Originally Posted by cloudy
Is there an update on Bogie? I have been thinking of you both. I hope you are okay.
Not really. He's still alive. I'll meet the vet tomorrow. In the last two days he has been a regular hamster and running around and sleeping, but I have to feed him. He doesn't eat on his own (yet).
For whatever reason when the vets have been feeding him he has been very calm, but with me he's not and he keeps moving, but with the vets he's calm and seems to eat well.
A friend of mine said that the vets are probably more confident and Bogie can feel that.
But he has been active and has been running around and climbing out of his carrier and coming onto my hand by himself. A couple days ago he didn't. The vet said she has seen miracles and she said there's hope, so she did not recommend euthanasia.
The good news is that I've stopped crying and I've accepted that he might die soon.
We'll see tomorrow what the vet says.