website to compare my current personal Hamsters to what they should be and what they are( I have a long road to climb yet) I also study the NHC standards for colors and type when they have the colors I have. I use River Road Hamstery for references on the Color I like now too. Still nothing would beat a hands on teaching seminar type study with a Knowledged judge who could have the patience to work with people who are not at the novice level of breeding, but also are not at a high show level of Hamster breeding. Heck if even something like that could occur I would partake in it.

The safety factor at a show would be hard to control (think of the risk taken at dog shows with Parvo being spread) especially when open to the general public. I've not been to a CHA show but it seems anyone can come view it and I'm sure if they wished to purchase a Hamster they would be allowed to handle said Hamster. However would you control viruses and bacteria from passing from Hamster to hamster?

I would indeed like to see a National club but I also know Janice has tried for as many years as I have owned Hamsters at this home and probably before then too. It's a rough one to solve from all I see.
You would need to please the pet owners as well as the serious Breeders. Have a club that had interest for both sides of the Hamster owning world. One that can include a newbie, but also make a long time breeder feel welcome and included. That alone is hard work not to add in the funding cost, and the biggest one Man Power.
Nancy,and The ST's Hamsters
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Old 01-05-2014, 10:34 AM   #8
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Default Re: Any Shows in the USA?

Please note that many of the hamsters on my website would not do well at a show! They were posted as hamsters I was breeding from at the time, not as an example of any standards.

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Old 01-05-2014, 02:32 PM   #9
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Default Re: Any Shows in the USA?

The health issue is always an issue in anything you do. But I never considered the legality of inclusion and exclusion. However I would like to say thank you to thosewho are responsible and take the time to help guide us Newbies that are willing to learm and do self research. But if there is a movement towards something I wouldnt mind committing the time and finaces. Thats what hobbies are for. Thank you all for posting!! Love the input and different perspectives.
Im just happy to hear there are committted people that do it from a passionate stand point rather than a financial endeavor. I guess forums are pretty cool after all.
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