Originally Posted by Serendipity7000
I don't think that's a good idea taking him on a long journey. And no I wouldn't force him to come out. If he's avoiding coming onto your hand, he might be in pain and avoiding things. Would he walk into a tube? Eg with a bit of smelly food at the far end to tempt him into? Then lift him out in the tube and onto your knee on a blanket (while you're on the sofa or something) and just stroke him on your knee and see how he is. I sometimes used to find they perk up when out of the cage and want to start exploring the sofa or eat something from your hand. It might give you an idea of if he is standing and walking ok.
Alternatively - just leave him as he is - if he's still doing some normal routine things like using his sand bath and peeing, then he can get up.
The main thing is he gets water as he won't survive without that. But if a hamster is dying they sometimes get to the point where they don't want food and water.
One of our syrians when dying, only left his nest to use his toilet - and did that right to the end, even though he no longer wanted food - but would take liquid from a teaspoon while in his nest.
First thing to do is move his food bowl and water as close as you can to his house and nest so he can get at them easily.
I tried with food and he finally came onto my hand. I put him on bed and also put some food, but he didn't eat, but at least he was running around. The same with the playground. He couldn't wait to get out.
I gave him new food into his food bowl and he went to check it out and was digging in the food to see what's in there but he didn't eat anything. I gave him salad again and he's eating that.
He has been eating that for about five minutes now, but I can see him eating that. I gave him a big piece. He has lost some weight though. He has lost 5grams compared to few weeks ago. He now weighs 68grams.
The good news is he was running around on the playground looking for a way to get out.
That's usual for his behaviour and his eyes were wide open. I am not sure if I'm overreacting and everything's fine or he's ill or there might be something with his teeth.
He has chew toys, pinecones and branches to chew on though. The thing is I don't know how to check his mouth. I don't even know how to open his mouth and truth be told I am scared of hurting him I don't think me checking his teeth would be such a good idea and now that he spends all of the time in his nest I don't think I'll see him yawning either.
Now it's certain, he can definitely run around, so I don't think he's actually dying?
Did you take your Syrians to a different place when they were dying? He can get up and move.
I'll keep you updated.
I just changed the sand as well, so it's smooth and I can see if he has been there.
If he ever dies I hope it'll be very quick and painless. I hope he's fine.