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Old 01-15-2025, 01:07 PM   #1
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Default Cleaning After Diarrhea

I read that it was safe to give hamsters cashews (I broke mine into small pieces) but a day or so later found diarrhea all over my Syrian’s wheel and a little bit on her bedding.

What should my next steps be as far as cleaning goes?

Is it all right to spot-clean the substrate/bedding instead of the whole thing? I don’t want to distress her.

For cleaning solution I use 50/50 vinegar and water, then rinse thoroughly and dry. Is that all right for the wheel?

There seems to be diarrhea on her toys. They are wooden chew toys. How should I go about cleaning those?

I feel SO bad for giving my hamster diarrhea! :’(

Thanks so much in advance,

A concerned brand-new hamster owner
I知 Madi, brand-new hamster owner of a Syrian named Fluffy. 🩷
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Old 01-15-2025, 01:11 PM   #2
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Default Re: Cleaning After Diarrhea

P.S. I am withholding all fresh fruits/vegs I was giving her and only giving her dry food for now. I am making sure she has plenty of water. If the diarrhea persists, I will absolutely be contacting a vet. I hope this isn’t the wet tail I have heard about.
I知 Madi, brand-new hamster owner of a Syrian named Fluffy. 🩷
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Old 01-15-2025, 02:19 PM   #3
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Default Re: Cleaning After Diarrhea

from what i understand wet tail is only a concern for young syrian hamster pups (up to like 1-2 months old tho i could be wrong) just from everything ive read it only really effects younger hamsters and i doubt it would be wet tail as your fur baby seems to be healthy and active other than the recent diarrhoea (assuming they are still active after the cold spell they went through a few days ago)

again more i read is hamsters can have cashews as long as they are unsalted and in moderation as they are quite fatty ive never fed them myself but what i read says its fine. it might just be a case of your hammy having a sensitive stomach my Bandit Boi is the same, i like giving my hamsters veggie puree baby food and they love it but Bandit Boi also gets an upset stomach after it so i only give it to my chinese dwarf pebbles. you can still feed her some veg just make sure your not feeding a huge variety and keep things pretty plain like just 1 type and only a little of what she's already had that you know didnt upset her stomach in the past just so her tummy can settle for a few days and like you said just make sure she stays hydrated even if you can offer her some cucumber to nibble on

as far as cleaning assuming its only an upset stomach and your hammy is otherwise fine (eating/drinking/active) you could get away with spot cleaning but you would probably have to rotate all the paper and thoroughly search through even the nest just to make sure you removed it all and the wooden toys people just bake to kill of bacteria and parasites and stuff but doing that your probably gonna still be left with a stain so you could soak it in hot water first and try scrub it? then afterwards bake to kill anything off. someone might have a better cleaning solution but ive not had to deal with this myself just going off info ive seen/read
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Old 01-15-2025, 10:23 PM   #4
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Default Re: Cleaning After Diarrhea

Thank you so much! I spot-cleaned her substrate and cleaned her wheel. I took out the toys that looked sticky and will clean those when I can find out how to! She seemed really active tonight and let me pick her up and hold her multiple times, and even pet her! Granted, she was very wriggly and kept trying to escape, but at least she didn’t seem distressed. I still need to check her hideout but she has learned how to escape her little pet carrier so I will try to put her in my (clean, dry, and toweled) bathtub to check her hideout for any diarrhea spots.
I知 Madi, brand-new hamster owner of a Syrian named Fluffy. 🩷
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Old 01-16-2025, 08:40 AM   #5
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Default Re: Cleaning After Diarrhea

Checked on her this morning. Her wheel had a bit of diarrhea in it again. I didn’t feed her anything but a tiny sliver of carrot and dry pellet mix yesterday. Should I remove her wheel until her diarrhea subsides? Is the wheel making the diarrhea worse?
I知 Madi, brand-new hamster owner of a Syrian named Fluffy. 🩷
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Old 01-16-2025, 09:59 AM   #6
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Default Re: Cleaning After Diarrhea

the wheel wont be making it worse if anything its a good way to check if she's still not feeling well (like seeing if theres still mess on the wheel or seeing if she's actively using it) its great she's still active too! is she still eating/drinking? ik you said you fed her a little carrot and seed mix but did you see her nibbling at it or just pouch it and store it?

see how she is tomorrow and if her stomach is still upset you should check with a vet i still think its just an upset stomach given she's still active and eating so hopefully it should pass in the next day or 2 obviously if anything changes with how active she is or if she's not drinking then get to the vets as soon as you can but for now it still seems like an upset stomach

also just make sure your moving all the bedding around so you can check for any mess in tunnels she might have made under the paper just so it doesnt get smelly or make her sick you will probably have to remove all her cage accessories and put her in the bathtub again so she doesnt get stressed out so you can check through all the paper fully
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Old 01-17-2025, 08:44 AM   #7
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Default Re: Cleaning After Diarrhea

I believe she ate the carrot pieces as I found all of her stashes when cleaning and there were only lots of (dry) poops and a little bit of her pellet mix. I let her play around in my bath tub while I checked her bedding more thoroughly in addition to her hideout—no diarrhea in the hideout at all thankfully, and I spot cleaned anywhere else. She is drinking normally!

I sat with her in the bath tub afterwards and she seemed to have a lot of fun crawling over me and exploring. So she seemed active, playful, and curious.

Wiped down her wheel last night. Gave her two tiny slivers of carrot to lure her to let me bring her to said bathtub and for hand training. Unfortunately, there is a little diarrhea in the wheel this morning. (She has never had stomach upset from carrots before.) However, there’s not as much diarrhea as there was prior! I think she is improving. I don’t believe I’ll be calling for a vet unless this continues with NO improvement… but please let me know if you recommend anything different.
I知 Madi, brand-new hamster owner of a Syrian named Fluffy. 🩷
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Old 01-17-2025, 06:13 PM   #8
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Default Re: Cleaning After Diarrhea

i honestly think what your doing is great and i wanted to point out (but forgot to) that you mentioned there was less diarrhoea in her wheel than the night before which i figured might also be her getting better. the fact she's still active and eating/drinking is amazing too and it rules out wet tail as she would be a lot worse off by now as wet tail kills within 2-3 days (from what ive read, ive thankfully never had a hammy with it) and the symptoms other than the diarrhoea would be lack of appetite, lethargy (and a few other things she also doesnt have judging from your original description of whats wrong with her) and she's the complete opposite... eating, drinking and still active, so i think she's gonna be fine so i'd continue as you are and make sure to keep checking the bedding too so you can clear up any mess and obviously keep a close eye on if she's drinking because she will go down hill very fast if shes got diarrhoea and not drinking but hopefully she is getting better, i'd love an update on her when she's better if thats oki?
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Old 01-20-2025, 09:28 PM   #9
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Default Re: Cleaning After Diarrhea

Update: Still having diarrhea but it’s in very small amounts! I think she’s going to be okay but will continue keeping a close eye on her!
I知 Madi, brand-new hamster owner of a Syrian named Fluffy. 🩷
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Old 01-21-2025, 12:13 AM   #10
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Default Re: Cleaning After Diarrhea

very small amounts? like less than the first update saying there was less? or the same amount? if its the same amount i'd recommend getting a checkup for her, just to make sure she's oki given its been a few days just so the vet can get an idea of what she's eating/whats wrong to try help her get better faster
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cleaning, diarrhea, hamster, toys, wheel

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