Re: Any advice for Elderly hamster
This may be a bit late, as you may already have decided what to do, but if not (and for others who may have a similar situation)...
To make things easier for you both, I would say a smaller cage would be fine. The Bucatstate cages are still good sizes, after all. Just ensure that you transfer as much substrate and toys over as you can, and keep them roughly in the same place as they are in her current cage, so it's all as familiar as possible for her to reduce stress. I would leave the wheel in, as running is something hamsters do to be happy, so even if she only goes on it for a couple of minutes it will still be worth it.
Hopefully she's doing okay after her treatment. It might be worth offering her baby food (avoid anything with onion/garlic/leek. The Heinz Sunday Chicken Dinner one is a good option) as it's softer and easier to digest, while still being nutritionally healthy.